The City Limits: Beautiful Time Lapse of Five Cities

In this superb time lapse video, Dominic Boudreault presents five urban cities — Mon­tre­al, Que­bec City, Chica­go, Toron­to, and New York City — and what he calls the “the dual­i­ty between city and nature.”

Most fas­ci­nat­ing is the high van­tage point from which much of the footage was shot: watch the col­or­ful lights adorn­ing the Empire State Build­ing, and just a minute lat­er, cars shoot­ing down the free­way next to Lake Michi­gan in snowy Chica­go. The City Lim­its was shot in late 2010, ear­ly 2011.

Relat­ed: if you’re a fan of time lapse videos, don’t miss this one of the Big Apple.

via Curios­i­ty Counts

Eugene Buchko is a blog­ger and pho­tog­ra­ph­er liv­ing in Atlanta, GA. He main­tains a pho­to­blog, Eru­dite Expres­sions, and writes about what he reads on his read­ing blog.
