FYI. Google and MIT RAISE have part­nered to cre­ate a free course for teach­ers and edu­ca­tors, one designed to show teach­ers how they can use gen­er­a­tive AI tools to save “time on every­day tasks, personaliz[e] instruc­tion to meet stu­dent needs, and enhanc[e] lessons and activ­i­ties in cre­ative ways.” Accord­ing to the course descrip­tion, in this two-hour self-paced course, teach­ers can learn how to use gen­er­a­tive AI tools to:

  • Cre­ate engag­ing les­son plans and mate­ri­als. For exam­ple with gen­er­a­tive AI, they can input their spe­cif­ic les­son plan and tai­lor it to stu­dent inter­ests like explain­ing sci­ence using sports analo­gies.
  • Tai­lor instruc­tion for dif­fer­ent abil­i­ties. Imag­ine a teacher who has 25 or 30 kids in their class­room. With gen­er­a­tive AI, that teacher can eas­i­ly mod­i­fy the same les­son for dif­fer­ent read­ing lev­els in their class.
  • Save time on every­day tasks like draft­ing emails and oth­er cor­re­spon­dence. For instance, if a stu­dent is out sick teach­ers can cre­ate sum­maries of that day’s lessons to help make sure the stu­dent doesn’t fall behind.

For those teach­ers who com­plete the course, they will “earn a cer­tifi­cate that they can present to their dis­trict for pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment (PD) cred­it, depend­ing on dis­trict and state require­ments.” Sign up for the course here.

Relat­ed Con­tent 

Gen­er­a­tive AI for Every­one: A Free Course from AI Pio­neer Andrew Ng

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