This looks like it’s the real deal — Yoko Ono’s tribÂute to John Lennon on YouTube. Among the video clips housed in the colÂlecÂtion, you’ll find footage that recapÂtures the “bed-ins” that John and Yoko famousÂly staged in MonÂtreÂal and AmsÂterÂdam in 1969 to protest the VietÂnam War. As Lennon puts it, there’s no betÂter way to protest the war than to “stay in bed and grow your hair.” That’s a form of protest that the lost slackÂer in me can appreÂciÂate.
The footage is accomÂpaÂnied by the song, “Give Peace a Chance,” which was writÂten durÂing the bed-in. It was folÂlowed latÂer that year by “War is Over! If You Want It — HapÂpy ChristÂmas From John and Yoko.” The heartÂbreakÂing YouTube video set to this song has over one milÂlion views.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
- The BeaÂtÂles: PodÂcasts From YesÂterÂday
- What New YorkÂers Heard on the Radio the Night John Lennon was Shot
- The Grey Video: MixÂing The BeaÂtÂles with Jay‑Z
- The ComÂplete BeaÂtÂles in One Hour (and The SopraÂnos in SevÂen MinÂutes)
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[…] feaÂtured 17 iconÂic figÂures: Albert EinÂstein, Bob Dylan, MarÂtin Luther King, Jr., Richard BranÂson, John Lennon, BuckÂminÂster Fuller, Thomas EdiÂson, MuhamÂmad Ali, Ted TurnÂer, Maria Callas, MahatÂma GandÂhi, Amelia […]