Vintage Woody Allen (From His Stand Up Days)

I’ve heard this joke many times before on audio, but nev­er seen it on video. Here it goes. The Moose Joke appar­ent­ly from 1965.

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  • ES says:

    this is not a very fun­ny rou­tine

  • Gideon says:

    Heh heh… I think I had this on CD at one point.

    I had for­got­ten how long it takes him to make a joke!

  • Sima says:

    Dif­fer­ent from the audio ver­sion I have. Could we find out which came first? His body lan­guage sur­pris­es me, does­n’t quite fit with the rhythm of the joke. In the audio ver­sion he says, “But the joke is on them because its restrict­ed.” Fun­nier that way, no? So young! So pre-Soon Yi!

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