Martin Scorsese on The Rolling Stones, Then George Harrison

Mar­tin Scors­ese is on a rock ‘n roll tear.

In 2006, he released No Direc­tion Home, an acclaimed doc­u­men­tary on Bob Dylan (long after he filmed his first rock­u­men­tary, The Last Waltz in 1978). Next April, he’s set to release anoth­er doc­u­men­tary on The Rolling Stones, ten­ta­tive­ly called Shine a Light. (Watch the already released trail­er below.) And now he has just agreed to direct a film about George Har­ri­son. The movie, being made with the sup­port of Har­rison’s fam­i­ly, will cov­er his time with the Bea­t­les, his music and film career there­after, and Har­rison’s spir­i­tu­al engage­ment with East­ern reli­gion. Report­ed­ly, Paul McCart­ney and Ringo Starr may also con­tribute to the mak­ing of the film. It won’t be out for a few good years. In the mean­time, check out our recent piece, The Bea­t­les: Pod­casts from Yes­ter­day.

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