Last modÂiÂfied: July 27, 2024
Open CulÂture, LLC (“Open CulÂture,” “we” or “us”) knows that you care how inforÂmaÂtion about you is used and shared. This PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy explains how Open CulÂture colÂlects and uses inforÂmaÂtion at its webÂsite locatÂed at and at othÂer webÂsites and mobile serÂvices proÂvidÂed by Open CulÂture (colÂlecÂtiveÂly the “NetÂwork WebÂsites”). This PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy also explains how you can conÂtrol the colÂlecÂtion, corÂrecÂtion and/or deleÂtion of cerÂtain types of inforÂmaÂtion that we colÂlect. We will not use or share your inforÂmaÂtion with anyÂone except as described in this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy. This PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy does not apply to inforÂmaÂtion we colÂlect by othÂer means (includÂing offline) or from othÂer sources. FurÂther, this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy does not apply to any webÂsites, webÂpages, blogs, appliÂcaÂtions, widÂgets or othÂer serÂvices operÂatÂed by any third parÂty, includÂing our affilÂiÂates, adverÂtisÂers, providers and partÂners.
1. InforÂmaÂtion We ColÂlect
A. PerÂsonÂalÂly IdenÂtiÂfiÂable InforÂmaÂtion
In genÂerÂal, Open CulÂture does not colÂlect perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, except as set forth below. For purÂposÂes of this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy, “perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion” is data intendÂed to be used to idenÂtiÂfy, conÂtact or locate a perÂson, includÂing, name, address, teleÂphone numÂber or e‑mail address and any othÂer inforÂmaÂtion (even if non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable) proÂvidÂed in comÂbiÂnaÂtion with such perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion.
You may proÂvide us inforÂmaÂtion about yourÂself, such as your name or e‑mail address, when you use or post conÂtent on or though the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, includÂing regÂisÂterÂing for the use of cerÂtain feaÂtures such as email RSS feeds. If you corÂreÂspond with us by email, we may retain the conÂtent of your email mesÂsages, your email address, and our responsÂes. We may also retain any mesÂsages or othÂer conÂtent you send through or post on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices.
CitÂiÂzens of any counÂtry that has proÂmulÂgatÂed a data localÂizaÂtion law may not utiÂlize the Open CulÂture SerÂvices in any way, includÂing viewÂing pages on the Open CulÂture webÂsite or subÂscribÂing to the Open CulÂture newsletÂter.
The adverÂtiseÂments we delivÂer may offer the abilÂiÂty to interÂact, includÂing playÂing a game or viewÂing a video. The ad may also give you the opporÂtuÂniÂty to proÂvide the adverÂtisÂer with inforÂmaÂtion about yourÂself. In some instances, if you choose to interÂact with an adverÂtiseÂment or proÂvide an adverÂtisÂer with inforÂmaÂtion about yourÂself, Open CulÂture may colÂlect inforÂmaÂtion on behalf of the adverÂtisÂer. In that case, the advertiser’s priÂvaÂcy polÂiÂcy would apply to the data colÂlectÂed and we will abide by the instrucÂtions givÂen to us by the adverÂtisÂer in our hanÂdling of the data. Open CulÂture will not assoÂciate any inforÂmaÂtion (non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable or perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable) we colÂlect for an adverÂtisÂer with any othÂer inforÂmaÂtion we may have colÂlectÂed about you through the Open CulÂture SerÂvices.
B. Non-PerÂsonÂalÂly IdenÂtiÂfiÂable InforÂmaÂtion
When you visÂit the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, Open CulÂture or third parÂties such as adverÂtisÂers, third-parÂty adverÂtisÂing netÂworks, and third-parÂty adverÂtisÂing servÂing comÂpaÂnies may colÂlect non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion. For purÂposÂes of this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy, “non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion” is data that is not perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable. Open CulÂture and these third parÂties may impleÂment cerÂtain techÂnoloÂgies to enable the colÂlecÂtion of such inforÂmaÂtion. An explaÂnaÂtion of these techÂnoloÂgies is below.
CookÂies InforÂmaÂtion: When you visÂit the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, we may send one or more cookies—a small text file conÂtainÂing a string of alphanuÂmerÂic characters—to your comÂputÂer that uniqueÂly idenÂtiÂfies your browsÂer and lets Open CulÂture help you log in faster and enhance your navÂiÂgaÂtion through the site. A cookÂie may also conÂvey inforÂmaÂtion about how you browse the Open CulÂture SerÂvices. Open CulÂture uses sesÂsion, perÂsisÂtent, flash and browsÂer cookÂies. The use of cookÂies on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices is anonyÂmous and does not allow us to gathÂer perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion about you. A perÂsisÂtent cookÂie remains on your hard driÂve after you close your browsÂer. PerÂsisÂtent cookÂies may be used by your browsÂer on subÂseÂquent visÂits to the site. PerÂsisÂtent cookÂies can be removed by folÂlowÂing your web browser’s direcÂtions. A sesÂsion cookÂie is temÂpoÂrary and disÂapÂpears after you close your browsÂer. You can set your web browsÂer to refuse all cookÂies or to indiÂcate when a cookÂie is being sent. HowÂevÂer, some feaÂtures of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices may not funcÂtion propÂerÂly if the abilÂiÂty to accept cookÂies is disÂabled.
Device IdenÂtiÂfiers: When you access the Open CulÂture SerÂvices by or through a mobile device, we may access, colÂlect, monÂiÂtor and/or remoteÂly store one or more “device idenÂtiÂfiers.” Device idenÂtiÂfiers are small data files or simÂiÂlar data strucÂtures stored on or assoÂciÂatÂed with your mobile device that uniqueÂly idenÂtiÂfy your mobile device and are used by Open CulÂture to enhance your use of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices. A device idenÂtiÂfiÂer may be data stored in conÂnecÂtion with the device hardÂware, data stored in conÂnecÂtion with the device’s operÂatÂing sysÂtem or othÂer softÂware, or data sent to the device by Open CulÂture. A device idenÂtiÂfiÂer may conÂvey inforÂmaÂtion to us about how you browse the Open CulÂture SerÂvices. A device idenÂtiÂfiÂer does not colÂlect or share any perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion about you. HowÂevÂer, a device idenÂtiÂfiÂer may be used in conÂjuncÂtion with othÂer inforÂmaÂtion in a manÂner that may conÂstiÂtute perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion. A device idenÂtiÂfiÂer may remain perÂsisÂtentÂly on your device, to help you log in faster and enhance your navÂiÂgaÂtion through the Open CulÂture SerÂvices. Some feaÂtures of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices may not funcÂtion propÂerÂly if use or availÂabilÂiÂty of device idenÂtiÂfiers are impaired or disÂabled.
Web BeaÂconÂs/Click-Stream Data: A web beaÂcon is an elecÂtronÂic file that sigÂnals when a webÂpage, adverÂtiseÂment, video, othÂer conÂtent, an email, or a newsletÂter has been viewed. We may use web beaÂcons in our emails and newsletÂters, or on our webÂsites and serÂvices. Open CulÂture may use web beaÂcons in conÂjuncÂtion with cookÂies to colÂlect click-stream data that helps us betÂter underÂstand how visÂiÂtors move from page to page withÂin our webÂsites. As with cookÂies, our use of web beaÂcons is anonyÂmous and does not allow us to gathÂer perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion about you.
PasÂsive BrowsÂer InforÂmaÂtion: Open CulÂture colÂlects pasÂsive browsÂer inforÂmaÂtion though its web servers. We use the pasÂsive browsÂer inforÂmaÂtion to help us underÂstand how many visÂiÂtors come to our webÂsites and where they come from, and ultiÂmateÂly to help us make deciÂsions about how to orgaÂnize the webÂsites and delivÂer adverÂtisÂing.
Log File InforÂmaÂtion: Log file inforÂmaÂtion is autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly reportÂed by your browsÂer each time you access a web page. When you use the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, our servers autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly record cerÂtain log file inforÂmaÂtion. These servÂer logs may include inforÂmaÂtion such as your web request, InterÂnet ProÂtoÂcol (“IP”) address, browsÂer type, referÂring / exit pages and URLs, numÂber of clicks, domain names, landÂing pages, pages viewed, data about how you interÂact with links on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, and othÂer such inforÂmaÂtion. We may disÂplay your IP address to the ownÂers or mainÂtainÂers of cerÂtain blogs, groups or comÂmuÂniÂties if you post to those blogs, groups or comÂmuÂniÂties and the ownÂer or mainÂtainÂer has enabled funcÂtionÂalÂiÂty for this purÂpose.
Scripts: A script is a short segÂment of comÂputÂer code includÂed in a web page or othÂer conÂtent that can be used to set and access a cookÂie on your computer’s hard driÂve and to record your activÂiÂty on a webÂsite. Open CulÂture may use scripts on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, on third-parÂty webÂsites, or in our emails and newsletÂters.
C. Third ParÂty AdverÂtiseÂments
If an adverÂtisÂer asks Open CulÂture to show an adverÂtiseÂment to a cerÂtain audiÂence and you respond to that adverÂtiseÂment, the adverÂtisÂer or ad servÂer may conÂclude that you fit the descripÂtion of the audiÂence they are tryÂing to reach. In addiÂtion, third-parÂty adverÂtisÂers may use non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion about your visÂits to the Open CulÂture SerÂvices in order to proÂvide adverÂtiseÂments about goods and serÂvices that they believe may be of interÂest to you. If you would like more inforÂmaÂtion about this pracÂtice and to know your choicÂes about not havÂing this inforÂmaÂtion used by these comÂpaÂnies, please see the list proÂvidÂed immeÂdiÂateÂly below. This PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy does not apply to, and we canÂnot conÂtrol the activÂiÂties of, third-parÂty adverÂtisÂers. Please conÂsult the respecÂtive priÂvaÂcy poliÂcies of such adverÂtisÂers for more inforÂmaÂtion.
- Google AnaÂlytÂics: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
- Google Adsense: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
- AmaÂzon AffilÂiÂate ProÂgram: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
- FeedÂburnÂer: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
- ComÂmisÂsion JuncÂtion AffilÂiÂate ProÂgram: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
- SharÂeaSale: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
- LinkShare/Rakuten: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
- Impact Radius: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
- PubÂlift: PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
2. How We Use Your InforÂmaÂtion
A. PerÂsonÂalÂly IdenÂtiÂfiÂable InforÂmaÂtion
We use the perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion that we colÂlect to operÂate, mainÂtain, and proÂvide to you the feaÂtures and funcÂtionÂalÂiÂty of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices.
By proÂvidÂing Open CulÂture with your email address, you conÂsent to our use of the email address to send you notices relatÂed to the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, includÂing any notices required by law, in lieu of comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion by postal mail. We may also conÂtact you via email with transÂacÂtionÂal or relaÂtionÂship mesÂsages, such as notiÂfiÂcaÂtions of changes to the terms of serÂvices proÂvidÂed. By proÂvidÂing your email address, you agree that we may send you notiÂfiÂcaÂtions of activÂiÂty on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices to that email address, in accorÂdance with any applicÂaÂble priÂvaÂcy setÂtings. We may use your email address to send you othÂer mesÂsages, such as inforÂmaÂtion about changes to feaÂtures of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices. If you do not want to receive such email mesÂsages, you may opt out or change your prefÂerÂences by sendÂing an email to OptÂing out may preÂvent you from receivÂing email mesÂsages regardÂing updates, improveÂments, or offers. You may not opt out of serÂvice-relatÂed emails or transÂacÂtionÂal or relaÂtionÂship email mesÂsages.
Open CulÂture may use your perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion and user conÂtent interÂnalÂly for purÂposÂes such as operÂatÂing or improvÂing its webÂsites, deterÂminÂing which users have access privÂiÂleges to cerÂtain conÂtent, serÂvices or resources that we offer, diagÂnosÂing serÂvice or techÂniÂcal probÂlems, mainÂtainÂing secuÂriÂty, doing someÂthing that you have asked us to do, telling you about Open CulÂture prodÂucts, serÂvices and marÂketÂing events that we think may be of interÂest, anaÂlyzÂing how the Open CulÂture SerÂvices are used, and perÂsonÂalÂizÂing conÂtent.
B. Non-PerÂsonÂalÂly IdenÂtiÂfiÂable InforÂmaÂtion
We may use non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion, includÂing cookÂies, device idenÂtiÂfiers, locaÂtion data, web beaÂconÂs/click-stream data, pasÂsive browsÂer inforÂmaÂtion, demonÂstraÂtion data, log file inforÂmaÂtion, and scripts to: (a) rememÂber inforÂmaÂtion so that you will not have to re-enter it durÂing your visÂit or the next time you visÂit the site; (b) proÂvide cusÂtom, perÂsonÂalÂized conÂtent and inforÂmaÂtion; © monÂiÂtor the effecÂtiveÂness of our serÂvices; (d) monÂiÂtor aggreÂgate metÂrics such as total numÂber of visÂiÂtors, trafÂfic, and demoÂgraphÂic patÂterns; (e) diagÂnose or fix techÂnolÂoÂgy probÂlems reportÂed by our users or engiÂneers that are assoÂciÂatÂed with cerÂtain IP addressÂes; (f) help you effiÂcientÂly access your inforÂmaÂtion after you sign in; (g) monÂiÂtor and preÂvent fraud and abuse; (h) idenÂtiÂfy you as an account holdÂer; (i) require you to re-enter your passÂword after a cerÂtain periÂod of time has elapsed to preÂvent othÂers from accessÂing your account conÂtents; (j) keep track of prefÂerÂences you specÂiÂfy while you are using Open CulÂture SerÂvices; (k) conÂduct research to improve Open CulÂture SerÂvices; (l) monÂiÂtor adverÂtisÂing-relatÂed metÂrics, in order to proÂvide you with more helpÂful and relÂeÂvant adverÂtisÂing; (m) adminÂisÂter our busiÂness (e.g., to calÂcuÂlate payÂments due to our netÂwork webÂsites); and (n) track user conÂtent and users to the extent necÂesÂsary to comÂply as a serÂvice provider with the DigÂiÂtal MilÂlenÂniÂum CopyÂright Act.
Third-parÂty adverÂtisÂing netÂworks and adverÂtisÂers may also use non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion to assist them in delivÂerÂing adverÂtisÂing that may be relÂeÂvant to your interÂests.
3. How We Share Your InforÂmaÂtion
A. PerÂsonÂalÂly IdenÂtiÂfiÂable InforÂmaÂtion
Open CulÂture will not rent or sell your perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion to othÂers. Open CulÂture only shares perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion with othÂer comÂpaÂnies or indiÂvidÂuÂals outÂside of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices as folÂlows: (1) if Open CulÂture has your conÂsent to the sharÂing of perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion; (2) to proÂvide Open Culture’s serÂvices to you; (3) to respond to subÂpoeÂnas, court orders or legal process, to assist govÂernÂment enforceÂment agenÂcies, to estabÂlish or exerÂcise our legal rights, or to defend against legal claims; (4) if we believe it is necÂesÂsary in order to invesÂtiÂgate, preÂvent, or take action regardÂing third-parÂty claims or alleÂgaÂtions, illeÂgal activÂiÂties, susÂpectÂed fraud, sitÂuÂaÂtions involvÂing potenÂtial threats to the safeÂty or propÂerÂty of anothÂer perÂson, vioÂlaÂtion of our Terms and ConÂdiÂtions of SerÂvice; or (7) as othÂerÂwise required by law. Open CulÂture may also store perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion and user conÂtent in locaÂtions outÂside the direct conÂtrol of Open CulÂture (for instance, on servers or dataÂbasÂes co-locatÂed with hostÂing providers).
Any perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion or conÂtent that you volÂunÂtarÂiÂly disÂclose for postÂing to the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, such as mesÂsages, comÂments or othÂer user conÂtent, becomes availÂable to the pubÂlic.
B. Non-PerÂsonÂalÂly IdenÂtiÂfiÂable InforÂmaÂtion
In the event that we use a third parÂty to proÂvide serÂvices or to supÂport aspects of our busiÂness on our behalf, Open CulÂture may share non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion with the third parÂty to be used by them only for the purÂpose of proÂvidÂing their serÂvices to Open CulÂture.
We may share non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion (such as anonyÂmous usage data, referring/exit pages and URLs, platÂform types, numÂber of clicks, etc.) with third parÂties to help them underÂstand the usage patÂterns for cerÂtain Open CulÂture SerÂvices, and as part of the funcÂtion of our busiÂness.
C. TransÂfer of Data
In the event that Open CulÂture sells, transÂfers or othÂerÂwise relinÂquishÂes all or part of our assets, busiÂness offerÂings, or serÂvices, includÂing any of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, inforÂmaÂtion that you have shared with Open CulÂture or that Open CulÂture has colÂlectÂed, includÂing both perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion and non-perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion, may be one of the busiÂness assets that will be transÂferred. We may also transÂfer or assign such inforÂmaÂtion in the course of corÂpoÂrate divestiÂtures, mergÂers, or disÂsoÂluÂtion. The transÂferred inforÂmaÂtion will remain subÂject to the terms of this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy or those of subÂseÂquent poliÂcies to which you have conÂsentÂed. If Open CulÂture is involved in a mergÂer, acquiÂsiÂtion, or sale of all or a porÂtion of its assets, you will be notiÂfied via a promiÂnent notice on our webÂsite of any change in ownÂerÂship or uses of your perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion, as well as any choicÂes you may have regardÂing your perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion.
4. ConÂtent Removal
Open CulÂture reserves the right, but has no obligÂaÂtion, to monÂiÂtor the user conÂtent you post on any of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices. We reserve the right to remove any such inforÂmaÂtion or mateÂrÂiÂal for any reaÂson or no reaÂson, includÂing withÂout limÂiÂtaÂtion if in our sole opinÂion such inforÂmaÂtion or mateÂrÂiÂal vioÂlates, or may vioÂlate, any law or our Terms and ConÂdiÂtions of SerÂvice, or to proÂtect or defend our rights or propÂerÂty or those of any third parÂty. Open CulÂture also reserves the right to remove inforÂmaÂtion upon the request of any third parÂty.
5. Data RetenÂtion
Open CulÂture may retain and conÂtinÂue to use indefÂiÂniteÂly all inforÂmaÂtion (includÂing user conÂtent) postÂed to the Open CulÂture SerÂvices.
Open CulÂture retains the speÂcifÂic anonyÂmous data colÂlectÂed and tied to your computer’s unique ID as described in this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy for a periÂod of up to twelve months. Such data may be aggreÂgatÂed and used for anaÂlytÂiÂcal purÂposÂes indefÂiÂniteÂly.
6. How We ProÂtect Your InforÂmaÂtion
Open CulÂture cares about the integriÂty and secuÂriÂty of your perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion. We canÂnot, howÂevÂer, ensure or warÂrant the secuÂriÂty of any inforÂmaÂtion you transÂmit to Open CulÂture or guarÂanÂtee that your inforÂmaÂtion on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices may not be accessed, disÂclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physÂiÂcal, techÂniÂcal, or manÂageÂrÂiÂal safeÂguards. The transÂmitÂtal of inforÂmaÂtion from you to us is done at your own risk.
7. ComÂproÂmise of PerÂsonÂal InforÂmaÂtion
In the event that perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion is comÂproÂmised as a result of a breach of secuÂriÂty, Open CulÂture will promptÂly notiÂfy those perÂsons whose perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion has been comÂproÂmised, in accorÂdance with the notiÂfiÂcaÂtion proÂceÂdures set forth in this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy, or as othÂerÂwise required by law.
8. Your ChoicÂes About Your InforÂmaÂtion
You may, of course, decline to subÂmit perÂsonÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfiÂable inforÂmaÂtion through the SerÂvice, in which case Open CulÂture may not be able to proÂvide cerÂtain serÂvices to you.
You can limÂit tarÂgetÂed adverÂtisÂing by conÂfigÂurÂing your browser’s setÂtings or changÂing the manÂageÂment panÂel of the Adobe Flash PlayÂer to limÂit your accepÂtance of or delete cookÂies. Because the manÂageÂment of cookÂies in varÂiÂous browsers difÂfers, you should conÂsult the docÂuÂmenÂtaÂtion for your browsÂer in order to manÂage your cookÂies. In order to limÂit the accepÂtance of or disÂable “flash” cookÂies, you must access the manÂageÂment panÂel of the Adobe Flash PlayÂer installed on your comÂputÂer. To learn more about the manÂageÂment panÂel of the Adobe Flash PlayÂer and the manÂageÂment of “flash” cookÂies, please access the folÂlowÂing link: You can also opt-out of receivÂing cookÂies from third-parÂty data providers by folÂlowÂing the instrucÂtions at: You can opt-out of receivÂing cookÂies from TarÂgusÂinÂfo, a speÂcifÂic third-parÂty data provider, by folÂlowÂing the instrucÂtions at: Also, because your choicÂes are not assoÂciÂatÂed with you as a parÂticÂuÂlar indiÂvidÂual, if you change comÂputÂers, web browsers or cookÂie setÂtings, you will need to re-impleÂment your prefÂerÂences as described above. Note that if you limÂit or disÂable cookÂies, this does not mean that you will not see ads on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices. Instead, ads will be disÂplayed that are based on pasÂsive browsÂer inforÂmaÂtion or othÂer inforÂmaÂtion that that may be proÂvidÂed by the Open CulÂture SerÂvices at the time of your visÂit.
9. Children’s PriÂvaÂcy
ProÂtectÂing the priÂvaÂcy of young chilÂdren is espeÂcialÂly imporÂtant. Open CulÂture and its relatÂed webÂsites are not strucÂtured to attract chilÂdren under 13 years of age. Open CulÂture proÂhibits the use of our webÂsites or serÂvices by anyÂone under 13 years of age. Open CulÂture does not knowÂingÂly colÂlect or solicÂit perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion from anyÂone under the age of 13 or knowÂingÂly allow such perÂsons to regÂisÂter for any of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices. If you are under 13, please do not access the Open CulÂture SerÂvices or send any inforÂmaÂtion about yourÂself to us, includÂing your name, address, teleÂphone numÂber, or email address. In the event that we learn that we have colÂlectÂed perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion from a child under age 13 withÂout verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion of parental conÂsent, we will delete that inforÂmaÂtion as quickÂly as posÂsiÂble. If you believe that we might have any inforÂmaÂtion from or about a child under 13, please conÂtact us at
10. Links to OthÂer WebÂsites
We are not responÂsiÂble for the pracÂtices employed by webÂsites linked to or from the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, nor the inforÂmaÂtion or conÂtent conÂtained thereÂin. Please rememÂber that when you use a link to go from withÂin the Open CulÂture SerÂvices to an outÂside webÂsite, our PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy is no longer in effect. Your browsÂing and interÂacÂtion on any othÂer webÂsite, includÂing those that have a link on the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, is subÂject to that website’s own rules and poliÂcies. Please read over those rules and poliÂcies before proÂceedÂing.
11. NotiÂfiÂcaÂtion ProÂceÂdures
It is our polÂiÂcy to proÂvide notiÂfiÂcaÂtions, whether such notiÂfiÂcaÂtions are required by law or are for marÂketÂing or othÂer busiÂness relatÂed purÂposÂes, to you via email notice, writÂten or hard copy notice, or through conÂspicÂuÂous postÂing of such notice on the applicÂaÂble Open CulÂture webÂsite or serÂvice, as deterÂmined by Open CulÂture in its sole disÂcreÂtion. We reserve the right to deterÂmine the form and means of proÂvidÂing notiÂfiÂcaÂtions to you, proÂvidÂed that you may opt out of cerÂtain means of notiÂfiÂcaÂtion as described in this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy.
12. GovÂernÂing Law
This PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy is govÂerned by the laws of the State of CalÂiÂforÂnia and the UnitÂed States of AmerÂiÂca.
13. Changes to this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy
Open CulÂture may modÂiÂfy or update this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy at its sole disÂcreÂtion from time to time, and so you should review this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy periÂodÂiÂcalÂly. When we change the polÂiÂcy in a mateÂrÂiÂal way, we will notiÂfy you by means of a notice on our webÂsite priÂor to the change becomÂing effecÂtive. Changes to this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy are effecÂtive when they are postÂed on this page. Your conÂtinÂued access to the Open CulÂture SerÂvices after the PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy has been modÂiÂfied and postÂed will sigÂniÂfy your accepÂtance of such modÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions.
If you have any quesÂtions about this PriÂvaÂcy PolÂiÂcy, the pracÂtices of the Open CulÂture SerÂvices, or your dealÂings with Open CulÂture, please conÂtact us at
14. CalÂiÂforÂnia ConÂsumer PriÂvaÂcy Act (“CCPA”)
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