In 1995, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the futurist and science fiction writer most well known for his novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, presented a television documentary on the 1980 discovery of the Mandelbrot Set (M‑Set). Fractals: The Colors of Infinity brings us inside the world of fractal geometry, and soon enough we’re encountering what has been called “the thumbprint of God.” Clarke narrates the film, which has a 54 minute runtime. David Gilmour (guitarist, vocalist and songwriter for Pink Floyd) created the soundtrack. Big hat tip to Greg for sending along…
Note: You can purchase online the DVD of the documentary, along with the original book on which it was based.
Thank you for posting this today. The timing was perfect. I was just going to search for information about fractals. I have always been a huge fan of Arthur C. Clarke.
great stuff. the idea of a universe that has no basic building block, a universe that has fractal properties, is just mind-bending :)
Thanks for this tempting presentation of Fractals and Mistery- the Holy Graal of art in science !
Einstein,Mandelbrot,Clarke thanks …
Great music background.