James Joyce Reading from Finnegans Wake

On Blooms­day (June 16), Boing­Bo­ing fea­tured a rare audio record­ing of James Joyce read­ing from Finnegans Wake (mp3). It’s a bit intrigu­ing to hear his voice and accent. Also, we came across anoth­er Joyce record­ing, where, this time, he’s read­ing Anna Livia Plura­belle, anoth­er sec­tion of the same nov­el. For kicks, you can catch an ani­mat­ed ver­sion of the same record­ing on YouTube here.

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  • holly says:

    PLEASE PLEASE get William Faulkn­er’s As I lay Dying, and Ernest Hem­ing­way’s The Old Man and the Sea on here!

  • Leishalynn says:

    The two Joyce read­ings are the same text, if not the very same read­ing.

  • ksparks says:

    Both record­ings are from about halfway through Anna Livia Plura­belle.

  • KMO says:

    Thanks to some­one who thinks they had enough of a hand in cre­at­ing Walt Whit­man’s works that they should get paid every time some­one hears a scrap of his verse read aloud, the YouTube link in this entry leads to dead page. :(

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