Brian Wilson Reimagines Gershwin (Listen Online This Sunday)

Bri­an Wil­son was the dri­ving force behind The Beach Boys, the band who gave us Pet Sounds (1966), the LP ranked 2nd on Rolling Stone’s list of “The 500 Great­est Albums of All Time.” Now, almost 50 years after form­ing the band, Wil­son will release a new solo album next Tues­day. Bri­an Wil­son Reimag­ines Gersh­win fea­tures cov­ers – imag­i­na­tive re-inter­pre­ta­tions, if you will – of clas­sic songs writ­ten by the icon­ic Gersh­win Broth­ers. The video above spells out the back­sto­ry behind the album. But if you want a real taste of the project, then get this. This Sun­day, the album will be streamed live on Bri­an Wilson’s web site at 12:00 noon Pacif­ic Time. And there­after Wil­son him­self will take ques­tions on his Face­book page for one hour (12:45pm — 1:45pm). Get the details here. And also check out this good find: Gersh­win plays Gersh­win: Rhap­sody in Blue.

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