Older Women Come Together & Play Punk Rock: Discover The Unglamorous Music Project

Punk is not only not dead, it’s get­ting a fresh burst of ener­gy, thanks to The Unglam­orous Music Pro­ject, a female col­lec­tive in Leices­ter. In accor­dance with punk tra­di­tion, musi­cal abil­i­ty is not a pri­ma­ry con­cern. Shock­ing­ly, life expe­ri­ence is. With five, six, and sev­en decades worth, Unglam­orous Music Project par­tic­i­pants have no illu­sions about … Con­tin­ue read­ing Old­er Women Come Togeth­er & Play Punk Rock: Dis­cov­er The Unglam­orous Music Project