100 Years in 10 Minutes: A Quick Video History of the Past Century

When you write his­to­ry, you’re always con­front­ed with the ques­tion: what facts and events will make it into your his­tor­i­cal account, and which ones will be left out? When it comes to this viral video pro­duced by Dono­linio Stu­dio, what makes the cut? Europe. Amer­i­ca. Men. And a long list of down­ers: war, depra­va­tion, nat­ur­al dis­as­ter, a‑bombs, social cri­sis, finan­cial cri­sis, geno­cide and assas­si­na­tion, all set to a dra­mat­ic sound­track by Hans Zim­mer. What gets left out? Any­thing that seem­ing­ly makes life worth liv­ing and, with some minor excep­tions, human achieve­ment. And, yes, Africa and Latin Amer­i­ca too — except for the first World Cup tour­na­ment played in Uruguay. (Note: we’re pret­ty sure that Eng­lish isn’t the first lan­guage of the film­mak­ers. Hence the spelling errors in the cap­tions.)

Speak­ing of human achieve­ment and his­tor­i­cal omis­sions, we’d like to pay trib­ute to Mar­tin Luther King Jr. on his birth­day by high­light­ing two of MLK’s mem­o­rable speech­es — his soar­ing “I Have a Dream” speech pre­sent­ed in August 1963, and then fast for­ward to his pre­scient â€śI’ve Been to the Moun­tain­top” speech, deliv­ered just the day before he was assas­si­nat­ed in April 1968.

To dig deep­er into the past, don’t miss the his­to­ry cours­es (42 in total) in our col­lec­tion of 400 Free Cours­es Online.

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  • Greg Pancratz says:

    95% vio­lence, 4.5% nat­ur­al dis­as­ters, .3% sports achieve­ment, and .2% edi­fy­ing achieve­ment.

    Sor­ry to say this, but the next mass extinc­tion can­not come quick­ly enough.

  • Sarah says:

    Why so many spelling errors on titles in the video?

  • Dan Colman says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Giv­en that the title used the Ger­man word for “min­utes,” I am assum­ing that Eng­lish isn’t the first lan­guage of who­ev­er made the clip.


  • zuzanna says:

    This is a kick in the stom­ach. There must be more to the last 100 years than sheer aggres­sion and nat­ur­al dis­as­ter, bare­ly speck­led with sports medals and a fall­en wall…

  • Dawn says:

    Real­ly? Mon­i­ca Lewin­s­ki is the only woman they could think of to por­tray over the last hun­dred years? She’s such a great female rep­re­sesen­ta­tive and role mod­el. Could­n’t even find a place for Mar­garet Thatch­er? Or even Oprah? Mon­i­ca Lewinski…I am insult­ed.

  • AJ says:

    Excel­lent pre­sen­ta­tion. Thanks. In my mind, most of these events have epic impor­tance indi­vid­u­al­ly, from the Tsuna­mi to Okla­homa City, to each of the Wars. Only in the case of Rea­gan’s speech at Berlin did we see a great mis­sion accom­plished by an act oth­er than agres­sion. As a black man, I am struck by the omis­sions of King and Man­del­la or Chavez for that mat­ter. It would add a minute or so, per­haps, to the footage, but what would our world be like with­out the achieve­ments of each of them? As for a defin­ing event for King and Man­del­la: use the Mont­gomery Bus Boy­cott and Mr. Man­del­la’s release from 27 years of prison. Or just give us that pho­to of Mar­tin and Mal­colm togeth­er.

  • Caio Marchi says:

    Awful and pes­simist. There are more impor­tant and rel­e­vant things that should be point­ed, like com­put­er sci­ence and inter­net, robots, social media, music, spread­ing knoledge.
    ¬¬ By the way, is a well maked film.

  • Marissol says:

    these are facts, so we can’t deny, how­ev­er, we had many pos­i­tive achieve­ments, and i think it’s a shame to use only vio­lence and wars as the ref­er­ence for the cen­tu­ry…

  • Teresa says:

    What is the name of the music behind this pre­sen­ta­tion? It’s awe­some!

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.