Image by TerÂence FairÂcloth, via Flickr ComÂmons
If you find yourÂself near State and WashÂingÂton streets in ChicaÂgo, look up and you’ll see a murÂal of bluesÂman MudÂdy Waters risÂing 10 stoÂries high. It was paintÂed, the ChicaÂgo TriÂbune tells us, by BrazilÂian street artist EduarÂdo Kobra and felÂlow painters. And it was offiÂcialÂly dedÂiÂcatÂed yesÂterÂday, at the beginÂning of the ChicaÂgo Blues FesÂtiÂval. Respect.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
MudÂdy Waters and Friends on the Blues and Gospel Train, 1964
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