NumerÂous MP3 blogs, othÂerÂwise called “music blogs” or “audio blogs”, have sproutÂed up since 2003, offerÂing lisÂtenÂers the chance to get exposed not only to forÂgotÂten music and out-of-print albums, but also to new music being put out by new bands and indie labels. Below, we have colÂlectÂed some of the more well-regardÂed MP3 blogs across difÂferÂent musiÂcal genÂres. As you will note, many sites will host an MP3 for only a limÂitÂed amount of time, makÂing it so that you can samÂple music for free but also givÂing you an incenÂtive to purÂchase music that you like and want to own. Have a look and feel free to let us know if we’re missÂing some good ones. MeanÂwhile, we’ll add to this list over time. SubÂscribe to Our Feed
- An AquarÂiÂum DrunkÂard: Based in Los AngeÂles, this eclecÂtic audio blog “bridges the gap between conÂtemÂpoÂrary indie and vinÂtage garage, psych-folk, counÂtry, New Orleans funk, R&B, soul and everyÂthing that falls in between.”
- BrookÂlyn VegÂan: Here you get a New York City-cenÂtric, mostÂly-music blog that focusÂes on reportÂing music news, live show reviews, tour dates, and, yes, MP3’s.
- CacophÂoÂnous: A clasÂsiÂcal music MP3 blog.
- ChromeÂwaves: Along with the rumiÂnaÂtions of a self-conÂfessed indie rock geek, you get an “MP3 of the Week” that feaÂtures a ranÂdom or not-so-ranÂdom covÂer song.
- DaytrotÂter: Gives you “excluÂsive, re-worked, alterÂnate verÂsions of old songs and unreÂleased tracks by some of your favorite bands and by a lot of your next favorite bands.”
- DesÂtiÂnaÂtion: Out: A jazz blog focusÂing on rare or out-of-print music. TypÂiÂcalÂly pubÂlishÂes twice a week, and leaves songs availÂable for about two weeks.
- DisÂcoÂbelle: A SweÂden-based music blog that posts sinÂgle tracks and remixÂes and occaÂsionÂalÂly excluÂsive mixÂes from DJs all around the world.
- Done WaitÂing: Part film, part music with MP3s.
- Elbows: A meta colÂlecÂtion of great music blog posts, which colÂlecÂtiveÂly proÂvides you a snapÂshot of what’s going on in the new genre of audio/music blogÂging.
- Fluxblog: One of the oldÂest and most comÂmonÂly citÂed MP3 blogs, this site posts two MP3s every weekÂday along with more relatÂed inforÂmaÂtion.
- GorilÂla vs. Bear: One of the bigÂgies worth checkÂing out.
- I Guess I’m FloatÂing: A good music blog with a good sprinÂkling of MP3s.
- IdolÂaÂtor: Maybe this sumÂmaÂry will help: “When the interÂnet came, we overÂthrew the pasty white tastemakÂers, the duplicÂiÂtous music marÂketers and the manÂuÂfacÂtured pop idols. And then they all came back. This is IdolÂaÂtor. We’re so disÂapÂpointÂed.”
- La BloÂgotheque: A well-regardÂed French lanÂguage MP3 blog.
- LargeÂheartÂed Boy: A “music blog feaÂturÂing daiÂly free and legal music downÂloads as well as news from the worlds of music, litÂerÂaÂture, and pop culÂture.”
- Marathon Packs: Writes about and lets you lisÂten to interÂestÂing songs, to paraÂphrase the sites self-descripÂtion. Keeps audio files postÂed for two weeks.
- MoistÂworks: An audio blog startÂed in April 2004 (meanÂing it has a track record) that gets updatÂed MonÂday through FriÂday.
- Motel De Moka: A daiÂly blog postÂing eclecÂtic playlists, includÂing indie rock, acoustics and ambiÂent.
- My Old KenÂtucky Blog: What’s new and hot in indie rock, pop, folk and hip-hop.
- NothÂing But Green Lights: An MP3 blog that keeps track of indie, elecÂtro, folk & pop, all from the UK. The site only posts tracks that the interÂnet is givÂing away for free, or ones that have been grantÂed perÂmisÂsion.
- ProdÂuct Shop NYC: Although not excluÂsiveÂly an MP3 blog, you do get some MP3s worth your time here.
- Said the GramoÂphone: Launched in 2003, the site is among the first MP3 blogs and it offers a daiÂly samÂpler of “realÂly good songs,” although all songs are removed withÂin a week or two of postÂing. The blog comes out of CanaÂda.
- Six Eyes: An MP3 blog by Alan Williamson.
- SkatÂter Brain: A mostÂly indiepop music blog.
- So Much Silence: MP3s a plenÂty.
- Soul Crates: Your home for soul MP3s.
- StereÂogum: A popÂuÂlar gosÂsipy blog about the indie music scene. The site often posts MP3s of new music, plus offers record reviews, announces tour dates, and covÂers music fesÂtiÂvals.
- The Hype Machine: The Hype Machine tracks and aggreÂgates a variÂety of MP3 blogs. AnothÂer meta approach.
- The Music Slut: A comÂpreÂhenÂsive music blog with oodles of MP3s.
- Trrill: AnothÂer good clasÂsiÂcal music audio blog.
- WFMU Beware of the Blog: An MP3 blog run by WFMU, an indeÂpenÂdent freeform radio staÂtion broadÂcastÂing out of NYC.
- Who Needs Radio?: We believe in music, not monÂey. We’re here to keep your ears alive.
- You Ain’t No PicasÂso: A good music blog with a very nice blogroll and MP3s too.
Could I also plug my brothÂer Gronk’s music site? It’s not preÂciseÂly a blog, but there’s over 100 origÂiÂnal songs (in MP3 forÂmat) to downÂload for free (donaÂtions always welÂcome, if you enjoy them). There will be more postÂed up on a pretÂty regÂuÂlar basis, as he’s quite proÂlifÂic. The sound is pretÂty varÂied, but could genÂerÂalÂly be described as indie, I supÂpose.
You can find the songs at:
If you are using Peel, you should enter this address:
SorÂry to kind of spam you, but I’m a politÂiÂcal blogÂger norÂmalÂly, and the world of MP3 blogs is someÂthing that I’ve only recentÂly startÂed explorÂing…
Could you add mine as well
[…] Now, on YouTube, you can find The Grey Video, which experÂiÂmenÂtalÂly brings DanÂger Mouse’s conÂcept to video. The video, creÂatÂed by two Swiss direcÂtors, meshÂes clips from The BeaÂtÂles’ film A Hard Day’s Night with footage of Jay‑Z perÂformÂing. Watch it below, and get more info on The Grey Album here. Also check our colÂlecÂtion of MP3 Music Blogs. […]
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