Here is JimÂmy Wales, WikipediÂa’s founder, being interÂviewed after Google debuted Knol. InterÂestÂing that his first thought is that users should copy Knol conÂtent and bring it to Wikipedia … :
in Google, Video - Arts & Culture, Wikipedia | July 27th, 2008 2 Comments
Here is JimÂmy Wales, WikipediÂa’s founder, being interÂviewed after Google debuted Knol. InterÂestÂing that his first thought is that users should copy Knol conÂtent and bring it to Wikipedia … :
by OC | Permalink | Comments (2) |
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He did not say that users should copy Knol conÂtent for Wikipedia. He said that the default Knol license perÂmits doing that. ThankÂfulÂly both Wikipedia and Knol seem to be more interÂestÂed in open culÂture than the peoÂple who label them as comÂpetiÂtors.
In your search for truth? being based on inforÂmaÂtion only ? based on who’s then? if hisÂtoÂry then who’s inforÂmaÂtion do you believe? the indiÂans veiÂwÂpoint of how the west was won, is most likeÂly difÂferÂent that the white man who went westÂ’s underÂstandÂing of it.