Arthur C. Clarke Presents the Colors of Infinity

In 1995, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the futur­ist and sci­ence fic­tion writer most well known for his nov­el 2001: A Space Odyssey, pre­sent­ed a tele­vi­sion doc­u­men­tary on the 1980 dis­cov­ery of the Man­del­brot Set (M‑Set). Frac­tals: The Col­ors of Infin­i­ty brings us inside the world of frac­tal geom­e­try, and soon enough we’re encoun­ter­ing what has been called “the thumbprint of God.” Clarke nar­rates the film, which has a 54 minute run­time. David Gilmour (gui­tarist, vocal­ist and song­writer for Pink Floyd) cre­at­ed the sound­track. Big hat tip to Greg for send­ing along…

Note: You can pur­chase online the DVD of the doc­u­men­tary, along with the orig­i­nal book on which it was based.

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  • PJ says:

    Thank you for post­ing this today. The tim­ing was per­fect. I was just going to search for infor­ma­tion about frac­tals. I have always been a huge fan of Arthur C. Clarke.

  • francis says:

    great stuff. the idea of a uni­verse that has no basic build­ing block, a uni­verse that has frac­tal prop­er­ties, is just mind-bend­ing :)

  • Besker-Ivasovic Ljubica says:

    Thanks for this tempt­ing pre­sen­ta­tion of Frac­tals and Mis­tery- the Holy Graal of art in sci­ence !
    Einstein,Mandelbrot,Clarke thanks …

  • Milan Nikolic says:

    Great music back­ground.

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