One of my friends from way back, SheerÂly Avni, has just postÂed an interÂview with Joss WheÂdon, who has now domÂiÂnatÂed in four media catÂeÂgories: film (SerenÂiÂty), teleÂviÂsion (Buffy the VamÂpire SlayÂer), comics (RunÂaways, The AstonÂishÂing X‑Men) and finalÂly the interÂnet. (Dr. HorÂriÂble’s SinÂgaÂlong Blog). The interÂview was conÂductÂed for MothÂer Jones, so there’s a lot about polÂiÂtics, genÂder, the writÂers’ strike, and, yes, TV and film. It runs about 38 minÂutes. Have a lisÂten.
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