Restored Footage of 1896 Snowball Fight Makes It Seem Like the Fun Happened Yesterday

Ear­ly cin­e­ma is full of leg­ends, but none as endur­ing as the leg­end of the Lumière Broth­ers’ Arrivée d’un train à la Cio­tat (Arrival of a Train at La Cio­tat). The fif­­teen-sec­ond reel of a loco­mo­tive so star­tled audi­ences, alleged­ly, they scram­bled from their seats. Ger­man film schol­ar Mar­tin Loiperdinger calls the anec­dote “cinema’s found­ing … Con­tin­ue read­ing Restored Footage of 1896 Snow­ball Fight Makes It Seem Like the Fun Hap­pened Yes­ter­day