What Wikipedia Founder, Jimmy Wales, Thinks about Knol, the New Google Competitor

Here is Jim­my Wales, Wikipedi­a’s founder, being inter­viewed after Google debuted Knol. Inter­est­ing that his first thought is that users should copy Knol con­tent and bring it to Wikipedia … :

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  • Ramana Kumar says:

    He did not say that users should copy Knol con­tent for Wikipedia. He said that the default Knol license per­mits doing that. Thank­ful­ly both Wikipedia and Knol seem to be more inter­est­ed in open cul­ture than the peo­ple who label them as com­peti­tors.

  • louis says:

    In your search for truth? being based on infor­ma­tion only ? based on who’s then? if his­to­ry then who’s infor­ma­tion do you believe? the indi­ans vei­w­point of how the west was won, is most like­ly dif­fer­ent that the white man who went west­’s under­stand­ing of it.

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