Back in 2021, Google released a series of cerÂtifiÂcate proÂgrams, includÂing one focused on Project ManÂageÂment. Designed to give stuÂdents “an immerÂsive underÂstandÂing of the pracÂtices and skills needÂed to sucÂceed in an entry-levÂel project manÂageÂment role,” the cerÂtifiÂcate proÂgram feaÂtures six coursÂes overÂall, includÂing:
- FounÂdaÂtions of Project ManÂageÂment
- Project IniÂtiÂaÂtion: StartÂing a SucÂcessÂful Project
- Project PlanÂning: Putting It All TogethÂer
- Project ExeÂcuÂtion: RunÂning the Project
- Agile Project ManÂageÂment
- CapÂstone: ApplyÂing Project ManÂageÂment in the Real World
More than 1.7 milÂlion peoÂple have since enrolled in the course sequence. And Google has now updatÂed the coursÂes with 6 new videos on how to use AI in project manÂageÂment. The videos will teach stuÂdents how to boost project manÂageÂment skills with AI, idenÂtiÂfy potenÂtial project risks with gen AI, use AI to improve project comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions, and more.
The Project ManÂageÂment proÂgram takes about six months to comÂplete (assumÂing you put in 10 hours per week), and it should cost about $300 in total. FolÂlowÂing a 7‑day free triÂal, stuÂdents will be charged $49 per month until they comÂplete the proÂgram.
All Google career coursÂes are hostÂed on the CoursÂera platÂform. FinalÂly, it’s worth menÂtionÂing that anyÂone who enrolls in this cerÂtifiÂcate before NovemÂber 30, 2024 will get access to Google AI EssenÂtials at no cost.
Note: Open CulÂture has a partÂnerÂship with CoursÂera. If readÂers enroll in cerÂtain CoursÂera coursÂes and proÂgrams, it helps supÂport Open CulÂture.