With last year being the 250th anniverÂsary of Mozart’s birth, there was no shortÂage of podÂcasts dedÂiÂcatÂed to Mozart’s masÂterÂpieces. First, Radio SweÂden (iTunes — Feed — Web Site) reisÂsued a digÂiÂtal archive of Mozart recordÂings by the RoyÂal Swedish Opera from the 1940s and 1950s. And, along very simÂiÂlar lines, DanÂmarks Radio (Feed — Web Site) issued podÂcasts of nine Mozart symÂphonies recordÂed by the DanÂish Radio SymÂphoÂny
OrchesÂtra. (You’ll find here symÂphonies numÂbers 15, 17, 23, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, and 41. Since the web site is in DanÂish, we’d recÂomÂmend accessÂing these high qualÂiÂty MP3’s through the rss feed listÂed above.) LastÂly, we should menÂtion here that, as part of last year’s fesÂtivÂiÂties, The InterÂnaÂtionÂal Mozart FounÂdaÂtion pubÂlished online for the first time the entireÂty of of Mozart’s musiÂcal scores.
Along with Mozart, you can find plenÂty of Beethoven. We have highÂlightÂed here before, but it’s worth notÂing again, Deutsche Welle’s podÂcast colÂlecÂtion called BeethovenÂfest (iTunes — Feed — Web Site). You’ll want to give it a look, and also see the podÂcast colÂlecÂtion put togethÂer by the Boston SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra ConÂserÂvaÂtoÂry (iTunes — Feed — Web Site). This eduÂcaÂtionÂal series offers an extenÂsive overview and recordÂings of Beethoven’s work, as well as that of Arnold SchoenÂberg. You can also catch more Beethoven (as well as a litÂtle Mozart and Bach) with the podÂcast series called The ConÂcert (iTunes — Feed — Web Site), which feaÂtures recordÂings from the IsabelÂla StewÂart GardÂner MuseÂum in Boston.
SpeakÂing of Bach, you may want to give some time to these two podÂcasts: Bach PodÂcast from Magnatune.com (iTunes — Feed — Web Site) and Bach FesÂtiÂval of PhiladelÂphia (Feed — Web Site).
Let’s now leave you with a few othÂer good finds: WagÂnÂer Operas PodÂcast (iTunes — Feed — Web Site) lets you lisÂten in on recordÂings from the annuÂal Bayreuth FesÂtiÂval, plus more. An IntiÂmate Tour Through the Music of Yo-Yo Ma (iTunes — Feed — Web Site) offers essenÂtialÂly what the title says. FinalÂly, we’d recÂomÂmend ClasÂsiÂcal PerÂforÂmance (iTunes Feed Web Site), which conÂsists of clasÂsiÂcal music perÂforÂmances from WGBÂH’s StuÂdio One in Boston; The New York PhiÂlaÂharÂmonÂic PodÂcast (iTunes — Feed — Web Site) which introÂduces you to the music and perÂformÂers feaÂtured in the conÂcerts of the New York PhilÂharÂmonÂic; and From the Top. Live from Carnegie Hall Video PodÂcast (iTunes — Feed — Web Site), a podÂcast that showÂcasÂes the top-notch skills and comÂpelling stoÂries of AmerÂiÂca’s best young clasÂsiÂcal musiÂcians.
OthÂer PodÂcast SurÂveys:
- LisÂtenÂing to PoetÂry PodÂcasts
- SciÂence PodÂcasts At a Glance
- BetÂter ThinkÂing Through PodÂcasts
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