John Coltrane’s “Giant Steps” & Bach’s “Prelude in C Major” Get Turned into Dazzling Musical Animations by an Artist with Synesthesia

Colour is the key­board, the eyes are the har­monies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touch­ing one key or anoth­er, to cause vibra­tions in the soul. —Wass­i­ly Kandin­sky We may owe the his­to­ry of mod­ern art to the con­di­tion of synes­the­sia, which caus­es those who have … Con­tin­ue read­ing John Coltrane’s “Giant Steps” & Bach’s “Pre­lude in C Major” Get Turned into Daz­zling Musi­cal Ani­ma­tions by an Artist with Synes­the­sia