The Top Educational iPhone/iPad Apps

Since the release of the Apple’s App Store, numer­ous sources have com­ment­ed on the poten­tial of edu­ca­tion­al apps. While these apps can’t com­pete with the gen­er­al pop­u­lar­i­ty of gam­ing and leisure apps, there are a num­ber of edu­ca­tion­al apps that mobile learn­ers will find handy.

Top Free Apps

Open Cul­ture: Our iPhone app gives you free mobile access to our edu­ca­tion­al media col­lec­tions. Free audio books, uni­ver­si­ty cours­es, for­eign lan­guage lessons, sci­ence pod­casts and much more. Per Apple rules, you will need to use wifi to down­load files.

Amer­i­can Muse­um of Nat­ur­al His­to­ry: Cos­mic Dis­cov­er­ies: Take a ride with the Museum’s astro­physi­cists through our Solar Sys­tem, the Milky Way Galaxy, and beyond. Cos­mic Dis­cov­er­ies is the first app to col­lect near­ly a 1000 stun­ning astro­nom­ic images.

AskPhiloso­phers: AskPhiloso­phers puts real philoso­phers at the ser­vice of the gen­er­al pub­lic. Have a big, lofty ques­tion that only a pro­fes­sion­al philoso­pher can tack­le? They’ll answer it on the web. And now on the iPhone. Check out this free app.

Coun­cil on For­eign Rela­tions: The lat­est news analy­sis and com­men­tary from the Coun­cil on For­eign Rela­tions’ web­site now avail­able on the go for the iPhone and iPod touch. Pret­ty sim­ple, but handy. A good dic­tio­nary in your pock­et.

FORA.TV: FORA is an excel­lent resource for smart video, fea­tur­ing a steady stream of talks by today’s thought lead­ers. To access their videos, you can down­load their free app, or point your mobile brows­er to

Foto­pe­dia Her­itage (iPhoneiPad): The new Foto­pe­dia Her­itage app for the iPhone and iPad lets the world come to you. Draw­ing on 20,000 curat­ed pho­tos tak­en by thou­sands of pho­tog­ra­phers from the Foto­pe­dia com­mu­ni­ty, this FREE app lets you vis­it (at least vir­tu­al­ly) 890 UNESCO World Her­itage sites.

Kin­dle: This free app from Ama­zon lets you down­load books straight to your iPhone. The Kin­dle store con­tains many free clas­sics books, but one of the eas­i­est ways to access these books is to vis­it our col­lec­tion of Free eBooks.

Lou­vre Muse­um: From the most impor­tant muse­um in Paris. Accord­ing to Life­hack­er, this “amaz­ing­ly slick free app pro­vides a vir­tu­al tour of its gal­leries and lets users check out the works of every­one from DaVin­ci to Michelan­ge­lo. The app gets you up close and per­son­al with paint­ings, draw­ings, prints, sculp­tures, and even the French Crown Jew­els.”

Moon Globe: The free app puts the moon in your pock­et with 3D graph­ics and touch screen nav­i­ga­tion.

NASA: Dis­cov­er a wealth of free great space trav­el infor­ma­tion on this free app. The NASA App col­lects, cus­tomizes and deliv­ers an exten­sive selec­tion of dynam­i­cal­ly updat­ed infor­ma­tion, images and videos from var­i­ous online NASA sources in a con­ve­nient mobile pack­age.

Poet­ry from the Poet­ry Foun­da­tion: From William Shake­speare to César Valle­jo to Heather McHugh, the Poet­ry Foundation’s app turns your phone into a mobile poet­ry library:

Shake­speare: A nice app that puts the com­plete works of Shake­speare on your iPhone. As you’ll see, the app comes with some handy func­tion­al­i­ty: you can search the text by key­word and also increase/decrease the fonts. Plus the app auto­mat­i­cal­ly remem­bers the last page you read.

Stan­za: Anoth­er good app for down­load­ing free e‑books on the iPhone. Once you down­load the app, nav­i­gate to the “Online Cat­a­log” sec­tion and then focus on the “Project Guten­berg” mate­ri­als, which con­tains a long list of free clas­sics.

Street­Mu­se­um: This free iPhone app from the Muse­um of Lon­don over­lays 400 years of his­toric images on today’s city streets. Not avail­able for down­load in the US. Pity.

TED: TEDTalks need no intro­duc­tion. They’re per­haps the most pop­u­lar video lec­tures on the web, fea­tur­ing talks by “the world’s lead­ing thinkers and doers.” Now you can access these talks on your mobile phone too.

The Ili­ad and Odyssey by Homer: The ancient tra­di­tion and West­ern civ­i­liza­tion go straight back to these two great books. Get them fore free.

USA Pres­i­dents: A flash card app that teach­es you cool facts about the his­tor­i­cal line of Amer­i­can pres­i­dents.

Yours, Vin­cent The Let­ters of Vin­cent Van Gogh — Pro­vid­ed by the Van Gogh Muse­um in Ams­ter­dam, this appli­ca­tion uses the artist’s own let­ters to explore the life and times of the great painter. Includes videos and images of Van Gogh paint­ings.

Giv­en the iPhone’s capac­i­ty for audio and visu­al learn­ing, it’s no sur­prise that many of the most pop­u­lar edu­ca­tion apps focus on lan­guage learn­ing. Free Span­ish Tutor, the most down­loaded free app, comes from the 24/7 Tutor series, and it’s described as fol­lows:

24/7 Tutor pro­vides a set of the most com­mon and use­ful words and phras­es, orga­nized by top­ic and cat­e­go­ry. An audio record­ing by a native speak­er is avail­able for each ele­ment. These are all inte­grat­ed into a mul­ti-func­tion learn­ing sys­tem, with mea­sure­ment of progress tracked by quiz scores. A pri­or­i­ty-fil­ter mech­a­nism is pro­vid­ed that allows you to opti­mize your efforts by focus­ing on those items most need­ing addi­tion­al prac­tice.

Anoth­er high­ly pop­u­lar free lan­guage app is Japan­ese Phras­es FREE. Like 24/7 Tutor, it also offers a paid ver­sion with addi­tion­al con­tent and fea­tures. There are also free appli­ca­tions avail­able for French, Ital­ian, Ara­bic, Ger­man, Kore­an, and Russ­ian.

The sec­ond most pop­u­lar free edu­ca­tion app is Maps of the World, which allows users to browse 20 his­tor­i­cal maps. While this won’t be use­ful to some­one who needs direc­tions, it’s a fun diver­sion for stu­dents of his­to­ry and geog­ra­phy.

myHome­work is an inter­est­ing stu­dent pro­duc­tiv­i­ty app that allows stu­dents to keep track of their home­work, class­es, projects and tests while inter­act­ing with a visu­al­ly appeal­ing note­book-like design.

Oth­er pop­u­lar free apps cov­er the areas of SAT prep (Vocab Quiz SAT lite), spelling (Spel It Rite), and chem­istry (The Chem­i­cal Touch lite).

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We’re hop­ing to rely on our loy­al read­ers rather than errat­ic ads. To sup­port Open Cul­ture’s edu­ca­tion­al mis­sion, please con­sid­er mak­ing a dona­tion. We accept Pay­Pal, Ven­mo (@openculture), Patre­on and Cryp­to! Please find all options here. We thank you!

Comments (68)
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  • Edu­ca­tion apps don’t have to be pur­pose­ly “edu­ca­tion-based”. Take, for instance, Ever­Note. This app sure­ly would be an awe­some quick note tool for any stu­dent (or teacher). Has a desk­top and online ver­sion as well which makes for nice inte­gra­tion.

    As edu­ca­tors we need to use any tool that works in nice­ly with our work­flow.

  • John says:

    That’s a valid point Jason. Ever­Note is cer­tain­ly a great app. I main­ly focused on the Edu­ca­tion cat­e­go­ry for the sake of nar­row­ing down the pos­si­ble choic­es. It was tough enough pick­ing only a few to men­tion there, can’t imag­ine how tough it would be with the whole App Store to con­sid­er. Also, apps like Ever­Note seem to get plen­ty of cov­er­age else­where.

  • Rick says:

    I’ve found quite a few oth­er good edu­ca­tion­al apps brows­ing through

  • julie says:


    I am the mom of a 4 years old lit­tle girl and I have an iphone ! I found out that in the app­store there were not enough good edu­ca­tion­al games for kids to devel­opp their abil­i­ties and intel­li­gence . So I decid­ed to devel­op an appli­ca­tion which will help and also give some fun for kids to play, to learn and write their alpha­bet and words.

    This app “Write my name” is ded­i­cat­ed to all the par­ents who love to teach their child how to write their name or any words.
    “Write my name” can help teach your kids to spell !

    “Write my name” is an edu­ca­tion­al game which helps your chil­dren rec­og­nize the let­ters of their name and how to place them in order.

    This game is very sim­ple, you will like this easy app :
    — You or your child enter your child’s name (or anoth­er word).
    — Let­ters appear on the screen ran­dom­ly.
    — The kids have to place them in the cor­rect order.

    You can also play with any words.
    This game will also help your kid to rec­og­nize words, boost his visu­al mem­o­ry and con­sti­tute a pre-learn­ing to read­ing skill.

    Sum­mer is here ! Make sure the kids get ready for the next school year :
    “Write your name” helps tod­dlers, preschool­ers, and kinder­gar­dens learn some basic words :
    — Preschool­ers, and kinder­gart­ners will learn to write and play with their first-name.
    — Tod­dlers will learn and play with more dif­fi­cult words, depend­ing of their vocab­u­lary.

    This appli­ca­tion is also a good way to help your kid to become famil­iar with your iphone and it is a good fam­i­ly game.

    This is a great game for kids who get bored in the car, in the air­plane, at the restau­rant, or any­where.

    Kids between the ages 2 to 6 love to play with let­ters, words and their spellings.
    Fun and edu­ca­tion­al ! Learn while hav­ing fun, it’s easy!



  • Doug Neill says:

    Hey every­one,

    The iPhone and iPod touch have so much poten­tial in the edu­ca­tion­al realm!!!

    I’ve recent­ly cre­at­ed a num­ber of math-based edu­ca­tion­al apps that you might find inter­est­ing. Here’s a link to my web­site in case you’re inter­est­ed:

  • Dustin Kirk says:

    You should check out Stacks. It was just recent­ly added to the iTunes App Store and is an awe­some edu­ca­tion­al yet fun app.

    Essen­tial­ly it is pro­fes­sion­al­ly cre­at­ed flash cards that cov­er every­thing includ­ing math facts, geog­ra­phy, vocab­u­lary words, triv­ia, quotes, and even some fun ones too!

    Check it out:


  • iPhone Apps says:

    Audio books on the iPhone are excel­lent enter­tain­ment! The Toy Lounge — — makes ebook and audio book apps for the iPhone. Now authors can bypass pub­lish­er headaches and pub­lish their work direct­ly to the iPhone and get paid.

  • anusen says:

    We have devel­oped a hand­ful of appli­ca­tions for kids and main­ly focus­ing on edu­ca­tion cat­e­go­ry.

    Math Mag­ic: Kids can learn as well as have fun with math. They can prac­tice addi­tion, sub­trac­tion, mul­ti­pli­ca­tion and divi­sions. Ran­dom prob­lems will be shown to the kids and they need to choose the cor­rect answer

    Word Mag­ic: Kids need to choose the miss­ing let­ters for the pic­ture shown. Best suit­ed for kids from UKG till 2nd stan­dard.

    Math Series: Kids need to iden­ti­fy the miss­ing num­bers. The num­bers could either be in descend­ing or in ascend­ing orders

    Match Mag­ic: This appli­ca­tion is best suit­ed for younger kids < 6 years. They need to match the pictures/colors/count the num­bers by iden­ti­fy­ing and match­ing them

    Count Mag­ic: This appli­ca­tion is also suit­ed for kids < 6 years. This app helps to kids to learn count­ing. They need to catch the num­ber shown. As they keep count­ing, audio voice will help the kids in count­ing.

    Think BIG: This app is kids in 5 to 10 age group. A group of num­bers are shown. They need to pick up the largest or small­est num­ber.

    All of our games have rewards and stick­ers and scores built to moti­vate and encour­age the kids.

    Please check them out at and videos @

    Here are cou­ple of blogs on our apps

  • We just post­ed a top 10 list of our favorite learn­ing or edu­ca­tion­al apps. Check it out.

  • I wrote an iPhone game to help teach addi­tion that is sim­i­lar to a soli­taire bin­go. You can see a sam­ple sequence at or down­load on the App Store at

  • thinknao says:

    小填填 Xiao Tian Tian could be count­ed as one edu­ca­tion­al app.

    It’s rank­ing No.2 under edu­ca­tion sec­tion.

    Try it out.!

  • iSto­ry­Nar­ra­tor is a sto­ry telling app for Kids
    check iSto­ry­Nar­ra­tor in app­store .

  • lucyzhang says:

    There’s a great math game I played ever since I was young called 24. The goal of the game is to com­pute 24 using each of the 4 giv­en num­bers and basic arith­metic. I recent­ly cre­at­ed it for the iPhone. My friends all seem to enjoy it. And I think it would be great for kids.

    You can check it out at

    iTunes link:

  • Cute App says:

    A very cute app that my kids love to play is ABC Tutor.

    The car­toon char­ac­ter Con­nor has such a cute voice.

    Ide­al for pre-school chil­dren learn­ing their ABC’s.

  • If you are look­ing for a fun math app for your kids you might want to check out Match-Up Math.

    In iTunes:

    Using a fun tile-match­ing game (sim­i­lar to Mahjong soli­taire), Match-up Math is a great way to help kids hone their math skills. Col­or­ful back­grounds and chal­leng­ing puz­zles make it enter­tain­ing and easy to learn about Frac­tions & Dec­i­mals, Mul­ti­pli­ca­tion & Divi­sion, Addi­tion & Sub­trac­tion. Kids can choose to con­cen­trate on any of the areas of math pro­vid­ed, or work on all of them.

    Learn more at the My Turn Mobile web­site:

  • John Summers says:

    Mari­a’s Span­ish Class is eas­i­ly the best app for learn­ing that I have found. Here is the app store link:

    or go to

  • Jayne Clare says:

    For less than the cost of a Hap­py Meal.….This teacher devel­oped, read­ing readi­ness pro­gram is geared to chil­dren ages 2–6. ABC Shake­down Plus is bro­ken down into three games: Clas­sic, See It, Say It and Hear It, Hit It.

    Clas­sic intro­duces each let­ter of the alpha­bet using a slideshow for­mat with easy prompts to shake your way from A to Z.

    See It, Say It and Hear It, Hit It will help your child mas­ter the let­ters of the alpha­bet through mul­ti sen­so­ry, inter­ac­tive game play that incor­po­rates delight­ful ani­ma­tion. Each game builds upon the next, rein­forc­ing skills that will put your child on the road to read­ing.

    What sets this pro­gram apart from the oth­ers is that all the sounds are prop­er­ly enun­ci­at­ed and artic­u­lat­ed with the guid­ance of a speech and lan­guage pathol­o­gist. Imag­ine your child get­ting their first expe­ri­ence in read­ing readi­ness right from your iPhone!

    (Also per­fect for the reluc­tant, strug­gling, and chal­lenged read­er and proven suc­cess­ful with spe­cial needs chil­dren as well as ESL learn­ers.)

    Jayne Clare
    App Devel­op­er

  • Jayne Clare says:

    Sor­ry, My last sub­mis­sion was not about our free app. This is the write up for our free game.

    ABC Shake­down: A Read­ing Readi­ness Pro­gram for ages 2 – 6

    For less than the cost of a Hap­py Meal……

    You can get an edu­ca­tion­al app that is enter­tain­ing and tru­ly edu­ca­tion­al! ABC Shake­down is the first in a new series of edu­ca­tion­al apps brought to you by i‑Itch Inc. This intro­duc­tion game teach­es the sound-sym­bol cor­re­spon­dence of each let­ter of the alpha­bet in a 21st cen­tu­ry way. A dai­ly vis­it will have your child on the road to read­ing in no time.

    Let­ters are viewed in large for­mat with user-friend­ly prompts to shake your way from A to Z. Your child will be get­ting their first expe­ri­ence in read­ing readi­ness right from your iPhone!

    What real­ly sets this app apart from the oth­ers, is that it was cre­at­ed by two teach­ers and all the sounds are enun­ci­at­ed, artic­u­lat­ed and prop­er­ly spo­ken with guid­ance from a speech pathol­o­gist. Also per­fect for the reluc­tant, chal­lenged, or strug­gling read­er, and proven suc­cess­ful with the spe­cial needs pop­u­la­tion and ESL learn­ers.

  • Make sure to check out the Dr. Seuss iPhone apps devel­oped by Ocean­house Media. “The Cat in the Hat”, “Dr. Seuss’s ABC” and “How the Grinch Stole Christ­mas!” are all avail­able as eBooks!

  • Karen says:

    Ted Geisel wrote his Dr. Seuss books to help edu­cate ele­men­tary stu­dents. Check out his iPhone apps at:

  • michael says:

    Aco­co Inter­ac­tive has been releas­ing free and $.99 apps for a few months now: Math King­dom (sim­ple math with role play sto­ry and hand­writ­ing recog­ni­tion), Pen­ny Me (coin count­ing games), Play ‘n’ Say Vehi­cle (flash cards with speech recog­ni­tion). Check it out!

  • Philippe Fajeau says:


    I thought it would be a good idea to have an appli­ca­tion to help stu­dents keep track of their home­work and marks / grades. So I cre­at­ed an appli­ca­tion to that effect. It is called Agen­da+. I am hop­ing it will be help­ful to some peo­ple. The mark­ing is con­fig­urable to sup­port most of the sys­tems used around the world.

    Cheers, Philippe

  • To add more to the con­ver­sa­tion, I’ve inter­viewed two inter­est­ing devel­op­ers who have cre­at­ed very unique edu­ca­tion­al iPhone appli­ca­tions. For Zee­bu Mobile, they have cre­at­ed a “learn­ing the alpha­bet” appli­ca­tion for tod­dlers ( and Pock­et­Phon­ics applies syn­thet­ic phon­ics and an iPhone to help teach chil­dren how to write ( Both great lit­tle app.

  • Luke says:

    Yet anoth­er great app that helps users learn math facts using math flash cards:

  • oscaroxy says:

    good arti­cle, I want say you that exist a game that teach to chil­dren to use the iPhone: tap, move, drag and drop!

  • Anonymous says:

    good arti­cle, I want say you that exist a game that teach to chil­dren to use the iPhone: tap, move, drag and drop!

  • Suzie says:

    Wow! There is a lot out there. It is so ben­e­fi­cial for the kids. I found this app for col­or­ing and draw­ing. It kept/keeps my kids enter­tained for a long time!

  • Art says:

    This is a nice app too, chal­leng­ing excer­sis­es!

  • Stacey says:

    There are a num­ber of inter­est­ing edu­ca­tion­al games in the istore that are great for kids! One of my 4 year olds fav is num­ber sense! Check it out and you will know why-

  • Barbara says:

    I think ABC HD for the iPad and iPhone is a great edu­ca­tion­al app for kids. Here is the link:

  • Jane says:

    Baby explor­er for the ipad is a great app that will be loved by tod­dlers. Here’s the link:

  • Lyla says:

    Also, I found this real­ly great and fun app for learn­ing a new lan­guage by using pic­tures

  • Linda says:

    Anoth­er great edu­ca­tion­al app for the iphone and ipad is smar­tyshortz. Your ele­men­tary aged child reviews facts from six sub­jects with 24 lessons and games. It is very cute and keeps my kids engaged while learn­ing!

  • hervevi says:


    Con­cern­ing edu­ca­tion­al and educa­tive games, my kids love the col­lec­tion “learn­ing is fun” of iphone and ipad games.

    All games are there: and



  • Stephanie says:

    Id like to learn how to speak spanich

  • girlwithshoes says:

    learn­ing to speak spinach would be inter­est­ing and “healthy” .…but i have to say thank you to the “lin­da” for her sug­ges­tion of SMARTYSHORTZ…we just pur­chased it and my twins have not put it down…great prep for school next year after the sum­mer!!!!!

  • Scott Johnson says:

    A great app to improve read­ing skills is Quick­Read­er — either the Young Read­er edi­tion for upper ele­men­tary and mid­dle school, or the reg­u­lar ver­sion for old­er kids and adults.

  • Lunchbox says:

    Hi there. Great, very use­ful list. Thanks! If you’re on the look­out for edu­ca­tion­al iPhone and iPad apps, check­out We col­lect, cat­e­go­rize and rate apps specif­i­cal­ly for tod­dlers, preschool­ers and young chil­dren to save par­ents time and mon­ey!

  • Hel­lo,

    I’ve cre­at­ed an app for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad that will let you prac­tice Span­ish num­bers from 0 to 1,000,000.

    Please go to for details,
    includ­ing a video tuto­r­i­al.


  • Spinturn says:

    Are you keen to learn Man­darin? Do you have dif­fi­cul­ty in mem­o­riz­ing or writ­ing Chi­nese Char­ac­ters?
    EZ Man­darin is the iPhone/iPad appli­ca­tion to learn Chi­nese. You will find an easy way to under­stand Chi­nese, and learn how to write Chi­nese char­ac­ter in 5 min­utes.
    Find it at: itms://

  • Nicola says:

    Do check out Mea­sure­ment from Pun­flay-

  • casderr says:

    hi is any know if it works on androit smart­phones like evo o galaxs …thanks that be real­ly help full .

  • Have a look at one of the very best flash­card apps: Thanks to a great rep­e­ti­tion algo­rithm, learn­ing gets as easy as one, two, tree!

  • iHelpNYC says:

    Check out Chem Pro, the best way to learn chem­istry on your iPhone or iPod touch. Its like hav­ing a chem­istry tutor in your pock­et!

  • Sandeep Jain says:

    You may like to look at the app Plan­et Laws — Know Your Solar Sys­tem, at the fol­low­ing link:

    Unlike some oth­er apps that do spec­tac­u­lar visu­al effects or show you the posi­tions of the stars and plan­ets, this one focus­es on teach­ing you the con­cepts under­ly­ing the physics of the motion of the plan­ets around the Sun. It is a valu­able com­pan­ion for a high school or col­lege stu­dent of sci­ence or physics who has just start­ed learn­ing the physics of plan­e­tary motion. It is also a nice learn­ing tool for peo­ple of any age who are curi­ous about physics.

  • Sudhakar says:

    iPhone App for a First Grad­er

    Smart Kids: First Grade is a one-stop-app for a first grad­er to learn Maths, Eng­lish, Sci­ence and Social. It is devel­oped with the con­cept of pro­vid­ing high qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion. The app is designed in a kid-friend­ly man­ner with easy to nav­i­gate screens. Col­or­ful screens and engag­ing ques­tions keep the kids inter­est­ed.

    All U.S. states cur­ricu­lum is tak­en in to con­sid­er­a­tion.
    Main­tained high stan­dards and framed good qual­i­ty ques­tions in all sub­jects.
    Some ques­tions fol­low True or False pat­tern to explain the con­cepts.
    Expla­na­tions are pro­vid­ed for some hard ques­tions to guide the kid in learn­ing the con­cepts.
    Per­for­mance card is pro­vid­ed to keep track of each sub­ject score. It helps par­ents to eas­i­ly ana­lyze which sub­jects the kid excels and sub­jects that have scope to improve.
    Sub­jects cov­ered:

    ‑Additions(Easy num­ber addi­tions to Hard word prob­lems).
    ‑Subtractions(Easy num­ber sub­trac­tions to Hard word prob­lems).
    ‑Geometry(Identify shapes, Num­ber of sides and ver­tices from Tri­an­gle to Decagon).
    ‑Fractions(Different geom­e­try shapes in frac­tions to under­stand the con­cepts).
    ‑Time(Reading dif­fer­ent clocks, Hours and min­utes con­cepts).
    ‑General(Concepts Even num­bers, Odd num­bers and Num­ber pat­terns).

    ‑Grammar(Punctuations, Com­pound words, Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs and Adjec­tives).
    ‑Sentence(Fill in the blanks, Com­plete sen­tences).
    ‑Spelling(Identify the cor­rect spelled word).
    ‑General(Plurals, Antonyms, Syn­onyms).

    ‑Life sci­ence (Basic under­stand­ing of Plants and Ani­mals).
    ‑Earth Sci­ence (Mea­sur­ing con­cepts like Pounds, Fahren­heit, Miles and Gal­lons).
    ‑Phys­i­cal Science(Concepts for mate­r­i­al states like Solids, Liq­uids and Gas­es).

    ‑Geography(States, Cap­i­tals, State Nick­names, and Out­line Maps).
    ‑Civics (Basic func­tion­al­i­ty of Gov­ern­ment branch­es Leg­isla­tive, Judi­cial and Exec­u­tive).
    ‑History(American His­to­ry and His­toric Places).
    ‑General(Time Zones like EST, CST and PST).

    Prac­tic­ing more num­ber of times will give enough infor­ma­tion for a first grad­er.
    Some ques­tions may look above stan­dards for a first grad­er but we have tak­en dif­fer­ent U.S. states cur­ricu­lum into con­sid­er­a­tion while prepar­ing them


    Num­vaders is a series of time attack chal­lenges that involve basic arith­metic. Play­ers must go through each stage defeat­ing ene­mies by key­ing in the cor­rect sum, dif­fer­ence, prod­uct or quo­tient. The game allows one to brush up on math skills, as the objec­tive is to solve math ques­tions quick­ly, in cor­rect sequence. It gets more dif­fi­cult as the game pro­gress­es, in terms of quan­ti­ty of the ques­tions and the time pres­sure in which they must be answered.
    There are 10 worlds that must be unlocked to fin­ish the game. In every world, play­ers will encounter dif­fer­ent Alien Gen­er­als called the Numviens at the end of each stage, whom they must defeat to lev­el up. Boss chal­lenges get more dif­fi­cult as per each lev­el, as ques­tions must be answered imme­di­ate­ly before the Numvien attacks. Life bonus­es, pow­er-ups and shields are avail­able to aid play­ers in becom­ing a Math Gen­er­al.
    Num­vaders is also com­pat­i­ble with game net­work­ing, as it allows play­ers to mon­i­tor their per­for­mance through the leader board and the achieve­ment reports through Game Cen­ter or Open Feint. Apart from that, play­ers would also be able to amass good­ies in each Zeenoh game they play. The Z‑Goodies
    are col­lectible vir­tu­al goods that aim to boost game play; it helps enhance one’s abil­i­ty to achieve more goals and reach the high­est score. Upon com­plet­ing a game, a play­er will receive spe­cial items or addi­tion­al vir­tu­al cur­ren­cy. The items received are depen­dent to the score made in a par­tic­u­lar stage. Stages can be repeat­ed mul­ti­ple times, thus improv­ing score, giv­ing high­er chances of receiv­ing more Z- Good­ies.
    — 10 Chal­leng­ing Worlds — 10 Space Craft (Z‑Craft) — Learn math while you play with it! — Basic Math Oper­a­tions (MDAS). — Basic MDAS train­ing mas­tery. — Rec­om­mend­ed for all ages. — GAME CENTER (Leader­boards & Achieve­ments) — Open Feint (Leader­boards & Achieve­ments)
    — iPod Touch 4, iPhone 3G, 3Gs, 4 and iPad. — iOS 3.2 and above.

    Num­vaders can be down­loaded here:

  • Anonymous says:

    Thank you for shar­ing the Apps! Do not for­get about Free Pow­er­Vo­cab App for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod):
    Pow­er­Vo­cab is very help­ful in prepar­ing for GMAT, SAT, GRE. Use it as your per­son­al Eng­lish vocab builder. While prac­tic­ing, app auto­mat­i­cal­ly deter­mines your lan­guage lev­el, fig­ures out words that are dif­fi­cult for you and plan your learn­ing approach.

  • Marketing says:


    Thanks for the list. It looks great.
    We have just released a fun way in a game to learn 3 motion laws by Sir Isaac New­ton. Basi­cal­ly the game mis­sion is about sav­ing Sir Isaac New­ton from the falling apples, leaves and ene­mies. We must pro­tect New­ton to remain asleep dur­ing the game. Please check it out and it will be great if you could add our game to the list :)

    Thanks :)

  • SusanJ. says:

    I nice game for kids is ABC Land Ger­man. As the name says toodlers and kids can learn Ger­man through mov­ing let­ters. They hear the words after they spelled them cor­rect­ly.
    For ipad and iphone

  • Sami says:

    If you are inter­est­ed in an excel­lent Math­e­mat­i­cal Appli­ca­tion, then you need to take a look at “Math KIT +”. Math KIT + includes a math­book, unit con­vert­er, cur­ren­cy con­vert­er, copy­book, graph, cal­cu­la­tor, bina­ry oper­a­tion, base con­vert­er and glos­sary.

  • Piotr Kuchta says:

    Eng­lish Study Quiz is a fun way to improve your Eng­lish gram­mar:

  • Janical says:

    I’m inter­est­ed in art and his­to­ry, such edu­ca­tion­al apps sound good to me.

  • Learn Intro Stats says:

    A great iOS app for Intro Stats is “Sta­tis­tics 1″. It has Cliff Notes-like lessons, quizzes, flash­cards, cal­cu­la­tors, deci­sion-trees, glos­saries, and a bunch of oth­er tools for learn­ing basic sta­tis­tics. The app is cur­rent­ly fea­tured in Back to School sec­tion of the iTunes App Store (8/24/2011).‑1/id339661480?mt=8

  • Want to see a real­ly neat edu­ca­tion­al app that uses auto­mat­ic speech recog­ni­tion to give you instant feed­back on how well you say Eng­lish words and sen­tences? Speak­ing­Pal lets you talk into the phone in a fun dia­log with a video char­ac­ter and then scores your speak­ing per­for­mance! Check out Speak­ing­Pal in the app store.

  • Martin says:

    At least some blog­gers can write. Thank you for this blog

  • Hel­lo

    My name is Paul Hamil­ton and I have been a teacher for 15 Years and am cur­rent­ly an ICT Coor­di­na­tor at an Inde­pen­dent School in Queens­land, Aus­tralia. I’m pas­sion­ate about ICT’s and work­ing with 21st Cen­tu­ry Learn­ers.

    I have just cre­at­ed an app (For­ma­tive Feed­back for Learn­ing) that I am very excit­ed about that I believe will trans­form how stu­dents receive feed­back in a learn­ing con­text in schools. It is now avail­able on The APP store.

    Schools are using it in many con­texts, as it is an App that focus­es on learn­ing process not con­tent, there­fore can be used in all cur­ricu­lum areas.

    Here is the link if you would like to find out more.

    Thanks for your time – I real­ly appre­ci­ate it.

    Have a won­der­ful week.

    Paul Hamil­ton

  • Manoj says:

    ‘Math Mas­ter for kids’ is a very help­ful appli­ca­tions for stu­dents who wants to improve their math skills. It cov­ers almost all top­ics from grade 1 to grad 6. It has a FREE ver­sion too.
    It can be down­loaded at

  • Bill says:

    The best edu­ca­tion­al app I’ve come across for learn­ing mate­r­i­al is to use Qui­zlet to cre­ate learn­ing flash­cards and then to down­load them using the free app Flash­cardlet. Not only can I eas­i­ly set­up flash­cards for my stu­dents (using Qui­zlet), but they can also cre­ate their own or com­bine groups of cards using the free app Flash­cardlet.

  • Nino says:

    Please check out — MQuiz Add Sub­tract — for iPad / iPhone

    - bright and clean inter­face designed for kids prac­tis­ing Addi­tions and Sub­trac­tions.

    Thank you!

  • Alex says:

    For younger kids study­ing mul­ti­pli­ca­tion, I’d like to rec­om­mend Times Tables Mas­ter. The app uses gam­ing dynam­ics such as unlock­ing lev­els and earn­ing awards to keep kids prac­tic­ing longer and hav­ing fun learn­ing. $.99 from iTunes:

  • Erich says:

    My name is Erich (施瑞昇), and I’ve been study­ing Chi­nese in Tai­wan for the past 5 years. I recent­ly released Chi­nese UP, a FREE iPhone / iTouch game designed to help stu­dents review their Chi­nese char­ac­ters through a fun and chal­leng­ing puz­zle game­play. The app works with tra­di­tion­al as well as sim­pli­fied char­ac­ters.

    Please try it out at !

    If you like play­ing Chi­nese UP, please help me pro­mote the app by lik­ing it on Face­book:

    Have fun play­ing ;)

  • John says:

    Just tried this is a good iphone edu­ca­tion­al appli­ca­tion for kids

  • Peter Fisher says:

    This is a good appli­ca­tion for small kids my 3 year old son enjoys it a lot

  • sameerr allii says:

    Thanks for your great infor­ma­tion, the con­tents are qui­et interesting.I will be wait­ing for your next post.Pri­ma­ry School Tutors,.,.

  • Tops & Tails says:

    Check out brand new Tops & Tails — Mul­ti­play­er Words Domi­no Game — a unique, intu­itive and addic­tive word game avail­able on the App­Store. Write words that start with the last two let­ters of pre­vi­ous giv­en word.

    Down­load now for free:

  • kelvin says:

    Great post@Q

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.