Kubrick vs. Scorsese Montage

Ear­li­er this year, Lean­dro Cop­per­field spent days re-watch­ing the films of Quentin Taran­ti­no and the Coen broth­ers. Then, using 500+ scenes from 17 movies, he devel­oped a mon­tage trib­ute sim­ply called Taran­ti­no vs Coen Broth­ers. This pair­ing makes a cer­tain amount of sense. Both have a won­der­ful knack for aes­theti­ciz­ing vio­lence. But what’s the thread that runs through Cop­per­field­’s lat­est short trib­ute, Kubrick vs Scors­ese? Per­haps it’s quite sim­ply the grandeur of their film­mak­ing. About Kubrick­’s artistry Scors­ese said, “Watch­ing a Kubrick film is like gaz­ing up at a moun­tain­top. You look up and won­der, how could any­one have climbed that high? There are emo­tion­al pas­sages and images and spaces in his films that have an inex­plic­a­ble pow­er…” And, you can’t help but think that Kubrick looked at Scors­ese’s work with a sim­i­lar sense of awe.

Scors­ese offers more thoughts on Kubrick in this 2001 episode of Char­lie Rose. It’s worth a watch. For more great films, please see our col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online.

via @BrainPicker and Kot­tke

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