A Big Bach Download: All of Bach’s Organ Works for Free


A quick fyi for Bach lovers: You can down­load for free the com­plete organ works of Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach. They were record­ed by Dr. James Kib­bie (Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan) on orig­i­nal baroque organs in Leipzig, Ger­many. Start with a col­lec­tion of Favorite Mas­ter­works, or get the com­plete works that have been divid­ed into 13 groups for easy down­load. Once you down­load these zip files, you will need to unzip them and import them into iTunes or a sim­i­lar appli­ca­tion. Thanks for @Pdarche (Peter Darche) for flag­ging this for us.

Fol­low Open Cul­ture on Face­book and Twit­ter and share intel­li­gent media with your friends. Or bet­ter yet, sign up for our dai­ly email and get a dai­ly dose of Open Cul­ture in your inbox. And if you want to make sure that our posts def­i­nite­ly appear in your Face­book news­feed, just fol­low these sim­ple steps.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

How a Bach Canon Works

A Young Glenn Gould Plays Bach

All of Bach Is Putting Videos of 1,080 Bach Per­for­mances Online:

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The Big Cheat

There’s high dra­ma in the class­room at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cen­tral Flori­da. Richard Quinn, a long­time busi­ness instruc­tor, gives 600 stu­dents their mid-term exam. Then comes the anony­mous tip that cheat­ing is ram­pant. Foren­sic analy­sis bears that out. Ulti­ma­tums are made. Moral lessons drawn. Soon the con­fes­sions – all 200 of them – fol­low. A rough day for all involved.

Post­script: We poked around a bit more and read the stu­dent news­pa­per at UCF. It’s pos­si­ble that the cheat­ing ring may be less devi­ous than it first appears, but it’s still not entire­ly clear.

via Kottke.org

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NPR Hip Hop

You nev­er saw this com­ing, right? A lit­tle hip hop for NPR lis­ten­ers. Adam Cole, a Stan­ford stu­dent, raps it out with Jen­na Sul­li­van. Get the lyrics for “Good Radi­a­tion” below the jump…

Neuroscience and Free Will

We have free will. We make our own deci­sions. We have long tak­en these basic assump­tions for grant­ed. But what does neu­ro­science make of this? In this excerpt from the BBC Hori­zon spe­cial, “The Secret You,” Mar­cus Du Sautoy (Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty) par­tic­i­pates in a brain imag­ing exper­i­ment con­duct­ed by John-Dylan Haynes, a neu­ro­sci­en­tist based in Berlin. And the results? Well, they force us to rethink things a bit. Good­bye Descartes. Good­bye mind before mat­ter. Good­bye to con­scious­ness and free will, as we tra­di­tion­al­ly like to think about them. And wel­come to the world of neu­rons, to brain activ­i­ty that makes your deci­sions before your con­scious self is even aware of them. To delve deep­er into all of this, you can watch Haynes give a 90 minute lec­ture here called “Uncon­scious deter­mi­nants of free deci­sions in the human brain.”

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Five Minutes with Richard Dawkins

You’ll get the schtick pret­ty quick­ly. The BBC’s Matthew Stadlen spends five quick min­utes with celebri­ties, thinkers and news­mak­ers. And, above, he gets down to busi­ness with Richard Dawkins, with the con­ver­sa­tion touch­ing on reli­gion, the after­life, spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, moral­i­ty, hap­pi­ness, and the whole point of life. Oth­er thinkers fea­tured in the series include Mar­tin Amis, AC GraylingAlain de Bot­tonBri­an CoxSir Ter­ry Pratch­ett and oth­ers.

via Metafil­ter

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45 Great Cultural Icons Revisited

It’s no secret. We love to high­light vin­tage video of cul­tur­al icons. This week­end, we showed you the last days of Leo Tol­stoy to com­mem­o­rate the cen­ten­ni­al of the great writer’s death, and you expressed your appre­ci­a­tion. And it led us to think: why not dig through our archive, and revive some of the great trea­sures pre­vi­ous­ly fea­tured on Open Cul­ture? And so here it goes: Below, you will find 45+ video & audio clips that record the words and actions of major fig­ures from a bygone era. Artists, archi­tects, film­mak­ers, actors, poets, nov­el­ists, com­posers, musi­cians, world-chang­ing lead­ers, and those not eas­i­ly cat­e­go­rized – they’re all here. So close, you can almost touch them. Enjoy the list, and if we’re miss­ing some good clips, don’t hes­i­tate to send them our way…


  1. Sal­vador Dali (and Oth­er VIPs) on “What’s My Line?”
  2. Arthur Conan Doyle Recounts the Back­sto­ry to Sher­lock Holmes
  3. Orson Welles’ Final Moments
  4. William S. Bur­roughs Shoots Shake­speare
  5. Borges: The Task of Art
  6. Jack Ker­ouac Meets William F. Buck­ley (1968)
  7. Ing­mar Bergman Vis­its Dick Cavett, 1971
  8. Picas­so Paint­ing on Glass
  9. Leonard Bern­stein Breaks Down Beethoven
  10. Record Mak­ing With Duke Elling­ton (1937)
  11. Bertrand Rus­sell on God
  12. Mark Twain Cap­tured on Film by Thomas Edi­son (1909)
  13. A Young Glenn Gould Plays Bach
  14. Rod Ser­ling: Where Do Ideas Come From?
  15. Richard Feyn­man: Fun to Imag­ine
  16. Rare Inter­view with Alfred Hitch­cock Now Online
  17. Miles and Coltrane on YouTube: The Jazz Greats
  18. Footage of Nietzsche’s Final Days (May be bogus)
  19. Samuel Beck­ett Speaks
  20. Jimi Hen­drix Plays Sgt. Pep­per’s Lone­ly Hearts Club Band
  21. Djan­go Rein­hardt at 100
  22. When Pavarot­ti Met James Brown, the God­fa­ther of Soul
  23. James Dean and Ronald Rea­gan Clash in New­ly Dis­cov­ered Video
  24. The Last Czar (1896)
  25. Leon Trot­sky: Love, Death and Exile in Mex­i­co
  26. Revis­it­ing JFK on YouTube
  27. Mahat­ma Gand­hi Talks (in First Record­ed Video)
  28. Mal­colm X at Oxford, 1964
  29. Helen Keller Cap­tured on Video
  30. Anne Frank: The Only Exist­ing Video Now Online
  31. Mike Wal­lace Inter­views 1950s Celebri­ties (Frank Lloyd Wright, Pearl Buck, Sal­vador Dali, Rein­hold Niebuhr, Aldous Hux­ley, Erich Fromm, etc.)


  1. Tchaikovsky’s Voice Cap­tured on an Edi­son Cylin­der (1890)
  2. Aldous Hux­ley Nar­rates Brave New World
  3. Tru­man Capote Reads from Break­fast at Tiffany’s
  4. Kurt Von­negut Reads from Slaugh­ter­house-Five
  5. William Faulkn­er Audio Archive Goes Online
  6. The John Lennon Inter­views
  7. Rare Record­ing of Walt Whit­man Read­ing
  8. Vir­ginia Woolf: Her Voice Recap­tured
  9. T.S. Eliot Reads The Waste Land
  10. Ernest Hem­ing­way Reads “In Harry’s Bar in Venice”
  11. F. Scott Fitzger­ald Reads Shake­speare
  12. James Joyce Read­ing from Finnegans Wake
  13. Rare Ezra Pound Record­ings Now Online
  14. William Car­los Williams Reads His Poet­ry (1954)
  15. Inter­views with Schoen­berg and Bartók

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The Very Last Days of Leo Tolstoy Captured on Video

103 years ago today (Novem­ber 20), Leo Tol­stoy, who gave us two major clas­sics in the Russ­ian tra­di­tion, Anna Karen­i­na and War & Peace, died at Astapo­vo, a small, remote train sta­tion in the heart of Rus­sia. Pneu­mo­nia was the offi­cial cause. His death came just weeks after Tol­stoy, then 82 years old, made a rather dra­mat­ic deci­sion. He left his wife, his com­fort­able estate and his wealth and trav­eled 26 hours to Shar­mardi­no, where Tolstoy’s sis­ter Marya lived, and where he planned to live the remain­der of his life in a small, rent­ed hut. (Elif Batu­man has more on this.) But then he pushed on, board­ing a train to the Cau­ca­sus. And it proved to be more than his already weak con­sti­tu­tion could bear. Rather amaz­ing­ly, the footage above brings you back to Tol­stoy’s very last days, and right to his deathbed itself. This clip comes from a 1969 BBC series Civil­i­sa­tion: A Per­son­al View by Ken­neth Clark, and these days you can still find copies of Clark’s accom­pa­ny­ing book kick­ing around online. A big thanks to Mike S. for flag­ging the video and the anniver­sary itself.

Note: You can find many of Tol­stoy’s major works in our Free Audio Books and Free eBooks col­lec­tions.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Rare Record­ing: Leo Tol­stoy Reads From His Last Major Work in Four Lan­guages, 1909

How Leo Tol­stoy Learned to Ride a Bike at 67, and Oth­er Tales of Life­long Learn­ing

The Com­plete Works of Leo Tol­stoy Online: New Archive Will Present 90 Vol­umes for Free (in Russ­ian)

How Leo Tol­stoy Learned to Ride a Bike at 67, and Oth­er Tales of Life­long Learn­ing

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London 360

Here’s an amaz­ing way to get the lay of the land in Lon­don. Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jef­frey Mar­tin has stitched togeth­er 7,886 high-res images, cre­at­ing an 80 gigapix­el (or 80 bil­lion pix­el) panoram­ic pho­to­graph of Eng­land’s great cap­i­tal. The pho­to is also inter­ac­tive, which means you can play aer­i­al tourist. When you enter the site, click on “Show Land­marks” (low­er left cor­ner), make a selec­tion, and then start fly­ing around the city.

These pho­tos were tak­en from a 36 floor build­ing, using a DSLR cam­era and a 400mm lens. And it now stands as the world’s largest 360 pho­to.

via newslite

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.