Learn to Become a Supply Chain Data Analyst with Unilever’s New Certificate Program

Sup­ply chains—we nev­er thought too much about them. That is, until the pan­dem­ic, when sup­ply chains expe­ri­enced severe dis­rup­tions world­wide, leav­ing us wait­ing for prod­ucts for weeks, if not months. That’s when we start­ed appre­ci­at­ing the impor­tance of sup­ply chains and their resilience.

Com­pa­nies like Unilever rely on sup­ply chains to man­u­fac­ture their goods (e.g., Dove, Lip­ton, and Ben & Jer­ry’s) and then move them around the globe. For Unilever, it’s essen­tial that their sup­ply chains remain effi­cient and strong. Work­ing in part­ner­ship with Cours­era, the com­pa­ny has cre­at­ed a new Sup­ply Chain Data Ana­lyst Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­tifi­cate to help entry-lev­el pro­fes­sion­als learn more about using data to man­age effec­tive sup­ply chains. Designed to be com­plet­ed in rough­ly four months, the cer­tifi­cate con­sists of four cours­es: 1) Sup­ply Chain Man­age­ment and Ana­lyt­ics, 2) Using Data Ana­lyt­ics in Sup­ply Chain, 3) Imple­ment­ing Sup­ply Chain Ana­lyt­ics, and 4) Sup­ply Chain Soft­ware Tools.

As stu­dents move through the pro­gram, they will learn how to “achieve cost sav­ings, reduce lead times, enhance cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion, and adapt to chang­ing mar­ket con­di­tions through data-dri­ven insights and ana­lyt­i­cal approach­es.” They will also learn key skills like demand fore­cast­ing and how to mon­i­tor sup­ply chains for secu­ri­ty risks.

Empha­siz­ing real-world expe­ri­ence, stu­dents will “take on the role of an ana­lyst for a fic­ti­tious con­sumer goods com­pa­ny spe­cial­iz­ing in organ­ic farm to table con­sumer prod­ucts. With over 20 unique assign­ments, [stu­dents will] use spread­sheets and visu­al­iza­tion tools to ana­lyze data and make rec­om­men­da­tions.”

You can audit the four cours­es for free, or sign up to earn a share­able cer­tifi­cate for a fee. Stu­dents who select the lat­ter option will be charged $49 per month. Cours­era esti­mates that the cer­tifi­cate will take four months to com­plete, assum­ing you’re ded­i­cat­ing 10 hours per week. That amounts to about $200 in total. You can enroll here.

For those inter­est­ed, Unilever has also recent­ly released a new Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Ana­lyst Cer­tifi­cate, which you can find here.

In addi­tion, until March 31, 2024, Cours­era is offer­ing $100 off of Cours­era Plus, which will let you take 7,000 cours­es (includ­ing the ones above) and not pay for the cer­tifi­cates. If you plan to take a lot of cours­es, and want to earn cer­tifi­cates, it can be a cost effec­tive approach.

Note: Open Cul­ture has a part­ner­ship with Cours­era. If read­ers enroll in cer­tain Cours­era cours­es and pro­grams, it helps sup­port Open Cul­ture.

Relat­ed Con­tent 

Gen­er­a­tive AI for Every­one: A Free Course from AI Pio­neer Andrew Ng

Google Unveils a Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing & E‑Commerce Cer­tifi­cate: 7 Cours­es Will Help Pre­pare Stu­dents for an Entry-Lev­el Job in 6 Months

Google & Cours­era Cre­ate a Career Cer­tifi­cate That Pre­pares Stu­dents for Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Jobs in 6 Months

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Comments (12)
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  • UMA SHANKAR says:

    Dura­tion of course, cost of course

  • Thai Nguyen says:

    Dura­tion and cost is includ­ed in the arti­cle.

  • Mahider minda says:

    I need to take this course to change my car­ri­er, to give a good life for my kids.

  • Ivan Kipkorir says:

    Am request­ing the free study

  • Sikhumbuzo says:

    Can any­one reg­is­ter or only Unilever employ­ees?

  • Lindiwe Phungula says:

    My name is Lindi­we, I need this course to know more about Sup­ply Chain and under­stand it and be apply to per­form well

  • Sabita Dawadi says:

    Myself Sabi­ta Dawa­di from Nepal , I am enthu­si­asm per­son I want to learn this course for my growth in career as well as want to work Unilever and I resquest­ing the free study course , I am stu­dent for stu­dent like me they can also learn and growth in career.
    Thank You

  • Muhammad Shahzad says:

    Myself Muham­mad Shahzad from Pak­istan, I am enthu­si­asm per­son I want to learn this course for my growth in career as well as want to work in Unilever and I request­ing the free study course , I am a stu­dent and I can’t pay fees of course. Please approved my request to learn and growth in career.
    Thank You

  • Lazarus Joseph says:

    I got­ta share some­thing kin­da tough from just last week. I got caught up in this invest­ment scam, and man, I lost a big chunk, like 80 grand. It all start­ed with those promis­es of mak­ing big bucks, but it end­ed up being a total mess of lies from these shady folks. But hey, here’s a lit­tle sil­ver lin­ing in the gloom. I stum­bled upon this legit recov­ery ser­vices called WZARDGARRYSPEEDHACK FIRM They asked for sol­id proof that I’d been scammed, so I sent them all the docs I had. And you won’t believe it – they worked some mag­ic and got my mon­ey back, like, real quick. So, if you’re stuck in the same boat, don’t give up. There’s still hope out there. Hit up wzardgarryspeedhack@gmail.com and get back on the road to finan­cial peace. What­sapp them on +1 (336) 394‑2139

  • Vicharapu uday says:

    I want to laern uni­ver­sal sup­ply chain

  • abdur Rehman says:

    I m MBA scholar.i want to join the course. pl. tell me the last date.g

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.