Classic French Films Online (for the UK)

frenchfilmsA quick item for UK read­ers. (Did you know that we get more vis­i­tors from Lon­don than any oth­er city each day?) Start­ing Tues­day, will be fea­tur­ing clas­sic French films from the 1960s. Each day brings a new film, and the vir­tu­al film fes­ti­val includes Truf­faut’s Les qua­tre cents coups, Alain Resnais’ Hiroshi­ma, Mon Amour, Godard­’s Mas­culin fĂ©minin: 15 faits pré­cis and anoth­er Truf­faut film, Jules et Jim. Sev­en days, sev­en free films, all sub­ti­tled. Get the full sched­ule here. For those out­side the UK, you can find some con­so­la­tion in our col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online. It now fea­tures over 130 films direct­ed by Kuro­sawa, Hitch­cock, Capra, Cop­po­la, Scors­ese, Taran­ti­no, and oth­ers, plus 35 sites where you can watch free movies online. If we’re miss­ing any­thing good, please let us know.

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