The 1910 Tour de France Revisited

A hun­dred years ago, the orga­niz­ers of the Tour de France took rid­ers high into moun­tains for the very first time. And, from there, the mys­tique of the Tour de France grew and grew. To com­mem­o­rate this occa­sion, a group of mod­ern day rid­ers retraced the same route through the Pyre­nees, which includes some leg­endary climbs: the Col de Peyre­sourde, the Col d’Aspin, the Col du Tour­malet, the Col du Soulor, etc. The weath­er con­di­tions are slight­ly tough for these rid­ers, but their bikes are light and mod­ern, and the gear­ing much more for­giv­ing than what their fore­bears had. Mean­while the film doc­u­ment­ing their ride is a plea­sure to watch. The run­time is about 15 min­utes.

via @vimeo

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  • Jim says:

    A cou­ple of friends and I just returned from a grand tour of the south of France on bikes includ­ing the Tour­malet and the Aspin. This deeply inspi­ra­tional film will for­ev­er endure me to Open Cul­ture. Thank you very much for all the enjoy­ment you bring me.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.