100 Years of Cinema: New Documentary Series Explores the History of Cinema by Analyzing One Film Per Year, Starting in 1915

Film has played an inte­gral part in almost all of our cul­tur­al lives for decades and decades, but when did we invent it? “We have evi­dence of man exper­i­ment­ing with mov­ing images from a time when we still lived in caves,” says the nar­ra­tor of the video series One Hun­dred Years of Cin­e­ma. “Pic­tures of ani­mals … Con­tin­ue read­ing 100 Years of Cin­e­ma: New Doc­u­men­tary Series Explores the His­to­ry of Cin­e­ma by Ana­lyz­ing One Film Per Year, Start­ing in 1915