Danny Boyle’s Frankenstein Live at a Cinema Near You

Here’s the trail­er for the play Franken­stein, which opens in Lon­don at the Nation­al The­ater this Thurs­day. Two intrigu­ing points: 1.) This pro­duc­tion is helmed by Dan­ny Boyle, the Oscar-win­ning direc­tor behind Slum­dog Mil­ion­aire, 127 Hours, and the appro­pri­ate­ly ter­ri­fy­ing zom­bie movie 28 Days Lat­er. 2.) Boyle’s Franken­stein is part of the Nation­al The­ater Live pro­gram – now in its sec­ond sea­son – and will be simul­cast live in hun­dreds of movie the­aters all over the world. There are 12 par­tic­i­pat­ing venues in Cal­i­for­nia alone – click here to find out if there’s one near you.

For a pre-screen­ing refresh­er, you can down­load Mary Shel­ley’s clas­sic nov­el for free at Project Guten­berg, or as a free audio­book at Lib­riVox. And what­ev­er you do, don’t miss this video of the gor­geous 1934 illus­trat­ed edi­tion, with wood­cuts by the Amer­i­can artist Lynd Ward.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Franken­stein Hits the Sil­ver Screen (1910)

Sheer­ly Avni is a San Fran­cis­co-based arts and cul­ture writer. Her work has appeared in Salon, LA Week­ly, Moth­er Jones, and many oth­er pub­li­ca­tions. You can fol­low her on twit­ter at @sheerly.
