SevÂerÂal years ago, Google launched a series of Career CerÂtifiÂcates that will “preÂpare learnÂers for an entry-levÂel role in under six months.” Their first cerÂtifiÂcates focused on Project ManÂageÂment, Data AnaÂlytÂics, User ExpeÂriÂence (UX) Design, IT SupÂport and IT AutomaÂtion. And they have since released a cerÂtifiÂcate dedÂiÂcatÂed to DigÂiÂtal MarÂketÂing & E‑Commerce, which incorÂpoÂrates trainÂing on leverÂagÂing AI to enhance marÂketÂing strateÂgies and e‑commerce operÂaÂtions.
Offered on the CoursÂera platÂform, the DigÂiÂtal MarÂketÂing & E‑Commerce ProÂfesÂsionÂal CerÂtifiÂcate conÂsists of sevÂen coursÂes, all colÂlecÂtiveÂly designed to help stuÂdents “develÂop digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing and e‑commerce strateÂgies; attract and engage cusÂtomers through digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing chanÂnels like search and email; meaÂsure marÂketÂing anaÂlytÂics and share insights; build e‑commerce stores, anaÂlyze e‑commerce perÂforÂmance, and build cusÂtomer loyÂalÂty.” The coursÂes include:
- FounÂdaÂtions of DigÂiÂtal MarÂketÂing and E‑commerce
- Attract and Engage CusÂtomers with DigÂiÂtal MarÂketÂing
- From Likes to Leads: InterÂact with CusÂtomers Online
- Think OutÂside the Inbox: Email MarÂketÂing
- Assess for SucÂcess: MarÂketÂing AnaÂlytÂics and MeaÂsureÂment
- Make the Sale: Build, Launch, and ManÂage E‑commerce Stores
- SatÂisÂfacÂtion GuarÂanÂteed: DevelÂop CusÂtomer LoyÂalÂty Online
In total, this proÂgram “includes over 190 hours of instrucÂtion and pracÂtice-based assessÂments, which simÂuÂlate real-world digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing and e‑commerce sceÂnarÂios that are critÂiÂcal for sucÂcess in the workÂplace.” Along the way, stuÂdents will learn how to use tools and platÂforms like CanÂva, ConÂstant ConÂtact, Google Ads, Google AnaÂlytÂics, HootÂsuite, HubÂSpot, Mailchimp, ShopiÂfy, and TwitÂter. The coursÂes also focus on some timeÂly AI topics–like how to kickÂstart marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy ideas with AI, or use AI to help you underÂstand your audiÂence.
You can start a 7‑day free triÂal and explore the coursÂes. If you conÂtinÂue beyond that, Google/Coursera will charge $49 USD per month. That transÂlates to about $300 after 6 months.
Explore the DigÂiÂtal MarÂketÂing & E‑Commerce ProÂfesÂsionÂal CerÂtifiÂcate.
Note: Open CulÂture has a partÂnerÂship with CoursÂera. If readÂers enroll in cerÂtain CoursÂera coursÂes and proÂgrams, it helps supÂport Open CulÂture.