Saul Alinsky’s 13 Tried-and-True Rules for Creating Meaningful Social Change

Saul David Alin­sky died 36 years before the elec­tion of Barack Oba­ma and Hilary Clin­ton’s first attempt for the pres­i­den­cy. But many fever­ish screeds on social media, talk radio, and YouTube might have made one think he lurked behind these politi­cians like Rasputin. Spo­ken of by many on the right as a ser­vant of the dev­il, “Amer­i­can Joseph Goebbels,” and “dan­ger­ous har­bin­ger of insur­rec­tion,” Alin­sky devel­oped a rep­u­ta­tion for insid­i­ous­ness that may exceed his influ­ence, con­sid­er­able though it may be.

But lib­er­als and left­ists have no spe­cial pur­chase on Alinsky’s lega­cy. As one thought­ful, elo­quent pun­dit recent­ly wrote, “the Right has tak­en Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Rad­i­cals and shoved it up where #TheRe­sis­tance don’t shine.” Not long before this charm­ing appro­pri­a­tion, Alinsky’s 1971 man­u­al of polit­i­cal war­fare found its way into the hands of some of the same Tea Par­ty orga­niz­ers who had made his name syn­ony­mous with every­thing they despised about the left. (See Alin­sky court his Lucifer­ian com­par­isons in the 1966 inter­view above.)

But Alin­sky wrote Rules for Rad­i­cals for his demo­graph­ic. From the 30s to the 70s, he orga­nized poor, work­ing peo­ple in Chica­go and oth­er cities and addressed coun­ter­cul­tur­al and civ­il rights activists nation­wide. The open­ing para­graph of the book makes it per­fect­ly clear who his read­ers are:

What fol­lows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was writ­ten by Machi­avel­li for the Haves on how to hold pow­er. Rules for Rad­i­cals is writ­ten for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.

Alin­sky’s ref­er­ence to Machi­avel­li sets read­ers up for a high degree of ruth­less­ness and realpoli­tik, and the book does not dis­ap­point. If you’re look­ing for Anar­chist Cook­book-lev­el rad­i­cal­ism, you’d best look else­where. While Alin­sky talked tough, in an hon­est Chica­go way, he did not rec­om­mend vio­lence in his man­u­al. In the Pro­logue, he denounces “parts of the far left who have gone so far in the polit­i­cal cir­cle that they are now all but indis­tin­guish­able from the extreme right.” In recent rev­o­lu­tion­ary vio­lence, he writes, “we are deal­ing with peo­ple who are mere­ly hid­ing psy­chosis behind a polit­i­cal mask.”

Rules for Rad­i­cals rec­om­mends most­ly work­ing with­in the system—though in the twist­ed way Machi­avel­li is reput­ed to have done (whether or not he’s been inter­pret­ed fair­ly). Below, you’ll find Alinsky’s list of 13 “Rules for Rad­i­cals,” offered with his pro­vi­so that polit­i­cal activism can­not be a self-serv­ing enter­prise: “Peo­ple can­not be free unless they are will­ing to sac­ri­fice some of their inter­ests to guar­an­tee the free­dom of oth­ers. The price of democ­ra­cy is the ongo­ing pur­suit of the com­mon good by all of the peo­ple.”

1. “Pow­er is not only what you have, but what the ene­my thinks you have.” Pow­er is derived from 2 main sources – mon­ey and peo­ple. “Have-Nots” must build pow­er from flesh and blood.
2. “Nev­er go out­side the exper­tise of your peo­ple.” It results in con­fu­sion, fear and retreat. Feel­ing secure adds to the back­bone of any­one.
3. “When­ev­er pos­si­ble, go out­side the exper­tise of the ene­my.” Look for ways to increase inse­cu­ri­ty, anx­i­ety and uncer­tain­ty.
4. “Make the ene­my live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every let­ter gets a reply, send 30,000 let­ters. You can kill them with this because no one can pos­si­bly obey all of their own rules.
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irra­tional. It’s infu­ri­at­ing. It also works as a key pres­sure point to force the ene­my into con­ces­sions.
6. “A good tac­tic is one your peo­ple enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it with­out urg­ing and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even sug­gest bet­ter ones.
7. “A tac­tic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.
8. “Keep the pres­sure on. Nev­er let up.” Keep try­ing new things to keep the oppo­si­tion off bal­ance. As the oppo­si­tion mas­ters one approach, hit them from the flank with some­thing new.
9. “The threat is usu­al­ly more ter­ri­fy­ing than the thing itself.” Imag­i­na­tion and ego can dream up many more con­se­quences than any activist.
10. “The major premise for tac­tics is the devel­op­ment of oper­a­tions that will main­tain a con­stant pres­sure upon the oppo­si­tion.” It is this unceas­ing pres­sure that results in the reac­tions from the oppo­si­tion that are essen­tial for the suc­cess of the cam­paign.
11. “If you push a neg­a­tive hard enough, it will push through and become a pos­i­tive.” Vio­lence from the oth­er side can win the pub­lic to your side because the pub­lic sym­pa­thizes with the under­dog.
12. “The price of a suc­cess­ful attack is a con­struc­tive alter­na­tive.” Nev­er let the ene­my score points because you’re caught with­out a solu­tion to the prob­lem.
13. “Pick the tar­get, freeze it, per­son­al­ize it, and polar­ize it.” Cut off the sup­port net­work and iso­late the tar­get from sym­pa­thy. Go after peo­ple and not insti­tu­tions; peo­ple hurt faster than insti­tu­tions.

Alinsky’s rules can and have been used for anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic designs. But he defines the U.S. as a “soci­ety pred­i­cat­ed on vol­un­tarism.” His vision of democ­ra­cy leans heav­i­ly on that of keen out­side observ­er of ear­ly Amer­i­ca, Alex­is de Toc­queville, the French philoso­pher who “grave­ly warned,” writes Alin­sky, “that unless indi­vid­ual cit­i­zens were reg­u­lar­ly involved in the action of gov­ern­ing them­selves, self-gov­ern­ment would pass from the scene.”

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Salman Rushdie: Machiavelli’s Bad Rap

How Machi­avel­li Real­ly Thought We Should Use Pow­er: Two Ani­mat­ed Videos Pro­vide an Intro­duc­tion

‘The Right of the Peo­ple to Rule’: Lis­ten to Theodore Roo­sevelt Speak­ing 100 Years Ago Today

Josh Jones is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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  • Jonathan Collins says:

    Love­ly. The rant­i­ngs of an old Bol­she­vik com­mie. Let me know when you guys post some­thing inter­est­ing.

  • Alissa M Clough says:

    There are times when an old Bol­she­vik’s rant­i­ngs could have helped a lot, orga­niz­ing Anony­mous. This is inter­est­ing. Thank you.

  • Robin Smith says:

    Good to know that right wing, chris­tians have no inter­est in what oth­er peo­ple think, feel, believe & why. Lack of intel­li­gent, thought pro­vok­ing curios­i­ty is a hall­mark of the Amer­i­can, drumpf ador­ing, right wing chris­tians of today.

  • Jonathan Collins says:

    I don’t need to lis­ten to Alin­sky to know what a sh*t stir­rer he was! Com­mu­nism works! We just haven’t tried it the right way!

  • Bill W. says:

    Com­mu­nist, Amer­i­ca-hat­ing garbage. The Left has done far more to destroy this coun­try in the past 50 years than any ‘Right-wing Chris­t­ian’ ever will. Thank god Trump’s eras­ing Oba­ma and Bill Clin­ton’s failed lega­cies.

  • Mark Medellin says:

    I like how any dis­agree­ment with this author and book is always met with such pow­er­ful & well rea­soned argu­ments! Illu­mi­nat­ing argu­ments such as: Bol­she­vik + Demo­c­ra­t­ic = BAD! Chris­t­ian + Right Wing = GOOD! That real­ly helps every­one with a gen­uine inter­est in maybe read­ing this book under­stand the dif­fi­cul­ty of chal­leng­ing the sta­tus quo. You know, part of the beau­ty of liv­ing in a free coun­try like ours, is that you’re not required to read this book, and you can always just go back to the secu­ri­ty of cher­ry-pick­ing pas­sages from that reac­tionary Bronze-Age fic­tion­al book you guys seem to love for the hun­dredth time. Remem­ber? The one based on the oppressed car­pen­ter who act­ed like a free-love rad­i­cal?.

  • jo says:

    This is the Bible for Hillary and Bar­bar. So you see,
    it is allpied to take out TRUMP. A per­son. He’s been tar­get­ed, frozen and soon to be tak­en out. Do you think this will change A THING??

  • Barry Hirsh says:

    Why would you glo­ri­fy and extol the poi­so­nous tac­tics of a com­mu­nist?

  • Barry Hirsh says:

    “Bol­she­vik + Demo­c­ra­t­ic = BAD! Chris­t­ian + Right Wing = GOOD”

    The syn­op­sis is spot on, so why go fur­ther?

  • Barry Hirsh says:

    Oh we have an inter­est, alright, and when what oth­er peo­ple think under­mines our nation, our tra­di­tion­al way of life, our morals, our ethics and our lib­er­ty, you have no room to blame us for being angry about it.

  • Calamity jane says:

    Wow..barac and hillary have their plan all script­ed out for them and are hit­ting POTUS TRUMP with this garbage, but our POTUS is smarter than the aver­age bear. He too has read this and with God’s help our POTUS will over­come the evil that is haunt­ing him

  • Nick says:

    No, we are curi­ous, but we know what these Bol­she­vik Jews are about, they are Satan Wor­ship­ping Com­mu­nists, and their men­tal­i­ty has NO place in Amer­i­ca. Its Peo­ple like you who sym­pa­thize with these dirt bags that have brought Amer­i­ca to where we are today. Oh and Not all of us Right Wingers are Chris­tians, many of us fol­low our ORIGINAL Pagan reli­gions, not that kow­tow­ing Chris­tian­i­ty where we “Turn the Oth­er Cheek”.

  • Ken Neuroth says:

    This is a Play­book that George Soros fol­lows and the Democ­rats have adopt­ed this mantra. It’s quite sim­ple that Alin­sky did not love this coun­try. George Soros and Barack Oba­ma have tak­en the Demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty down to the depths of despair with what they’ve lost in gov­er­nor­ships and leg­isla­tive seats and also they’re pathet­ic dona­tions should tell them every­thing they need to know about the course that they are on. There is no Demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty of John F Kennedy and is now con­sid­ered a over­ly Con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­can.

  • Geri Ungurean says:

    In the for­ward by Alin­sky, he gives an over the shoul­der acknowl­edg­ment to Lucifer — the first known rebel.

    I’m sure that Alin­sky is well aquaint­ed with him by now, although Lucifer did receive a name change when he was cast to earth: SATAN.

  • Johnny Z says:

    This is how the Left (self­ish mal­con­tents) argues and Forces oth­ers to Change the way that the Left (self­ish mal­con­tents) wants.They always couch their attacks and recruit­ments in benev­o­lent sound­ing lan­guage and niceties while always seek­ing to Gain Pow­er to con­trol every­one else’s lives.

    When you can’t win an argu­ment hon­est­ly and open­ly, attack your oppo­nent per­son­al­ly and engage in every log­i­cal fal­la­cy pos­si­ble to sub­vert and under­mine every­thing about your oppo­nent per­son­al­ly. Don’t focus on objec­tive, demon­stra­tive facts, instead belit­tle those who use them in their argu­ment.

    A More accu­rate title of this book and approach would be ‘Ways for self­ish mal­con­tents to attack and sub­vert oth­ers to get what they want rather than by being hon­est, truth­ful and liv­ing in objec­tive real­i­ty with the rest of the world.’

  • Carey Clark says:

    Any­thing used for polit­i­cal gain based on lies, and the harm of oth­ers sim­ply because you dis­agree with the is evil, and its based on hatred, which is eas­i­ly seen by those need­less­ly attack­ing Chris­tians in these posts. It is not my fault Alin­sky defies the lie and lit­er­al­ly ded­i­cat­ed his book to what is uni­ver­sal­ly recog­nised as the embod­i­ment of evil. Those lack­ing cred­i­bil­i­ty and intel­li­gence have no course but to attack char­ac­ter.

  • Kay Lee King-Brown says:

    Say any­thing you want about our Pres­i­dent Trump, he can be offen­sive, and he can be rough, who cares, he fights for America.…as Pat­ton shout­ed, stand­ing over the bat­tle­fields as his tanks rolls by, “Fight on you mag­nif­i­cent bas­tards.”

    So, I shout out to our Pres­i­dent Trump, FIGHT ON YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD!

  • KM says:

    The arti­cle above was post­ed on Does this web­site have any­thing to do with the “Open Soci­ety” orga­ni­za­tion of George Soros???

  • KM says:

    So JOSH! Where did my posts go? The FACTS that I post­ed about Hillary and Oba­ma being advo­cates and prac­ti­tion­ers of Saul Alin­sky? Hmmm? Oh, you refuse to post them? Well well well, you are not just a sim­ple­mind­ed lib­tard after­all. YOU ARE A DELIBERATE LIAR, AND ALINSKY PRACTITIONER YOURSELF!!

  • DK54 says:

    Sun Tsu “Know your ene­my.” Nice to read their play­book. If more peo­ple were aware of it maybe they would­n’t be so gullible. I espe­cial­ly liked Rule #8 because we have seen it in recent use. BLM, Anti-fa, and now March of Our Lives, one con­tin­u­ous attack after anoth­er.

  • Lizabeth Garrett says:


  • Ron says:

    Now that every­one uses these rules soci­ety will go nowhere. Well done Saul, you taught every­one how to be a pouty loud mouthed child. What an igno­ra­mus.

  • Michele Horn says:

    right on tar­get. if you dont mind im gonna use your quote

  • H.William Penny says:

    Read­ing the com­ments above makes me sad. To know that I live in a coun­try where in 2018, peo­ple still feel that hate and big­otry is good, right and prop­er.

    Your rhetoric and hate mon­ger­ing is the same back and forth with peo­ple who orig­i­nal­ly fled to the Amer­i­c­as to be free of tyran­ny and oppres­sion. Only to get here an kill & plun­der. Com­mit the very atroc­i­ties they them­selves risks life and limb to get away from.

    Now in 2018, 450 years lat­er the col­o­niz­er men­tal­i­ty is alive and well.FACT: If you are not an Amer­i­can Indi­an then you are a prod­uct of an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.

    Their was no vet­ting, no screen­ing of any kind. The germs and dis­ease brought he by the colonists almost wiped out the pop­u­la­tion of the indegi­nous peo­ple. Fact: The med­i­cines cre­at­ed by the Amer­i­can Indi­ans saved there lives. The thanks was the sys­temic exter­mi­na­tion of the buf­fa­lo and in turn many of the tribes of the Indi­an nation.

    All this is based on the very idea that one group is bet­ter than the oth­er. That some­how if we dis­agree we should be silenced. That Don­ald Trump with save you. By his own actions if your hon­est.

    #45 only cares about peo­ple who praise him, if you dis­agree you are the enemy.If you feel you ate not being treat­ed fair­ly in this Soci­ety, you have the right to be upset. But to prac­tice hate, breeds more hate.This think­ing Leeds to one place.

    If you are a racist or har­bor racial bias towards some­one. Con­sid­er hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with the oth­er side you might find you have allot more in com­mon than the dif­fer­ences you have.

    When you feel like your rights are being tak­en away and some­how you ate being made to feel less than? Under­stand that is how Jews, Blacks, His­pan­ic and oth­er minori­ties feel every­day. And the ones who have assim­i­lat­ed in the frame­work of Amer­i­ca my only advice is to nev­er for­get your his­to­ry. Amer­i­ca was built on big­otry and racial inequality.But, that does­n’t mean that is where we have live?

    Final­ly. you all..even the pagan wor­ship, has the right to his/her own opin­ion. How­ev­er, you don’t have the right to your own FACTS!

    Peace and Bless­ings to you all

  • Al Karasek says:

    He may have been a “free love” car­pen­ter. But not in the sense you describe. Love in that sense meant dis­ci­pline to do the right thing
    Not law­less­ness ques­tion­ing all author­i­ty

  • Philip Huckin says:

    Bol­she­viks were not Chris­t­ian, they weren’t even athe­ist although that’s what they pre­tend­ed to be — they were respon­si­ble for the deaths of mil­lions of Chris­tians across the for­mer Sovi­et Union which the Euro­pean Union is slow­ly but sure­ly becom­ing today.

  • Mick Hugh says:

    As I wait to leave work and vote on this Tues­day, Novem­ber 6, 2018, I say “you are spot on, you mag­nif­i­cent bas­tard”. Trump 2020 MAGA

  • PaulG says:

    “peo­ple who orig­i­nal­ly fled to the Amer­i­c­as to be free of tyran­ny and oppres­sion. Only to get here an kill & plun­der. Com­mit the very atroc­i­ties they them­selves risks life and limb to get away from”

    SO, appar­ent­ly you don’t actu­al­ly read REAL his­to­ry, but delve deeply into the revi­sion­ist his­to­ry, akin to his­tor­i­cal ‘yel­low jour­nal­ism’ if not out­right fic­tion.

    “If you are not an Amer­i­can Indi­an then you are a prod­uct of an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.”
    Just one exam­ple val­i­dat­ing my pre­vi­ous asser­tion. Actu­al Amer­i­can his­to­ry is so much more com­plex and nuanced than THAT, includ­ing the fact that, by your stan­dards “native Amer­i­cans” who ALL came here by cross­ing over ice and land bridges from Russia/Siberia (val­i­dat­ed through DNA stud­ies), aren’t actu­al­ly “native” either. Oh, the hor­rors! A “Russ­ian” inva­sion. THEY cer­tain­ly did­n’t seek approval of laws or indige­nous peo­ples of that day. Shame on those “ille­gals” pos­ing as “native”.

    “When you feel like your rights are being tak­en away and some­how you ate being made to feel less than? Under­stand that is how Jews, Blacks, His­pan­ic and oth­er minori­ties feel every­day.”
    And we all STILL won­der why they con­tin­ue to vote in their mas­ters, their oppres­sors, their racist over­lords: the mem­bers of the demo­c­rat par­ty.

    “If you feel you ate not being treat­ed fair­ly in this Soci­ety, you have the right to be upset. But to prac­tice hate, breeds more hate.”
    And again, we won­der why any­one con­tin­ues to sup­port democ­rats, “the par­ty of hate” — the one that CONTINUALLY
    — pits one group against anoth­er: e.g. var­i­ous “minori­ties” — why would any­one call them that, except to make them feel small; mak­ing a point of turn­ing skin pig­ment into “race” (there is only ONE race, but dif­fer­ent cul­tures and eth­nic­i­ties) pit­ting “white” against “black” against…
    — seek to cre­ate false inequal­i­ties where there actu­al­ly are none (e.g. ‘gen­der wage gap’ myth)…
    — enact poli­cies to KEEP the dif­fer­ent “races” in their appro­pri­ate eco­nom­ic “plan­ta­tions”, with just enough “sub­sis­tence” to stay afloat, with DISINCENTIVES towards improv­ing their own lot, and INCENTIVES to stay where they are — all the time con­tin­u­ing to blame “the oth­ers” (like busi­ness­es, which actu­al­ly cre­ate jobs, or peo­ple who work, save, invest) for the plight of the “minor­i­ty” sit­u­a­tion.

    Ah well. I’m sure my words are wast­ed, since you’ve made up your mind based on a DIFFERENT SET OF FACTS, than the ones that actu­al­ly took place. Too bad. But it’s not too late to cast off the blind­ers and LEARN. Hope you will.

    Good luck!

  • Kathryn says:

    You are obvi­ous­ly hang­ing out in the wrong places. I am a con­ser­v­a­tive and a Chris­t­ian. I do care. I find that more left­ists are close-mind­ed to oth­er thought. I was a lib­er­al — in my 20s. I’m old­er now, and have reached what I term ‘com­mon sense’. I don’t call peo­ple names (ergo drumpf). I am con­stant­ly learn­ing. I do know that ‘free stuff’ isn’t real­ly free. There is always a cost. But I think your blan­ket state­ment that a whole group of peo­ple don’t have an inter­est in what oth­ers think, believe or feel is a lit­tle bit fun­ny, as you’re cat­e­go­riz­ing a whole group of peo­ple as being exact­ly what you are show­ing. Feel free to con­tact me and have a ratio­nal chat some­time, or not. Up to you.

  • Kathryn says:

    Please tell me that is satire. Every dic­ta­tor through­out his­to­ry says just what you did. It has nev­er worked. It has a lot to do with human nature, I think.

  • Tristan Chambers says:

    This guy reminds me of Steve Ban­non. Now I know where he prob­a­bly got his tac­tics from. The most uncan­ny part is that Ban­non has been quot­ed as say­ing many times “Bet­ter to reign in hell …” after Mil­ton’s depic­tion of Lucifer. Appar­ent­ly Alinky’s book “Rules For Rad­i­cals” was pop­u­lar among tea par­ty activists. I won­der if any of the rabid com­men­ta­tors on this page know these things. They can be gleaned from a few min­utes of googling if one is will­ing to actu­al­ly read and inform one­self.

    Both Alin­sky and Ban­non make me uncom­fort­able. The “out­side ene­my” approach seems unhealthy to me. The ends jus­ti­fy­ing the means, gives me the creeps. We must acknowl­edge though that Alin­sky is work­ing and think­ing in a time where trust and love were shat­tered by polit­i­cal assas­si­na­tions and ruth­less acts of sub­ver­sion and vio­lence by the CIA/FBI and US mil­i­tary against both for­eign­ers and even Amer­i­can cit­i­zens (COINTELPRO etc.). These were dark times eth­i­cal­ly and moral­ly that per­haps called for the sober “realpoli­tik” out­look we see in Alinksy’s opin­ions. Can our soci­ety move beyond to a more trust­ing a respect­ful dia­log? That depends on whether we are will­ing to aban­don our war­like pos­tures and instead start ask­ing “how are you neigh­bor?” If not, then you bet­ter read this book, whether you’re a left­ist or a right winger because you’re going to need it.

  • Gr. Vo. says:

    The Rant­i­ngs of an old fool who is fol­lowed by rag­ing left­ists today. Get with it.

  • Gr. Vo. says:

    Good to know that the left will do ANYTHING decep­tive and unruly to impose thi­er NWO ideals on every­one, and to agen­danize thi­er so called “enlight­ened” way. Screw the con­sti­tu­tion. And any­one who dares dis­agree with thi­er fan­tas­ti­cal, child like utopi­anism.
    These rad­i­cal left­ist boobs will get what they deserve.

  • Gr. Vo. says:

    Because Amer­i­can Indi­ans NEVER EVER slaugh­tered and killed each oth­er off of thi­er own war­ring fac­tion kind, before the evil white man arrived.

    By the way, brevi­ty is the soul of wit. REMEMBER COVINGTON!!!!!

  • mrd says:

    Secret Com­bi­na­tions — Scrip­tures have always warned of these tac­tics.

    An orga­ni­za­tion of peo­ple bound togeth­er by oaths to car­ry out the evil pur­pos­es of the group. The father of lies stir­reth up the chil­dren of men unto secret com­bi­na­tions, 2 Ne. 9:9. Satan put it into the hearts of the peo­ple to form secret oaths and covenants, Hel. 6:21–31. The Lord wor­keth not in secret com­bi­na­tions, Ether 8:19. Nations that uphold secret com­bi­na­tions shall be destroyed, Ether 8:22–23. They did reject all the words of the prophets, because of their secret soci­ety, Ether 11:22.

  • Barbara Sullivan says:

    If you want Com­mu­nism move to Cuba or North Korea. Get out of my Coun­try!

  • Frank Provasek says:

    Alin­sky was the father of “Com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ing” — which the idea of empow­er­ing peo­ple to help them­selves instead of seek­ing hand­outs or more gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tions — was seen as some­thing GOOD. (Alin­sky is the only Jew award­ed the Catholic Peace and Free­dom Award in com­mem­o­ra­tion of the 1963 encycli­cal let­ter Pacem in ter­ris (Peace on Earth) of Pope John XXIII. It is award­ed “to hon­or a per­son for their achieve­ments in peace and jus­tice, not only in their coun­try but in the world.”

    But then a black man that once worked as a com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­er ran for pres­i­dent..

  • Kathleen says:

    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” 
    I see you are using his disin­gen­u­ous tac­tic.
    You are in a down­ward spi­ral into hell. Your only hope is Jesus.

  • Lillian Hadden says:

    Yes Trump is doing a good job and you are so cor­rect

  • Kevin Poole says:

    Absolute­ly trash glad he is dead

  • J P Gaskill says:

    Just an inter­est­ing note.

    Hillary Rod­ham Clin­ton, while at Welles­ley, wrote a the­sis based on “Rules For Radi­als.” She learned it well. Oth­ers also have fol­lowed and are in lock­step.

  • Geri Ungurean says:

    COMPLETE AND TOTAL RUBBISH. OH, and so are the Left­ies who call them­selves Democ­rats, but are actu­al­ly Com­mies. One more thing, I don’t think that Saul under­stood that he could NOT orga­nize hell. The dev­il already did that, and Alin­sky burns for eter­ni­ty. Rather dif­fi­cult to orga­nize any­thing when you are con­sumed by flames.….…..

  • Anthony Mc crary says:

    Who would have thought that the bat­tle for the soul of Amer­i­ca ‚the rules of ingagement,would be writ­ten by an old dead com­mu­nist 50 years The rad­i­cal left it’s their bible and to the right,it’s intel.Our leader under­stands the left,having done busi­ness with them for many years.He knows the bribes that’s been paid and where the bod­ies are buried. He prob­a­bly has let the swamp know that if he goes down,they go with him.So this is just the­ater to fool the left­’s faithful.because we know who DJT is.He has come to drain the swamp.TRUMP 2020!!!

  • Mothershoe says:


  • Rob says:

    It does­n’t work because greed exists and lazi­ness, free­load­ing do too!
    It will nev­er work on this earth as long as evil too exists!

  • Betsy Luxenberg says:

    These are very rev­e­la­to­ry respons­es here.
    I did read a com­men­tary which point­ed out some­thing cru­cial about S.Alinsky’s book: the rules were under­stood by the author to be effec­tive local­ly, with­in iso­late cul­tures.
    I am rather astound­ed to see any­one would think these par­tic­u­lar, effec­tive rules could be applied nation­al­ly in a coun­try with such diver­si­ty. Hillary Clin­ton’s col­lege the­sis makes clear an impres­sion that the foun­da­tion­al meth­ods can be applied nation­al­ly, when it appears to me that she is far removed from hav­ing ade­quate­ly reflect­ed any of the 13 rules, par­tic­u­lar­ly far from liv­ing the life of self-sac­ri­fice S.Alinsky describes. I am a Lib­er­tar­i­an of the Mes­sian­ic­Jew­ish vari­ety, yet I kind of get it that one like Salin­sky, who clear­ly believed in no divine being nor evil one, would throw a blunt ded­i­ca­tion like that in the face of us believ­ers who aren’t com­ing across as being sharp.

  • Gsil Robo says:

    A WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING — DVD Since the 1960s, Saul Alin­sky’s words and famous work, “Rules for Rad­i­cals” have influ­enced polit­i­cal tac­tics and the­o­ries, espe­cial­ly on issues con­cern­ing social jus­tice. Behind his the­sis, how­ev­er, lurks a dead­ly agen­da that threat­ens the very core beliefs of Chris­tian­i­ty. The DVD shows how Alin­sky suc­cess­ful­ly pulled the wool over soci­ety’s eyes, The DVD helps to unrav­el the lies and decep­tion he spun. Pro­duc­ers are Richard & Stephen Payne, He did believe in Lucifer for two months before he died he said to a reporter, ” if there is an after­life, and I have any­thing to say about it, I will unre­served­ly choose hell.” Hillary Rod­man Clin­ton also had cor­re­spon­dence with Alinksy dat­ed July 8, 1971, and met with him in San Francisco,CA July 13 of same year. Some­thing to be dis­cerned.

  • Gsil Robo says:

    A WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING — DVD Since the 1960s, Saul Alin­sky’s words and famous work, “Rules for Rad­i­cals” have influ­enced polit­i­cal tac­tics and the­o­ries, espe­cial­ly on issues con­cern­ing social jus­tice. Behind his the­sis, how­ev­er, lurks a dead­ly agen­da that threat­ens the very core beliefs of Chris­tian­i­ty. The DVD shows how Alin­sky suc­cess­ful­ly pulled the wool over soci­ety’s eyes, The DVD helps to unrav­el the lies and decep­tion he spun. Pro­duc­ers are Richard & Stephen Payne, pro­duc­ers. He did believe in Lucifer for two months before he died he said to a reporter, ” if there is an after­life, and I have any­thing to say about it, I will unre­served­ly choose hell.” Hillary Rod­man Clin­ton also had cor­re­spon­dence with Alinksy dat­ed July 8, 1971, and met with him in San Francisco,CA July 13 of same year. Some­thing to be dis­cerned.

  • Mee Too says:

    I guess you think you are enti­tled you your own FACTS, how­ev­er. You are spread­ing revi­sion­ist his­to­ry by claim­ing the U.S. was found­ed on big­otry and such. That is the oppo­site of the truth. While slav­ery still exist­ed dur­ing our coun­try’s found­ing years, our Founders and Framers want­ed to cre­ate a great land where every per­son would be equal under the law and where slav­ery would be abol­ished soon. They had a dif­fi­cult time get­ting the states to accept inde­pen­dence from Eng­land and they knew if they abol­ished slav­ery imme­di­ate­ly, they would nev­er have had enough sup­port to break away. Many of the colonists did not want to leave Eng­land’s rule at the time. Most were apa­thet­ic about it. So, our Founders fig­ured we would address that issue after we got our inde­pen­dence. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it took much longer than many had hoped, but it did final­ly hap­pen only after tens of thou­sands of Amer­i­cans gave their lives to stop it.

  • truth says:

    Amen. Trump is Amer­i­ca’s last stand.

  • Bungholio says:

    What a shock! A joo attack­ing Amer­i­ca!

  • Keith Gregg says:

    It has failed every-way.

  • Deborah Cardinal says:

    I have enjoyed this ban­ter. I am so thank­ful that we are free
    to do so. The chaos in our coun­try is sure­ly based part­ly on Alin­sky teach­ings, and gen­er­al mis­trust of gov­ern­ment . The bom­bard­ment of social media is chaos in itself .
    Seek­ing teach­ings that reflect our beliefs and extends our intel­li­gences is a good start to enlight­en­ment. What­ev­er one believes. Sad­ly war­ring is our his­to­ry… of the world. Hope­ful­ly we can hold onto this beau­ti­ful FREEDOM!!!

  • JulianGiulio says:

    What Left? Whe has the left ever gained ascen­dan­cy apart from a bit in the noble works of for­mer Presinde Carter!
    you live in a very strange world. I can­not even fath­om a frag­ment from it!
    Even the Democ­rats are right for us in Europe and most oth­er con­tinets!

  • JJ Hall says:

    You talk about well rea­soned argu­ments and yet you call it a bronze age fic­tion­al book, which clear­ly indi­cates you haven’t researched that text at all. Even in your dis­dain, you belie your own argu­ment. If the oppressed car­pen­ter who act­ed like a free love rad­i­cal is a good thing, which you seem to indi­cate it is, then Chris­t­ian = good would be a cor­rect con­clu­sion. You may still have an unfa­vor­able view of the fic­tion­al book (a phrase that clear shows your lack of research) after you fin­ish your study of it, but at least give it the dig­ni­ty of your earnest time.

  • Mr. Gerth Brooks says:

    You bore me. blah blah blah, tripe

  • Mr. Gerth Brooks says:

    Very well stat­ed

  • Richard Case says:

    You mean to say that those who found­ed the Com­mu­nist ideas, did­n’t know how to insti­tute them, and that the over­all fail­ure isn’t Com­mu­nism, but the dum­mies, who have bought into the Com­mu­nist Man­i­festo. Just how do you intend to make what wont work, work?

  • Rosemary B says:

    the pro­pa­gan­da works well for you.
    That is the whole point for Alin­sky
    Foment and anger
    Trump is just a reg­u­lar per­son, not a politi­cian.
    Keep being stu­pid

  • MikeeMike says:

    #11 is the best. Keep won­der­ing why the left com­pares Jan­u­ary 6, peace­ful protest to Pearl Har­bor. #11 says vio­lence from the oth­er side can win the pub­lic to your side. Even though there was very lit­tle vio­lence and the one lady who was killed was killed because of the actions of Antifa Activist John Ear­le Sul­li­van, they blow it up like it was real­ly bad stay­ing true to Alin­ski’s com­mu­nist man­i­festo. They use tac­tic #10 to enforce it. Could not under­stand why the democ­rats let Port­land and Seat­tle and the rest burn till I read # 8! WoW! Any doubt now that the democ­rats are com­mu­nist?

  • Stephen nelso says:

    Can’t believe all of you aren’t in FB jail😂

  • Steve Garland says:

    If you believe that Trump read this (or any­thing, real­ly) you just haven’t been pay­ing atten­tion. He actu­al­ly tells us the truth about who he is, you just have to lis­ten. He does­n’t read, nev­er has.

  • Mary e shaffer says:

    Clin­ton and Oba­ma both stud­ied Saul Alin­skiy phi­los­o­phy snd the left has been using it for a long time . Why would t con­ser­v­a­tives wise up bring this stuff to the pub­lic’s atten­tion snd use it against the left . Con­ser­v­a­tives art doing noth­ing about the way Trump was treat­ed the way the elec­tion was stolen . The way politi­cians and judges changed vot­ing laws when only leg­is­la­tors should . The next elec­tion will have the same results . We are but try­ing to be the big­ger per­son we just don’t seem to have each oth­er’s back and tliok at the big pic­ture ! It’s dis­gust­ing and infu­ri­at­ing

  • Mary Shaffer says:

    So yiu don’t real­ly care about oth­ers opin­ions or beliefs , you don’t real­ly want to cross the isle , you make your choic­es based on how much your dis­like your fel­low Amer­i­cans instead on facts ! Bril­liant

  • Eric says:

    Most have nots go to heav­en not hell — Many who are last will be first. Dirty secret behind this guy is what a ‘have’ he tru­ly was. The rich­est guy in the hood is usu­al­ly the one propped up by the fiat mon­ey cre­at­ed by the force of free­dom. The Chris­t­ian always takes the blame for the crimes of those propped up (they fear the loss of their nation & their place). They must keep the Chris­t­ian from teach­ing in the pub­lic square because with the Chris­t­ian comes the truth. They do not believe what the Chris­t­ian has to say because they do not under­stand his words. He does what his father says. They do not know him or his father.

  • Ronda K says:

    This is a per­fect expla­na­tion!!

  • Mortimer Snerd says:

    You real­ly mean how to bring about mean­ing­ful chaos and destruc­tion. Because to fol­low the “rules” only results in that.

  • Raym says:

    Exact­ly! And when ful­ly erased — bless the lord, the earth will be 5000 years old, flat, het­ero-only, the cen­ter of the uni­verse and cre­at­ed to serve G‑D!

  • young says:

    Fact this coun­try was not cre­at­ed until 1776, please under­stand your coun­tries found­ing his­to­ry before you tear it down. This hap­pens to be the great­est freest coun­try in his­to­ry, how­ev­er if you do not believe this there are oth­er alter­na­tives, you can nego­ti­ate with a coun­try which suites your ide­ol­o­gy sign the offi­cial doc­u­ments to sur­ren­der Amer­i­can cit­i­zen­ship, and then begin your bet­ter life with your new greater coun­try.

  • C Lee says:

    Wow, did you ever read his book?

  • kevin says:

    Stal­in had a name for peo­ple he could count on to sup­port Com­mu­nism. He called them the “use­ful idiots”. Sad­ly, our coun­try is FULL of use­ful idiots today in the media, acad­e­mia, col­leges, uni­ver­si­ties and teach­ers in our grade schools. They’re idiots because they haven’t learned their his­to­ry and so they are des­tined to repeat it. Com­mu­nism oppress­es peo­ple and empow­ers tyrants. It makes sweet promis­es of a utopi­an world but it is wrapped in a lie and fed to the gullible.

  • Franz von Rabenau says:

    The cri­tiques here amaze me. Agi­ta­tors across the polit­i­cal spec­trum have con­sid­ered and used Alin­sky’s ideas.
    There is noth­ing here that mer­its out­rage. Think about how it works, edu­cate your­self and watch for it.
    The Tea Par­ty, Bannon,Trump… all use these techniques,too. It’s not just “com­mu­nists” and Soros.
    In oth­er words, stop falling for it, or at least, learn to rec­og­nize it, or you are just the same as the peo­ple who use these tech­niques.

  • Deb says:

    You are 190% cor­rect !!

  • Deb says:

    Ooops, I replied to the wrong post, my screen jumped, sor­ry. Frankly, I dis­agree w/ this one.

  • Deb says:

    That’s right and Saul start­ed the whole fake media idea of con­stant­ly repeat­ing what they want peo­ple to believe.… and it’s work­ing until today !
    P.S. The Repub­li­can par­ty was cre­at­ed for the pur­pose of fight­ing slav­ery, just a tid- bit for those who don’t know.

  • Deb says:

    CORRECT !! 🙌🏻

  • Deb says:

    Amer­i­ca was built on The Con­sti­tu­tion & when fol­lowed, it worked. Our ances­tors fought hard to sup­port it ! The likes of Saul, George, Hillary, Joe & Barack, with their fame (most­ly neg­a­tive) & mon­ey do not have the right to ignore or change it with their bla­tant lying, cheat­ing, pay­ing or threat­en­ing! Their will to break down this coun­try is appalling! Any­one who feels the need to be social­ized is wel­come to those coun­tries who sup­port it. We do not & must not let them con­tin­ue !! Peri­od ! ❤ 🇺🇸

  • Hal says:

    Anger, envy, self-hatred, just over­all mis­ery can be over­come. Life is dif­fi­cult. It doesn’t mean you have to destroy every­thing around you because things don’t go your way. That’s how we grow as humans. The path­way to enlight­en­ment isn’t by fol­low­ing the light; it’s through dark­ness. I know this from per­son­al expe­ri­ence and from the lit­er­a­ture of many great minds before me. Indoc­tri­na­tion is dan­ger­ous and preys on peo­ple who are vul­ner­a­ble. Instead of lend­ing a hand, these vipers take advan­tage of young impres­sion­able minds to grow their num­bers to destroy every­thing bet­ter peo­ple before them built. Life is a strug­gle. Peo­ple go through many phas­es. Destruc­tion is nev­er the answer and it def­i­nite­ly won’t make your life any bet­ter. It will get much worse. Life can be beau­ti­ful. Sur­round your­self with pos­i­tive peo­ple and you will be sur­prised at how good things start to hap­pen all around you. This Marx­ist mind virus is destroy­ing many young peo­ple. Luck­i­ly, they see through the farce and hypocrisy after a while and start liv­ing pro­duc­tive lives.

  • Greg Rickard says:

    I’m writ­ing this on the twen­ty-eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord AD 2024. I’ve read enough of the above let­ters to shake my head in frus­tra­tion and won­der at the igno­rance and stu­pid­i­ty they exhib­it. Any­one liv­ing in the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, Eng­land, Cana­da, and a host of oth­er coun­tries whose gov­ern­ments are exam­ples of rule by the people—at least they once were— is expe­ri­enc­ing what hap­pens when rad­i­cals have been allowed, over sev­er­al decades, to brain­wash our chil­dren’s minds with pro­pa­gan­dis­tic lies serv­ing to instill hatred into these young peo­ple. False his­to­ries are spewed from the “edu­ca­tors,” por­tray­ing the founders and lead­ers of these nations as racist and evil fools car­ing only about their own desires—namely pow­er and more rich­es.

    I need not go into the social woes that have sprung up or the incred­i­ble non­sense that many of the cit­i­zens of these coun­tries have some­how come to believe, for it would only bela­bor my point. If you are from one of these places and have even a ten­ta­tive grasp of real­i­ty, you under­stand what has hap­pened to your land—and why.

  • Greg Rickard says:

    I’m writ­ing this on the twen­ty-eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord AD 2024. I’ve read enough of the above let­ters to shake my head in frus­tra­tion and won­der at the igno­rance and stu­pid­i­ty they exhib­it. Any­one liv­ing in the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, Eng­land, Cana­da, and a host of oth­er coun­tries whose gov­ern­ments are exam­ples of rule by the people—at least they once were— is expe­ri­enc­ing what hap­pens when rad­i­cals have been allowed, over sev­er­al decades, to brain­wash our chil­dren’s minds with pro­pa­gan­dis­tic lies serv­ing to instill hatred into these young peo­ple. False his­to­ries are spewed from the “edu­ca­tors,” por­tray­ing the founders and lead­ers of these nations as racist and evil fools car­ing only about their own desires—namely pow­er and more rich­es.

    I need not go into the social woes that have sprung up or the incred­i­ble non­sense that many of the cit­i­zens of these coun­tries have some­how come to believe, for it would only bela­bor my point. We were warned by brave men and women. I pas­sion­ate­ly hope and pray it’s not too late.

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