EarÂliÂer this year, LeanÂdro CopÂperÂfield spent days re-watchÂing the films of Quentin TaranÂtiÂno and the Coen brothÂers. Then, using 500+ scenes from 17 movies, he develÂoped a monÂtage tribÂute simÂply called TaranÂtiÂno vs Coen BrothÂers. This pairÂing makes a cerÂtain amount of sense. Both have a wonÂderÂful knack for aesÂthetiÂcizÂing vioÂlence. But what’s the thread that runs through CopÂperÂfieldÂ’s latÂest short tribÂute, Kubrick vs ScorsÂese? PerÂhaps it’s quite simÂply the grandeur of their filmÂmakÂing. About KubrickÂ’s artistry ScorsÂese said, “WatchÂing a Kubrick film is like gazÂing up at a mounÂtainÂtop. You look up and wonÂder, how could anyÂone have climbed that high? There are emoÂtionÂal pasÂsages and images and spaces in his films that have an inexÂplicÂaÂble powÂer…” And, you can’t help but think that Kubrick looked at ScorsÂese’s work with a simÂiÂlar sense of awe.
ScorsÂese offers more thoughts on Kubrick in this 2001 episode of CharÂlie Rose. It’s worth a watch. For more great films, please see our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online.
via @BrainPicker and KotÂtke
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