Hear John Lennon’s 3‑Hour Interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, 1970


Image by Roy Ker­wood, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

The anniver­sary of John Lennon’s death jogged my mem­o­ry, remind­ing me of this lengthy 1970 inter­view. Con­duct­ed by Jann Wen­ner, the founder of Rolling Stone mag­a­zine, this impor­tant con­ver­sa­tion was record­ed short­ly after The Bea­t­les’ bit­ter breakup.

Run­ning over 3 hours, it is one of Lennon’s most exten­sive inter­views, touch­ing not just on the breakup, but also on art and pol­i­tics, drugs, Yoko, pri­mal ther­a­py and more. It’s not always flat­ter­ing, but it gives you a good feel for the man and the great artist.

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