5 Wonderfully Long Literary Sentences by Samuel Beckett, Virginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzgerald & Other Masters of the Run-On

Despite its occa­sion­al use in spo­ken mono­logue, the Very Long Lit­er­ary Sen­tence prop­er­ly exists in the mind (hence “stream-of-con­s­cious­­ness”), since the most wordy of lit­er­ary exha­la­tions would exhaust the lungs’ capac­i­ty. Mol­ly Bloom’s 36-page, two-sen­­tence run-on solil­o­quy at the close of Joyce’s Ulysses takes place entire­ly in her thoughts. Faulkner’s longest sentence—smack in the mid­dle of Absa­lom, … Con­tin­ue read­ing 5 Won­der­ful­ly Long Lit­er­ary Sen­tences by Samuel Beck­ett, Vir­ginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzger­ald & Oth­er Mas­ters of the Run-On