Great find by Robert B., who capÂtions this clip: “the teenage Glenn Gould at his CanaÂdiÂan home.” Gould is playÂing here J.S.Bach’s ParÂtiÂta #2. Give this a minute to get going. It’s a pretÂty aweÂsome disÂplay of Gould’s talÂents. Thanks for sharÂing Robert…
BeauÂtiÂful. I needÂed someÂthing like this; thank you.
… I can’t resist pointÂing out that Gould, like the BeaÂtÂles, retired from perÂformÂing and conÂcenÂtratÂed his creÂative enerÂgies on recordÂing. A fragÂile and eccenÂtric man, Gould was able to live life on his own terms due to the royÂalÂties he earned from his recordÂings. He got to live with digÂniÂty (autonÂoÂmy, self-ownÂerÂship) and we got his beauÂtiÂful recordÂings. That is what I call a win-win sitÂuÂaÂtion.
(Can anyÂone imagÂine Gould hawkÂing t‑shirts, or sellÂing himÂself on MySpace?)
This was shot in 1959 (before Gould recordÂed the GoldÂberg VariÂaÂtions!) and is part of Bruno MonÂsainÂgeon’s docÂuÂmenÂtary “The Art of the Piano,” feaÂturÂing many of the great 20th CenÂtuÂry pianists.
SorÂry folks- I was in error. This was shot about 4 years after the first GoldÂberg recordÂing and Gould was about 27 years old.
Thanks, Robert. I hope to find a copy of “The Art of the Piano.” I also see that MonÂsainÂgeon has made a full-length film on Gould which looks very interÂestÂing, called “Glenn Gould: HereÂafter.”
Mike, it’s rather easy to imagÂine someÂone of Gould’s talÂent getÂting donaÂtions from fans, felÂlowÂships, and grants to conÂtinÂue makÂing his music. Artists of true greatÂness need not rely on artiÂfiÂcial scarciÂty to make monÂey.
I wonÂder how Bach himÂself made a livÂing withÂout copyÂright, eh? RidÂdle me that one.
Years ago I lived in Detroit and lisÂtened to the CBC. Gould did a series of sound porÂtraits of things that interÂestÂed him. I rememÂber one in parÂticÂuÂlar that was about Grand Banks fishÂerÂman with approÂpriÂate sounds of old men talkÂing about life on the Grand Banks schooners, folk music, wind noisÂes, etc.
Could these still be available?I know I would love to hear them again!
He was a genius pianist. But I’m sorÂry, any performer/conductor who has the audacÂiÂty to sing along with their playÂing ought to be kicked in the tuckus. I came to lisÂten to you PLAY/CONDUCT. Your vocalÂizÂing is disÂtractÂing, annoyÂing and takes away from your virÂtuÂosÂiÂty on the instruÂment that you are perÂformÂing on. There was a conÂductÂing proÂfesÂsor in colÂlege who would do the very same thing. FinalÂly, the last dress rehearsal before the sigÂnaÂture perÂforÂmance of the BernÂstein Mass, one of the orchesÂtra memÂbers comÂmentÂed to him about it and he was takÂen aback and supÂposÂedÂly didÂn’t realÂize he was doing it.
Yeah, I guess. At least he was man enough to STFU durÂing the perÂforÂmance.
FaultÂing arguablynÂthe highÂest genius in the entire hisÂtoÂry of music for his u201cvocalizingu201d is someÂthingnÂvery fresh. Iu2019m adding your post to thenÂcolÂlecÂtion of the best comÂments relatÂed to music. Right after those:nn#1. Bach isnoutÂdatÂed and his music is dead. What donyÂou mean u201cwhyu201d? You canu2019t dance underÂnÂhis music! Thatu2019s it! nn#2. Music wasÂnthought up by Jews. WhatÂevÂer it takes asnÂlong as it can proÂtect them from real job.nnYour comÂment belongnÂright there, although only #3, sorÂry.
Check out and type Glenn Gould in the search box. There are two box sets (curÂrentÂly on sale) that may interÂest you, but the one called “The Radio Artist” in parÂticÂuÂlar would probÂaÂbly conÂtain copies of the radio shows you’d like to hear.
Ignore the vocalÂizÂing if it offends and conÂcenÂtrate on the Gould genius on the keyÂboard.
I found this:
Glenn Gould: The LateÂcomÂers 1
This should lead you to the othÂers in the series. They are in EngÂlish even though the writÂten descripÂtion is in French. I hope you get this mesÂsage.