The Uniqueness of Humans

Robert Sapol­sky  — one of the world’s lead­ing neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gists, a MacArthur Fel­low, Stan­ford pro­fes­sor, and author of Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers — breaks down an intrigu­ing ques­tion. Pre­cise­ly in what ways are we (humans) dif­fer­ent from oth­er ani­mals inhab­it­ing our world? The dif­fer­ences are few­er than we think. But there are some, and they’ll make you some­times uncom­fort­able, some­times a lit­tle more con­fi­dent in human­i­ty, and some­times moti­vat­ed to change the world, even in these cyn­i­cal times. The inspi­ra­tion hap­pens dur­ing the last minute. So stay with this engag­ing talk until the very last.

via TED’s Best of the Web

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Comments (4)
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  • Loved the lec­ture which was deliv­ered in such an amus­ing way. As you say, the punch­line is at the very end and is worth wait­ing for. What is impres­sive to me is that, due to the won­ders of new tech­nol­o­gy, I can join the grad­u­ates in that bas­ket­ball hall and attend the lec­ture, thanks for the seat and well done Pro­fes­sor Sopol­sky.

  • Anonymous says:

    The vari­a­tions are less than we think. But there are some, and they’ll make you some­times rough, some­times a lit­tle more in no doubt in human­i­ty and lit­tle dif­fer­ent every things. I hope ful­ly you can take it.

  • Alison Gang says:

    If this sub­ject inter­ests you, check out this series of videos from UC San Diego that explore the ori­gins of human­i­ty and the many facets of what makes us human — from love to art to lan­guage.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks for post­ing. Great lec­ture

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