BriÂan WilÂson was the driÂving force behind The Beach Boys, the band who gave us Pet Sounds (1966), the LP ranked 2nd on Rolling Stone’s list of “The 500 GreatÂest Albums of All Time.” Now, almost 50 years after formÂing the band, WilÂson will release a new solo album next TuesÂday. BriÂan WilÂson ReimagÂines GershÂwin feaÂtures covÂers – imagÂiÂnaÂtive re-interÂpreÂtaÂtions, if you will – of clasÂsic songs writÂten by the iconÂic GershÂwin BrothÂers. The video above spells out the backÂstoÂry behind the album. But if you want a real taste of the project, then get this. This SunÂday, the album will be streamed live on BriÂan Wilson’s web site at 12:00 noon PacifÂic Time. And thereÂafter WilÂson himÂself will take quesÂtions on his FaceÂbook page for one hour (12:45pm — 1:45pm). Get the details here. And also check out this good find: GershÂwin plays GershÂwin: RhapÂsody in Blue.
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