This web page doesÂn’t look like much, but it housÂes a great deal. Put simÂply, the page plugs you into an archive of 135
vinÂtage AmerÂiÂcan radio shows, spanÂning from the 1930s to the 1950s. This was the height of AmerÂiÂca’s radio days. And when you lisÂten to the recordÂings, it won’t take long to realÂize that AmerÂiÂca was a very difÂferÂent counÂtry then (politÂiÂcalÂly, socialÂly and culÂturÂalÂly) than what it is today. The list feaÂtures some well-known clasÂsics. Take for examÂple, the Abbott and CostelÂlo Show, Bob and Ray Show, Bob Hope Show, Burns and Allen Show, Mel Blanc Show and MilÂton Berle Show (detect a patÂtern yet?). Then, you can also lisÂten in on episodes of GunÂsmoke, Jack BenÂny, The Lone Ranger, The CisÂco Kid, Father Knows Best and the AdvenÂtures Of Philip MarÂlowe. For those who want to expeÂriÂence the clasÂsics of old-time AmerÂiÂcan radio, or what mainÂstream AmerÂiÂcan enterÂtainÂment used to be, this audio archive should keep you busy for a good long while.
RelatÂed WebÂsite: AnothÂer colÂlecÂtion of vinÂtage radio audio clips can be found here.
RelatÂed ArtiÂcle: Radio fans should look back at our artiÂcle on the famous Orson Welles radio broadÂcast from 1938 — The War of the Worlds. ReadÂers can access here an audio file of the origÂiÂnal broadÂcast that sent the US into hysÂterÂics. It’s well worth a lisÂten if you haven’t heard it before.
[…] Also see: VinÂtage Radio Archive: The Lone Ranger, Abbott & CostelÂlo, and Bob Hope […]
[…] VinÂtage Radio Archive: The Lone Ranger, Abbott & CostelÂlo, and Bob Hope […]