Image by Genevieve Arnold
The proÂlogue of Friedrich NietÂzsche’s Thus Spoke ZarathusÂtra (1883) introÂduced his notion of the “last man,” who is no longer creÂative, no longer explorÂing, no longer risk takÂing. He took this to be the implicÂit aim of efforts to “disÂcovÂer hapÂpiÂness” by figÂurÂing out human nature and engiÂneerÂing sociÂety to fulÂfill human needs. If needs are met, no sufÂferÂing occurs, no effort is needÂed to counter the sufÂferÂing, and we all stagÂnate. Is our techÂnolÂoÂgy-enhanced conÂsumer culÂture well on its way to delivÂerÂing us up to such a fate?
In the clip below, Mark LinÂsenÂmayÂer from the ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life phiÂlosÂoÂphy podÂcast conÂsidÂers this posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty, explores NietÂzsche’s picÂture of ethics, and conÂcludes that the potenÂtial misÂtake by potenÂtial social engiÂneers lies in underÂesÂtiÂmatÂing the comÂplexÂiÂty of human needs. As NietÂzsche argued, we’re all idioÂsynÂcratÂic, and our needs are not just for peace, warmth, food, exerÂcise and enterÂtainÂment, but (once these are satÂisÂfied, per Maslow’s hierÂarÂchy of needs) self-actuÂalÂizaÂtion, which is an indiÂvidÂual purÂsuit, and so is imposÂsiÂble to mass engiÂneer. HavÂing our more basic needs fulÂfilled withÂout life-fillÂing effort (i.e. full time jobs) would not leave us comÂplaÂcent but actuÂalÂly free to enterÂtain these “highÂer needs,” and so to purÂsue the creÂative purÂsuits that NietÂzsche thought were the pinÂnaÂcle of human achieveÂment.
NietÂzsche’s tarÂget is utilÂiÂtarÂiÂanÂism, which urges indiÂvidÂuÂals and polÂiÂcy-makÂers to maxÂiÂmize hapÂpiÂness, and the more this is purÂsued sciÂenÂtifÂiÂcalÂly, the more that “hapÂpiÂness” needs to be reduced to someÂthing potenÂtialÂly meaÂsurÂable, like pleaÂsure, but clearÂly pleaÂsure does not add up to a meanÂingÂful life. While we may not be able to quanÂtiÂfy meanÂingÂfulÂness and aim pubÂlic polÂiÂcy in that direcÂtion, it should be easÂiÂer to idenÂtiÂfy clear obstaÂcles to purÂsuÂing meanÂingÂful activÂiÂty, such as illÂness, poverÂty, drudgery and serviÂtude. We should be glad that choosÂing the most ethÂiÂcal path is not a matÂter of mere calÂcuÂlaÂtion, because on NietÂzsche’s view, we thrive as “creÂators of valÂues,” and figÂurÂing out for ourÂselves what makes each us truÂly hapÂpy (what we find valuÂable) is itself a meanÂingÂful activÂiÂty.
The ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life episodes 213 and 214 (forthÂcomÂing) proÂvide a 4‑man walkÂthrough of Thus Spoke ZarathusÂtra, explorÂing the Last Man, the OverÂman, Will to PowÂer, the decÂlaÂraÂtion that “God Is Dead,” and othÂer notoÂriÂous ideas.
Episode 213 Part One:
Episode 213 Part Two:
Mark LinÂsenÂmayÂer is the host of The ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life and NakedÂly ExamÂined Music podÂcasts.