Elephant Painting

The video above is fair­ly mind-blow­ing. And here you can watch the ele­phant from anoth­er angle. The ele­phant appar­ent­ly resides in a safe haven in Thai­land, after hav­ing been abused in Bur­ma. For more info, see The Ele­phant Art & Con­ser­va­tion Project. (Video has been added to our YouTube playlist.)

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  • Sareen says:

    If an ele­phant can do it, so can you.

  • Anonymous says:

    Whether this is real or not I can’t say. . .but it is inter­est­ing! Ele­phant paint­ing!

  • Anonymous says:

    this is real but the ele­phants are trained to paint those shapes…they don’t decide to just paint oth­er ele­phants on their own

  • Peter says:

    I am an artist and long been inter­est­ed in this. The paint­ing shown in the video is a fake, as described very clear­ly by an ele­phant art expert in Thai­land in the inter­view here:


    Check out the TEAG inter­view (real­ly infor­ma­tive and inter­est­ing) and the answer giv­en to “What is ele­phant art”. It is clear that the vast major­i­ty are fake, but ele­phants CAN paint and we need to know how to spot a paint­ing that’s real.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.