Kindle the Answer? For Author J.A. Konrath It Is

With six pub­lished nov­els under his belt, you might think J.A. Kon­rath has it made. But, if you know much about the cur­rent pub­lish­ing mar­ket, you could cer­tain­ly ques­tion that. Made or not, JA made a very inter­est­ing dis­cov­ery recent­ly when he sat down and com­pared his Hype­r­i­on ebook roy­al­ty state­ments with the pro­ceeds he’s brought in by putting up four nov­els on Ama­zon’s Kin­dle store all by him­self.

What did he learn? That self-pub­lish­ing ebooks can be a lucra­tive and very real option for known authors! You’ve got to read the whole post here to get a full sense of the fig­ures involved and why this has been work­ing for him.

While we’re at it, if you want more writ­ers dis­clos­ing their roy­al­ty state­ments in blogs, have a look at what Lynn Viehl has to say about the pro­ceeds from her NY Times Best­selling books at Thanks to April Hamil­ton at  Pub­le­tari­at for bring­ing this to my eye.

You can find out more about Seth’s work (includ­ing his lat­est book Jack Wakes Up) at

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