ArtBabble: The New Destination for Art Videos

This week, Art­Bab­ble, a new video web­site for the muse­um & art world, opened its vir­tu­al doors. Cre­at­ed by the Indi­anapo­lis Muse­um of Art, Art­Bab­ble brings togeth­er videos from var­i­ous arts insti­tu­tions (MoMA, SFMOMA, PBS, the New Pub­lic Library, etc) and presents them to users in a clean, orga­nized way. The footage, often pro­duced in high def­i­n­i­tion, fea­tures inter­views with artists and cura­tors, doc­u­men­taries and art instal­la­tion videos. And, col­lec­tive­ly, they give you a more direct way to “expe­ri­ence the life of muse­ums.” To learn more about Art­Bab­ble, you can read a piece in The NY Times.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Art His­to­ry Web Book

The Rothko Panoram­ic Tour: A New Way to See Art

Rod­in’s Gates of Hell

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.