We haven’t talked about the uniÂverse of uniÂverÂsiÂty podÂcasts in some time. So let’s get back to it.Below, we have highÂlightÂed ten full-fledged coursÂes from top flight uniÂverÂsiÂties. All of these coursÂes can be downÂloaded to your iPod for free. That’s a price that you can’t beat. (You can see our comÂplete colÂlecÂtion of free online coursÂes here.)
1. EuroÂpean HisÂtoÂry from the RenaisÂsance to the Present (UC BerkeÂley)
“This course is an introÂducÂtion to EuroÂpean hisÂtoÂry from around 1500 to the present. The cenÂtral quesÂtions that it addressÂes are how and why Europe–a small, relÂaÂtiveÂly poor, and politÂiÂcalÂly fragÂmentÂed place–became the motor of globÂalÂizaÂtion and a world civÂiÂlizaÂtion in its own right.”
–Thomas LaqueÂur, ProÂfesÂsor of HisÂtoÂry
2. GeogÂraÂphy of World CulÂtures (StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty)
Even in a globÂalÂized world, peoÂple conÂtinÂue to be joined togethÂer and dividÂed asunÂder by the lanÂguages they speak, the reliÂgions they folÂlow, and the ethÂnic idenÂtiÂties to which they belong. This map-intenÂsive course examÂines every world region, seekÂing to underÂstand how places vary from each othÂer with regard to the culÂturÂal attribÂutÂes of their inhabÂiÂtants. (Note: This course is being rolled out in weekÂly installÂments.)
–MarÂtin Lewis, LecÂturÂer in HisÂtoÂry, InterÂim DirecÂtor, ProÂgram in InterÂnaÂtionÂal RelaÂtions
3. Old EngÂlish in ConÂtext (Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty)
A four lecÂture mini-course on how EngÂlish became EngÂlish durÂing the medieval periÂod.
–Dr StuÂart Lee, OUCS
4. Physics for Future PresÂiÂdents (UC BerkeÂley)
This course gives you the physics you need to know to be a presÂiÂdent, Supreme Court jusÂtice, diploÂmat, busiÂnessÂman, lawyer, footÂball coach, or othÂer world leader.
–Richard Muller, ProÂfesÂsor of Physics.
NOTE: Tthe same course hapÂpens also to appear on Google Video. SimÂply go to Google Video and perÂform a search with the folÂlowÂing keyÂwords: physics 10 berkeÂley.
5. QuanÂtum MechanÂics (UC Davis)
If Physics for Future PresÂiÂdents is too basic for you, you can get into some more heavy duty sciÂence right here.
–John TernÂing, AssoÂciate ProÂfesÂsor of Physics
6. The HisÂtorÂiÂcal Jesus (StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty)
Who was the hisÂtorÂiÂcal Jesus of Nazareth? What did he actuÂalÂly say? In short, what are the difÂferÂences — and simÂiÂlarÂiÂties — between the Jesus who lived and died in hisÂtoÂry and the Christ who lives on in believÂers’ faith?
–Thomas SheeÂhan, ProÂfesÂsor of ReliÂgious StudÂies and ProÂfesÂsor EmerÂiÂtus of PhiÂlosÂoÂphy
7. UnderÂstandÂing ComÂputÂers and the InterÂnet (HarÂvard UniÂverÂsiÂty)
This course demysÂtiÂfies comÂputÂers and the InterÂnet (along with their jarÂgon) so that stuÂdents underÂstand not only what they can do with each, but also how each works and why.
–David Malan, InstrucÂtor
8. EntreÂpreÂneurÂship and BusiÂness PlanÂning (Carnegie MelÂlon)
This class parÂalÂlels a course being offered at Carnegie MelÂlon. It covÂers the ins-and-outs of startÂing a new venÂture, lookÂing at how to develÂop ideas for new comÂpaÂnies, write busiÂness plans, creÂate teams. It also looks at typÂiÂcal b‑school topÂics: marÂketÂing, comÂpetÂiÂtive stratÂeÂgy, sales, pricÂing, fundÂing and finance.
–Mark Juliano, Adjunct ProÂfesÂsor
9. The LitÂerÂaÂture of CriÂsis (StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty)
In lookÂing at great works by PlaÂto, SophoÂcles, ShakeÂspeare, Vergil, and Voltaire, this course explores crises that change the course of indiÂvidÂuÂals and largÂer culÂtures.
–Marsh McCall, ProÂfesÂsor of ClasÂsics
–MarÂtin Evans, ProÂfesÂsor in EngÂlish
10. ExisÂtenÂtialÂism in LitÂerÂaÂture & Film (UC BerkeÂley)
The course looks at efforts “to reinÂterÂpret the Judeo/Christian God, and to deterÂmine in what sense God is still a livÂing God.” Along the way it looks at “Dostoyevsky’s and Kierkegaard’s attempts to preÂserve a non-theÂoÂlogÂiÂcal verÂsion of the God of ChrisÂtianÂiÂty, as well as Nietzsche’s attempt to save us from belief in any verÂsion of God offered by our traÂdiÂtion.” Films also get disÂcussed here.
–Hubert DreyÂfus, ProÂfesÂsor of PhiÂlosÂoÂphy
If you know of othÂer good coursÂes availÂable via podÂcast, please email us and let us know.