Thanks to PBS, you can watch online Ian McKÂellen starÂring in King Lear, one of ShakeÂseÂpeare’s finest tragedies. McKÂellen perÂformed the play first in EngÂland (2007), then on a worldÂwide tour, before filmÂing the proÂducÂtion for pubÂlic teleÂviÂsion. You can watch it all right here, and if you want to folÂlow the origÂiÂnal text, you can get it from MIT’s ShakeÂspeare web site, which housÂes ShakeÂspeare’s comÂplete works online.
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Would anyÂbody put me in conÂtact with Meaghan Greyson whose grandÂmothÂer was MarÂguerite Fitzroy-RichÂmond?