- Alan Watts PodÂcast iTunes Feed Web Site
- Alan Watts helped interÂpret and popÂuÂlarÂize Asian philosophies/religions for WestÂern audiÂences. These podÂcasts give you access to his archived talks/public lecÂtures.
- Big Ideas iTunes Feed Web Site
- Big Ideas offers lecÂtures on a variÂety of thought-proÂvokÂing topÂics which range across polÂiÂtics, culÂture, ecoÂnomÂics, art hisÂtoÂry, sciÂence. The proÂgram is proÂduced by TVO, Canada’s largest eduÂcaÂtionÂal broadÂcastÂer.
- Bill MoyÂers JourÂnal iTunes Feed Web Site
- VetÂerÂan jourÂnalÂist Bill MoyÂers returns to PBS with Bill MoyÂers JourÂnal, a weekÂly proÂgram that takes a deep look at a wide range of subÂjects, includÂing polÂiÂtics, arts and culÂture, the media, the econÂoÂmy, and imporÂtant issues facÂing democÂraÂcy.
- BriÂan Lehrer Show iTunes Feed Web Site
- A solÂid pubÂlic radio broad/podcast with excelÂlent interÂviews with many imporÂtant thinkers. Comes out WNYC in NYC.
- CBC: The Best of Ideas iTunes Feed Web Site
- A CanaÂdiÂan proÂgram that explores everyÂthing from culÂture and the arts to sciÂence and techÂnolÂoÂgy.
- ComÂmon Sense with Dan CarÂlin iTunesFeedWeb Site
- A blend of audio comÂmenÂtary and news analyÂsis by one of the leadÂing thinkers among today’s politÂiÂcalÂly indeÂpenÂdent crowd. A fisÂcalÂly conÂserÂvÂaÂtive, socialÂly libÂerÂal approach to solvÂing probÂlems.
- ComÂmonÂwealth Club Radio ProÂgram iTunes Feed Web Site
- The oldÂest radio proÂgram in the counÂtry — datÂing back to 1924 — this weekÂly proÂgram feaÂtures some of the most promiÂnent speakÂers in the counÂtry.
- CounÂcil on ForÂeign RelaÂtions (Video) iTunes Feed Web Site
- CounÂcil on ForÂeign RelaÂtions (Audio) iTunes Feed Web Site
- You can get inside this elite body and hear some of what the world’s leadÂing politiÂcians and politÂiÂcal thinkers have to say.
- Deutsche Welle
- EntiÂtled OpinÂions (About Life and LitÂerÂaÂture) iTunes Feed Web Site
- HostÂed by Robert HarÂriÂson, a StanÂford proÂfesÂsor, this podÂcast is a weekÂly litÂerÂary talk show that ranges broadÂly on issues relatÂed to litÂerÂaÂture, ideas, and lived expeÂriÂence.
- DaiÂly FORAÂcast
- Get IlluÂmiÂnatÂed iTunes Feed Web Site
- Boing Boing’s ediÂtors interÂview creÂative peoÂple withÂin fringe culÂture.
- Guardian UnlimÂitÂed
- Forum with Michael KrasÂny iTunes Feed Web Site
- ComÂing out of San FranÂcisÂco, this pubÂlic radio broad/podcast feaÂtures excelÂlent interÂviews with major culÂturÂal figÂures.
- In Our Time iTunes Feed Web Site
- On this BBC proÂgram, the best minds explore the big issues that form the intelÂlecÂtuÂal agenÂda of our time.
- Leonard Lopate Show iTunes Feed Web Site
- ComÂing out of WNYC in New York City, this pubÂlic radio podÂcast offers daiÂly interÂviews with a diverse colÂlecÂtion of great thinkers and talkÂers.
- MornÂing StoÂries iTunes Feed Web Site
- PreÂsentÂed by WGBH in Boston, this proÂgram presents “unforÂgetÂtable stoÂries by everyÂday peoÂple.”
- My HisÂtoÂry Can Beat Up Your PolÂiÂtics iTunesFeedWeb Site
- ExactÂly what it sounds like; it puts curÂrent politÂiÂcal events in a hisÂtorÂiÂcal perÂspecÂtive and anaÂlyzes the hisÂtoÂry to allow us to underÂstand our polÂiÂtics.
- New York PubÂlic Library iTunes Web Site
- An extenÂsive colÂlecÂtion of culÂturÂal media proÂduced by one of the world’s great libraries.
- NPR: IntelÂliÂgence Squared iTunes Feed Web Site
- IntelÂliÂgence Squared U.S. brings Oxford-style debatÂing to AmerÂiÂca– one motion, one modÂerÂaÂtor, three panÂelists for the motion and three against. Past topÂics have includÂed reliÂgion in AmerÂiÂca, Hamas, and HolÂlyÂwood.
- NPR: Fresh Air iTunes Feed Web Site
- The NPR favorite with TerÂry Gross.
- NPR: KopÂpel on the News iTunes Feed Web Site
- Like NightÂline, but betÂter.
- NPR ShufÂfle iTunes Feed Web Site
- A daiÂly samÂpling of difÂferÂent NPR proÂgramÂming.
- NPR Talk of the Nation OpinÂion Page iTunes Web Site
- Open Source iTunes Feed Web Site
- This daiÂly proÂgram, hostÂed by ChristoÂpher Lydon, uses the interÂnet and interÂacÂtive techÂnolÂoÂgy to talk about the world. One of our favorites.
- ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life - iTunes — Feed — Web Site
- A phiÂlosÂoÂphy podÂcast by some guys who were at one point set on doing phiÂlosÂoÂphy for a livÂing but then thought betÂter of it.
- PBS PodÂcasts iTunes Feeds
- This genÂerÂal colÂlecÂtion gives you access to all PBS podÂcasts.
- PhiÂlosÂoÂphy Bites iTunes Feed Web Site
- A British podÂcast feaÂturÂing interÂviews of top philosoÂphers and that delves into some essenÂtial philoÂsophÂiÂcal quesÂtions — what is the meanÂing of life? what is the nature of realÂiÂty? what is evil?, etc.
- PhilosoÂphers’ Cafe Feed Web Site
- ComÂfortÂable surÂroundÂings for vibrant street levÂel disÂcusÂsions on burnÂing issues of the day. No forÂmal phiÂlosÂoÂphy trainÂing required; real life expeÂriÂence desired. Come earÂly, stay late. PreÂsentÂed by Simon FrasÂer UniÂverÂsiÂty.
- PubÂlic Radio PodÂcast CatÂaÂlogue Web Site
- This web site conÂtains links to feeds for over 900 pubÂlic radio proÂgrams availÂable via podÂcast.
- ResearchChanÂnel iTunes — Web Site
- Based out of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of WashÂingÂton, the Research ChanÂnel aggreÂgates conÂtent from many uniÂverÂsiÂties and research instiÂtuÂtions.
- ConÂverÂsaÂtions iTunes Feed Web Site
- SALT — SemÂiÂnars About Long Term ThinkÂing iTunes Feed Web Site
- An award winÂning monthÂly speakÂing series hostÂed by StewÂart Brand and orgaÂnized by the Long Now FounÂdaÂtion, which hopes to proÂvide a counÂterÂpoint to today’s “faster/cheaper” mind set and proÂmote “slower/better” thinkÂing. The podÂcasts feaÂtures many well known thinkers.
- Start the Week iTunes Feed Web Site
- A BBC proÂducÂtion, Start The Week “sets the culÂturÂal agenÂda for the week ahead, with high-proÂfile guests disÂcussing the ideas behind their work in the fields of art, litÂerÂaÂture, film, sciÂence, hisÂtoÂry, sociÂety and polÂiÂtics.”
- TED Talks Video iTunes Feed Web Site
- Talks from an annuÂal conÂferÂence that brings togethÂer major thinkers and doers.
- The ChronÂiÂcle of HighÂer EduÂcaÂtion: InterÂviews iTunes
- The EconÂoÂmist iTunes Feed Web Site
- Audio conÂtent from one of the highÂer qualÂiÂty jourÂnals out there.
- The New York Review of Books iTunes Feed Web Site
- The podÂcast from the biweekÂly book review and jourÂnal of intelÂlecÂtuÂal curÂrents.
- The New York Times PodÂcasts (Main) iTunes Web Site (see web site for indiÂvidÂual feeds)
- A fairÂly large colÂlecÂtion of daiÂly and weekÂly podÂcasts from the major US daiÂly.
- The New York Times — TimesTalks iTunes Feed
- ConÂverÂsaÂtions with peoÂple of note as well as NYTimes jourÂnalÂists and ediÂtors.
- The New YorkÂer: ComÂment (iTunes — Feed)
- A weekÂly readÂing of the magazine’s well-known “ComÂment” essay.
- The Sound of Young AmerÂiÂca iTunes Feed Web Site
- InterÂviews with imporÂtant figÂures in the world of pop culÂture, arts, litÂerÂaÂture and comÂeÂdy. A highÂly-regardÂed podÂcast.
- This AmerÂiÂcan Life iTunes Feed Web Site
- First-perÂson stoÂries and short ficÂtion from the award-winÂning show hostÂed by Ira Glass.
- To the Best of Our KnowlÂedge iTunes Feed Web Site
- InterÂviews with nationÂalÂly and interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly-known guests with a pasÂsion for ideas.
- YesÂterÂday is Gone iTunes Feed Web Site
- “YesÂterÂday Is Gone” is Charles Binder’s perÂsonÂal perÂspecÂtive about polÂiÂtics, art, sciÂence, health, the past, the present, and what will probÂaÂbly happen…now that YesÂterÂday Is Gone.
Books & WritÂing
- AmaÂzon Book Clips iTunes Feed Web Site
- Lets you keep tabs on bestÂselling and up-and-comÂing authors.
- Barnes & Noble: Meet the WritÂers iTunes Feed Web Site
- A wide range of writÂers disÂcuss their favorite books, influÂences, and the reaÂsons they write.
- C‑Span — After Words iTunes Feed Web Site
- InterÂviews with imporÂtant authors of recentÂly pubÂlished hardÂback non-ficÂtion.
- GarÂriÂson KeilÂlor’s The Writer’s Almanac iTunes Feed Web Site
- Each day KeilÂlor reads a short poem or two and recounts what hapÂpened on this day in hisÂtoÂry.
- GramÂmar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for BetÂter WritÂing iTunes Feed Web Site
- I think the title says it all.
- Guardian UnlimÂitÂed — Books iTunes Feed Web Site
- NPR Books iTunes Feed Web Site
- A colÂlecÂtion of NPR author interÂviews and book reviews.
- NPR StoÂry of the Day iTunes Feed Web Site
- PoetÂry FounÂdaÂtion iTunes Feed Web Site
- A daiÂly podÂcast feaÂturÂing high-qualÂiÂty recordÂings of poems, interÂviews with poets, and poetÂry docÂuÂmenÂtaries.
- RanÂdom House PodÂcast iTunes Web Site
- Lets lisÂtenÂers check out excerpts from new book releasÂes.
- ShakeÂspeare-upon-iPod iTunes Feed Web Site
- A series of 9 disÂcusÂsions on, and readÂings from, ShakeÂspeare.
- Simon Says iTunes Feed Web Site
- A weekÂly podÂcast on the books and audio books from Simon & SchusÂter.
- Slate Audio Book Club iTunes Feed Web Site
- CritÂics disÂcuss imporÂtant and popÂuÂlar books.
- The New York Times Book Review iTunes Feed Web Site
- This fledgÂling podÂcast feaÂtures the ediÂtor of the NYT Book Review speakÂing about newÂly reviewed books.
- The New YorkÂer: FicÂtion iTunes Feed Web Site
- Each month, a New YorkÂer ficÂtion writer choosÂes a stoÂry from the magazine’s archives for a New YorkÂer Out Loud podÂcast.
- The PoetÂic Voice iTunes Feed Web Site
- Houghton MifÂflin presents a monthÂly poetÂry podÂcast.
- The WashÂingÂton Post Book Review iTunes Feed Web Site
- The Writer’s Block iTunes Feed Web Site
- Aired on KQED in San FranÂcisÂco, this weekÂly readÂing series feaÂturÂing writÂers and perÂformÂers of all stripes readÂing the latÂest short ficÂtion, non-ficÂtion, theÂater and poetÂry.
- Times Online Book PodÂcasts iTunes Feed Web Site
- Book podÂcasts from anothÂer British daiÂly.
- Word for Word iTunes Feed Web Site
- PreÂsentÂed by AmerÂiÂcan PubÂlic Media, this podÂcast reviews the best of the nation’s recent speechÂes.
- World Book Club iTunes Feed Web Site
- World Book Club invites the globe’s great authors to disÂcuss their best known novÂel. This monthÂly proÂgramme, preÂsentÂed by HarÂriÂett Gilbert, includes quesÂtions by World SerÂvice lisÂtenÂers.
- BBC: Mark KerÂmodÂe’s Film Reviews iTunes Feed Web Site
- From the BBC, this podÂcast takes a no-punchÂes-pulled look at UK cinÂeÂma.
- NPR Movies iTunes Feed Web Site
- NPR reports, reviews and interÂviews on the movie front.
- SunÂdance Film FesÂtiÂval PodÂcasts iTunes Feed Web Site
- The TreatÂment iTunes Feed Web Site
- Film critÂic Elvis Mitchell turns the tables and gives the “treatÂment” to some of the most influÂenÂtial and innoÂvÂaÂtive forces creÂatÂing movies and popÂuÂlar art and enterÂtainÂment.
- Art InstiÂtute of ChicaÂgo MuseÂcast iTunes Feed Web Site
- ExpeÂriÂence the Art InstiÂtute of Chicago’s museÂum through the words of artists, curaÂtors, musiÂcians, and eduÂcaÂtors.
- MetÂroÂpolÂiÂtain MuseÂum of Art iTunes Feed Web Site
- A solÂid colÂlecÂtion of podÂcasts from AmerÂiÂca’s finest art museÂum. Includes readÂing by well known actors.
- MoMa iTunes Feed Web Site
- The MuseÂum of ModÂern Art gives you podÂcasts that let you hear artists and curaÂtors disÂcuss modÂern and conÂtemÂpoÂrary art.
- MoMA Think ModÂern LecÂtures iTunes Feed Web Site
- Offers recordÂings of artists, critÂics, scholÂars and writÂers sharÂing their knowlÂedge of the museÂum’s art colÂlecÂtions as well as their views on comtemÂpoÂrary art issues.
- NationÂal MuseÂums LivÂerÂpool Feed Web Site
- PhiladelÂphia MuseÂum of Art iTunes Web Site
- The museÂum offers mulÂtiÂple podÂcasts. They’re all cenÂtralÂized in iTunes, or you can find the indiÂvidÂual rss feeds on the museÂum web site.
- SFMOMA iTunes Site
- A notably strong colÂlecÂtion of museÂum podÂcasts.
- SmithÂsonÂian MuseÂums
- The NationÂal Gallery PodÂcast iTunes Feed Web Site
- PodÂcasts from the NationÂal Gallery art museÂum in LonÂdon.
- Car Talk iTunes Feed Web Site
- An NPR clasÂsic.
- The New YorkÂer CarÂtoons iTunes Feed.
- Catch aniÂmatÂed verÂsions of The New YorkÂer’s famous carÂtoons.
[…] For more podÂcasts along these lines, check out our Music PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion as well as our Arts & CulÂture PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion. […]
wow!! what a treaÂsure I am the worlds greatÂest armÂchair travÂeller any possÂabilÂiÂty of travÂel pods??
[…] Get more podÂcasts from our Arts & CulÂture podÂcast colÂlecÂtion. […]
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[…] You can find the podÂcasts menÂtioned above, and othÂers like them, in our Arts & CulÂture PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion. […]
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[…] For more podÂcasts along these lines, see our Arts & CulÂture podÂcast colÂlecÂtion. […]
[…] Check out our colÂlecÂtion of Ideas & CulÂture PodÂcasts […]
[…] Arts & CulÂture PodÂcasts […]
[…] UC BerkeÂley “DisÂcovÂer Cal.” (And many new peoÂple are.) Yet, with the rapidÂly growÂing flood of audio and visuÂal ideas, action, news and “facts” it has nevÂer been more vital for all […]
WOW! Thanks so much for this serÂvice. You did all my research for me, and put it all in one amazÂingÂly helpÂful place! Going to be comÂing back here a lot!!!
[…] semÂiÂnars as a podÂcast (iTunes — Feed — Web Site) and othÂerÂwise find it hostÂed in our Ideas & CulÂture PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion. Have a good […]
I know what I’ll be lisÂtenÂing to on my comÂmutes to jobÂsites. Thank you!
Thanks for the help with findÂing things as far as podÂcasts are conÂcerned! Just have to dig around your site now to find out some healthy eatÂing and cookÂing shows!
Just came back here again and found more great stuff! Was so hapÂpy to find all the Alan Watts mateÂrÂiÂal!
great pate, but I hate iTunes.
Wow. I am totalÂly psyÂched to find this site. AweÂsome.
[…] You get the drift. This is a show that takes ideas, litÂerÂaÂture, and life seriÂousÂly. It’s heady, and it doesn’t dumb things down. If you’re a faithÂful readÂer of Open CulÂture, you’ll find someÂthing here for you. If you take a spin through the archives, you’ll find HarÂriÂson in conÂverÂsaÂtion with Orhan Pamuk (the Nobel Prize winÂning novÂelÂist) and Richard Rorty (one of America’s most imporÂtant conÂtemÂpoÂrary philosoÂphers). You’ll also find him talkÂing with scholÂars about Vladamir Nabokov and his LoliÂta, World War II and the GerÂman bombÂing of LonÂdon, the HisÂtoÂry of PsyÂchiÂaÂtry, and The HisÂtorÂiÂcal Jesus. Each proÂgram starts with a 10 minute (or so) monoÂlogue, and then HarÂriÂson gets down to talkÂing with his guest for anothÂer 50. Give a lisÂten. Let us know your thoughts. And know that EntiÂtled OpinÂions (iTunes Feed Web Site) is includÂed in our Ideas & CulÂture PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion. […]
great show.….
Please I do realÂly need a hints of topÂic culÂture for exploÂration withÂin that subÂject area?
[…] PhiÂlosÂoÂphy doesn’t have to be dauntÂing. Thanks to the ConÂtinÂuÂing EduÂcaÂtion proÂgram at Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty, you can ease into philoÂsophÂiÂcal thinkÂing by lisÂtenÂing to five lecÂtures colÂlecÂtiveÂly called PhiÂlosÂoÂphy for BeginÂners. (Find them on iTuneÂsU in audio and video). Taught by MarÂiÂanne TalÂbot, LecÂture 1 starts with a “Romp Through the HisÂtoÂry of PhiÂlosÂoÂphy” and moves in a brief hour from Ancient Greece to the present. SubÂseÂquent lecÂtures (usuÂalÂly runÂning about 90 minÂutes) covÂer the folÂlowÂing topÂics: logÂic, ethics, polÂiÂtics, metaÂphysics, episÂteÂmolÂoÂgy, and lanÂguage. For those hanÂkerÂing for more phiÂlosÂoÂphy, I’ve listÂed below a series of more advanced phiÂlosÂoÂphy coursÂes and also some phiÂlosÂoÂphy podÂcasts. (You can get more free uniÂverÂsiÂty coursÂes here and intelÂliÂgent podÂcasts here). […]
[…] PostÂed in DaiÂly life, EduÂcaÂtion at 2:24 pm by LeisureGuy Dan ColeÂman blogs: PhiÂlosÂoÂphy doesn’t have to be dauntÂing. Thanks to the ConÂtinÂuÂing EduÂcaÂtion proÂgram at Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty, you can ease into philoÂsophÂiÂcal thinkÂing by lisÂtenÂing to five lecÂtures colÂlecÂtiveÂly called PhiÂlosÂoÂphy for BeginÂners. (Find them on iTuneÂsU in audio and video). Taught by MarÂiÂanne TalÂbot, LecÂture 1 starts with a “Romp Through the HisÂtoÂry of PhiÂlosÂoÂphy” and moves in a brief hour from Ancient Greece to the present. SubÂseÂquent lecÂtures (usuÂalÂly runÂning about 90 minÂutes) covÂer the folÂlowÂing topÂics: logÂic, ethics, polÂiÂtics, metaÂphysics, episÂteÂmolÂoÂgy, and lanÂguage. For those hanÂkerÂing for more phiÂlosÂoÂphy, I’ve listÂed below a series of more advanced phiÂlosÂoÂphy coursÂes and also some phiÂlosÂoÂphy podÂcasts. (You can get more free uniÂverÂsiÂty coursÂes here and intelÂliÂgent podÂcasts here). […]
[…] PhiÂlosÂoÂphy doesn’t have to be dauntÂing. Thanks to the ConÂtinÂuÂing EduÂcaÂtion proÂgram at Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty, you can ease into philoÂsophÂiÂcal thinkÂing by lisÂtenÂing to five lecÂtures colÂlecÂtiveÂly called PhiÂlosÂoÂphy for BeginÂners. (Find them on iTuneÂsU in audio and video). Taught by MarÂiÂanne TalÂbot, LecÂture 1 starts with a “Romp Through the HisÂtoÂry of PhiÂlosÂoÂphy” and moves in a brief hour from Ancient Greece to the present. SubÂseÂquent lecÂtures (usuÂalÂly runÂning about 90 minÂutes) covÂer the folÂlowÂing topÂics: logÂic, ethics, polÂiÂtics, metaÂphysics, episÂteÂmolÂoÂgy, and lanÂguage. For those hanÂkerÂing for more phiÂlosÂoÂphy, I’ve listÂed below a series of more advanced phiÂlosÂoÂphy coursÂes and also some phiÂlosÂoÂphy podÂcasts. (You can get more free uniÂverÂsiÂty coursÂes here and intelÂliÂgent podÂcasts here). […]
[…] Feed. In the meanÂtime, we’ve added the New York Review of Books podÂcast to our colÂlecÂtion of Ideas & CulÂture PodÂcasts, which can also be accessed through our Free iPhone […]
[…] (You can get The Long Now podÂcast here: iTunes – Feed — Web Site. It’s also in our Ideas & CulÂture Audio ColÂlecÂtion.) Brand is good at lookÂing thoughtÂfulÂly into the future, and above he takes a long-range view on […]
[…] a quick postÂscript, these podÂcasts can be found in our Ideas & CulÂture PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion. […]
[…] As a quick postÂscript, these podÂcasts can be found in our Ideas & CulÂture PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion. […]
[…] Ideas & CulÂture Programs/Podcasts: In this one colÂlecÂtion, we have gathÂered togethÂer some of the most intelÂlecÂtuÂalÂly stimÂuÂlatÂing proÂgrams availÂable via podÂcast. The proÂgrams will keep you thinkÂing and culÂturÂalÂly up-to-date, as will our colÂlecÂtion of sciÂence podÂcasts. All can be downÂloaded straight to your mp3 playÂer. […]
[…] Ideas & CulÂture Programs/Podcasts […]
Many thanks for this great colÂlecÂtion of interÂestÂng links and podÂcasts!
Just one remark: the URL to the music podÂcasts does not work (jan 25th)
This Week in VirolÂoÂgy should be on the list as the only ongoÂing disÂcusÂsion about this rapidÂly develÂopÂing field.
[…] on a BBC podÂcast called In Our Time (iTunes – Feed — Web Site). It’s listÂed in our Ideas & CulÂture PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion, along with many othÂer thoughtÂful proÂgrams that make meanÂingÂful subÂjects relÂeÂvant to a broadÂer, […]
A great list, thanks! Here are some othÂer great podÂcasts about hisÂtoÂry, sociÂety, and so on, for the Ideas/Issues secÂtion.
RN ShufÂfle — ABC (Aus.)
A disÂcusÂsion on ideas in sciÂence, polÂiÂtics, health, design and film, human behavÂiour, reliÂgion, etc.
ThinkÂing Allowed — BBC Radio 4
Thought-proÂvokÂing disÂcusÂsion on latÂest social sciÂence research.
Rear Vision — ABC (Aus.)
Issues in sociÂety disÂcussed from a hisÂtorÂiÂcal perÂspecÂtive.
The Forum — a world of ideas — BBC World SerÂvice
Three innoÂvÂaÂtive thinkers from difÂferÂent culÂtures and perÂspecÂtives put forÂward new ideas.
The PhilosoÂpher’s Zone — ABC (Aus.)
OckÂham’s Razor — ABC (Aus.)
SciÂence and SociÂety
[…] Ideas & CulÂture ProÂgrams: In this one colÂlecÂtion, we have gathÂered some of the most intelÂlecÂtuÂalÂly stimÂuÂlatÂing proÂgrams, covÂerÂing the worlds of thought, film, music, books, etc. These proÂgrams will keep you thinkÂing and culÂturÂalÂly up-to-date. Most of the proÂgrams feaÂture new daiÂly episodes. […]
[…] CulÂture: Many links to interÂestÂing podÂcasts and even audio texts. ConÂcenÂtrates on art, pop culÂture and media. Great. Ads […]
ExcelÂlent list of culÂturÂal resources!