The Paris Review, the great litÂerÂary jourÂnal co-foundÂed by George PlimpÂton, unveiled last week a new web site and a big archive of interÂviews with famous litÂerÂary figÂures. SpanÂning five decades, the interÂviews often talk about the “how” of litÂerÂaÂture (to borÂrow a phrase from Salman Rushdie) – that is, how writÂers go about writÂing. RumÂmagÂing through the archive, you will encounter conÂverÂsaÂtions with TS Eliot, William FaulknÂer, Ralph ElliÂson, Ernest HemÂingÂway, Simone de BeauÂvoir, Saul BelÂlow, Jorge Luis Borges, NorÂman MailÂer, Mary McCarthy, Vladimir Nabokov, John SteinÂbeck, Joan DidÂion, Kurt VonÂnegut, EudoÂra WelÂty, RayÂmond CarvÂer, RusÂsell Banks, Don DeLilÂlo, Toni MorÂriÂson, Paul Auster, etc. And, amazÂingÂly, this list only scratchÂes the surÂface of what’s availÂable.
Note: These interÂviews are sepÂaÂrateÂly availÂable in book forÂmat: The Paris Review InterÂviews, VolÂumes 1–4.
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