Science Catches the Eye of the Police

Rather humor­ous. You can catch more of Steve Span­gler’s sci­en­tif­ic work on his YouTube chan­nel and web site. We’ve also added him to our list of Intel­li­gent YouTube Col­lec­tions.

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  • Bradley Mayhew says:

    Steve Span­gler is awe­some! I can’t get enough of his crazy videos. I only wish I had a sci­ence teacher like him. I nev­er did any cool sci­ence exper­i­ments in school. Thanks for shar­ing this!

  • Thanks for the post and all the links, Dan! We real­ly appre­ci­ate it. Of all the videos Steve has made, I think this one is my absolute favorite. I nev­er tire of it — maybe because it is a glimpse into a typ­i­cal day at the office with Steve. Thanks for putting it out there.


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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.