By now, many of you have probÂaÂbly seen (or at least heard about) the last lecÂture by Randy Pausch, a comÂputÂer sciÂence proÂfesÂsor from Carnegie MelÂlon UniÂverÂsiÂty, who is dying from panÂcreÂatÂic canÂcer. EntiÂtled “RealÂly AchievÂing Your ChildÂhood Dreams,” the lecÂture (see video below) is upbeat and upliftÂing withÂout being the slightÂest bit morose. And it sets an examÂple for how we can think about livÂing and dying. The lecÂture has been watched by milÂlions on YouTube, and it serves as the basis for a new book called The Last LecÂture, which is now the numÂber one bestÂseller on AmaÂzon. We’ve added the video to our YouTube playlist. If you haven’t seen it yet, give it your time. It will teach you someÂthing more valuÂable than anyÂthing else we serve up here. Also, you can downÂload it on iTunes.
Thanks for the link! I updatÂed the post to let readÂers know about it.