A quick note: AmaÂzon will let you downÂload a Philip Glass samÂpler that conÂtains 21 tracks. You can get them as mp3s, and they’re all free. But the deal ends (it seems) by the end of the day. So act quickÂly.
via LifeÂhackÂer
in Music | October 28th, 2009 14 Comments
A quick note: AmaÂzon will let you downÂload a Philip Glass samÂpler that conÂtains 21 tracks. You can get them as mp3s, and they’re all free. But the deal ends (it seems) by the end of the day. So act quickÂly.
via LifeÂhackÂer
by OC | Permalink | Comments (14) |
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Very susÂpiÂcious. You are required to sign in, and then downÂload and install an appliÂcaÂtion called an “MP3 downÂloader”.
Yes, AmaÂzon has a downÂloader and, if you use iTunes, it will autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly load the mp3s into your colÂlecÂtion. For many, this will be useÂful. For othÂers, not. If you’re conÂcerned about this being malÂware, I wouldÂn’t worÂry. It’s not. If you’re conÂcerned about the conÂcept of a downÂloader in genÂerÂal, well, I can’t help you there. It’s just how AmaÂzon does things.
How do you know it’s not?
I’ve used it withÂout any probÂlem for a year plus, and I assume that AmaÂzon has a repÂuÂtaÂtion at stake. But, I obviÂousÂly can’t guarÂanÂtee it.
Thanks, this is a find:DDD
They have a downÂloader for ubunÂtu (amongst othÂers) Whoknew?
Thanks for the heads up, Dan.
Still availÂable!