The CBS Radio Workshop was an “experimental dramatic radio anthology series” that aired between 1956 and 1957. And it premiered with a two-part adaptation of Aldous Huxley’s now classic 1932 novel, Brave New World. Huxley himself introduced and narrated the program, and now this classic radio drama has resurfaced online. You can listen to Part 1 and Part 2 below. The mp3s will be permanently housed in our collection of Free Audio Books.
Part 1
Part 2
where might I be able to hear the rest of the book?
how to download it?
Obviamente supongo que se encuentra en idioma ingles… si alguien sabe si se encuentra en español que lo comparta por favor
Obviamente supongo que se encuentra en idioma ingles… si alguien sabe si se encuentra en español que lo comparta por favor -
Obviously I guess language is English … if anyone knows if it is in Spanish to share itplease
how can i download the MP3 file
to download open the links provided (part one and two) right click on the play button and click “save video as…” then it will save the mp3
Great book
nice book
great site!!!
“Source file could not be found” for both parts 1 and 2 when I right click and Save as so I assume the files are not in the place they should be or the links are pointing to the wrong places. I would love to hear this book being read by Huxley himself and I have fond memories of reading it many years ago. Thank you.
I’ve found that the best data subject, thank you
perfect book
If you right-click on each of the two links in the text above, “listen to Part 1 and Part 2 below,”, then “Save link as”, you can download the MP3 files to your machine.
I tried that. I right-clicked on the play button, but there is no choice for save file/video/etc. as. Is there a link I’m not seeing (I’m legally blind)?
They must have disabled that feature to attract more traffic hits.
Not convenient for those with limited internet access.
Here are links to the two mp3 files:–2701.mp3–0302.mp3
If you’re using a mac, press ⌘ + I to view the page info, click on media and download the audio files from there.
left click ‘save as’ on the play button should work :)
You rock!
What chapter is this?