New Yorker Fiction Podcast: Wolff Reads Dog Heaven

In the lat­est install­ment of The New York­er Fic­tion pod­cast (iTunes Feed Web Site), Tobias Wolff (author of Old School) reads Stephanie Vaughn’s short sto­ry “Dog Heav­en.”  If you’ve nev­er heard him before, Wolff gives his own work and oth­ers a very good read (see our ear­li­er piece.).

Though the pod­cast is not yet avail­able on iTunes, you can lis­ten to the mp3 right here. Also, I’d encour­age you to check out the var­i­ous New York­er pod­casts found in our Ideas & Cul­ture Pod­cast Col­lec­tion.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.