I’ve heard this joke many times before on audio, but nevÂer seen it on video. Here it goes. The Moose Joke apparÂentÂly from 1965.
in Comedy, Film, Video - Arts & Culture | October 7th, 2007 4 Comments
I’ve heard this joke many times before on audio, but nevÂer seen it on video. Here it goes. The Moose Joke apparÂentÂly from 1965.
by OC | Permalink | Comments (4) |
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this is not a very funÂny rouÂtine
Heh heh… I think I had this on CD at one point.
I had forÂgotÂten how long it takes him to make a joke!
DifÂferÂent from the audio verÂsion I have. Could we find out which came first? His body lanÂguage surÂprisÂes me, doesÂn’t quite fit with the rhythm of the joke. In the audio verÂsion he says, “But the joke is on them because its restrictÂed.” FunÂnier that way, no? So young! So pre-Soon Yi!
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