Explore Exquisite Kimono Designs from 19th-Century Japan

Japan’s 19th-cen­­tu­ry kimonos blur the lines between art and fash­ion. Mei­ji era cus­tomers could browse hina­­ga­­ta-bon, tra­di­tion­al­ly bound pat­tern books, on vis­its to drap­ers and fab­ric mer­chants. These col­or­ful vol­umes offered a glam­orous update of the Edo period’s black-and-white kimono pat­tern books. Aspir­ing design­ers also stud­ied hina­­ga­­ta-bon, as many of the designs fea­tured with­in were … Con­tin­ue read­ing Explore Exquis­ite Kimono Designs from 19th-Cen­tu­ry Japan