From the TedTalks conÂferÂence. FasÂciÂnatÂing talk. Here’s a sumÂmaÂry that introÂduces the clip below …
“NeuÂroanatomist Jill Bolte TayÂlor had an opporÂtuÂniÂty few brain sciÂenÂtists would wish for: One mornÂing, she realÂized she was havÂing a masÂsive stroke. As it hapÂpened — as she felt her brain funcÂtions slip away one by one, speech, moveÂment, underÂstandÂing — she studÂied and rememÂbered every moment. This is a powÂerÂful stoÂry about how our brains define us and conÂnect us to the world and to one anothÂer.” Added to our YouTube playlist.
[…] It Feels Like To Have a Stroke — Video – HarÂvard neuÂroanatomist Jill Bolte TayÂlor recounts her expeÂriÂence havÂing a stroke. One of […]
[…] It Feels Like To Have a Stroke — Video – HarÂvard neuÂroanatomist Jill Bolte TayÂlor recounts her expeÂriÂence havÂing a stroke. One of […]
I get what you are sayÂing about the diezÂinzss. I had a simÂiÂlar expeÂriÂence durÂing my first MS episode a few months back. My verÂtiÂgo perÂmeÂatÂed every expereÂince. It hurt just to stand up. I was afraid to sleep.Now I’ll be annoyÂing Have you been to the docÂtor? Are you takÂing anyÂthing to get rid of that feelÂing? I tried all the usuÂal verÂtiÂgo stuff but nothÂing helped. When I got my diagÂnoses they put me on PredÂnisone and that finalÂly reduced the swelling in my head enough for the verÂtiÂgo to work its way out. I hope you feel betÂter soon. ConÂstant diziÂness is awful.
Hi Amy,I have not read Dr. TayÂlor’s book yet. It should go on my to-do list one of these days. KeepÂing up with our own blogs, rdnieag the blogs of othÂers, interÂactÂing with othÂers on our blogs and theirs, while thinkÂing and writÂing our own thoughts and projects takes a conÂsidÂerÂable amount of it. The benÂeÂfit of BlogÂlines I am alertÂed to posts of my favorites when they are up. I couldÂn’t keep track of things othÂerÂwise.
WelÂcome to the world of medÂiÂtaÂtion