WikiRebels: New Documentary Tells the WikiLeaks‎ Story

Ear­li­er this week, Swe­den’s pub­lic tele­vi­sion ser­vice, SVT (akin to PBS and the BBC), released a one hour doc­u­men­tary chron­i­cling the his­to­ry of Wik­iLeaks, start­ing with its ear­ly leaks of Sci­en­tol­ogy doc­u­ments and end­ing with its recent release of Amer­i­can diplo­mat­ic cables. Since July, SVT reporters have fol­lowed Wik­iLeaks, trav­el­ing near and far to inter­view Wik­iLeaks founder Julian Assange and oth­er top mem­bers of the whistle­blow­ing orga­ni­za­tion, some of who have since left the embat­tled inter­net site. All in all, a decent intro­duc­tion to Wik­ileaks and its con­tro­ver­sial mis­sion. Thanks to @eacion for the heads up…

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  • sue ogden says:

    I say “let the truth live and lies die!”

  • ADK says:

    Thanks always for the great resources, Open Cul­ture.

  • 6oz says:

    Shoot, link seems to be bro­ken. Do you know if anoth­er place to view this?

  • joe says:

    sylo world­wide, when soci­eties embrace a cul­ture of death and pro­motes infati­cide and abor­tion and calls it Human rights or an indi­vid­u­als rights then its easy for indi­vid­u­als to make incor­rect deci­sions that may be polit­i­caly cor­rect but moral­ly abhor­rent we dif­fuse evil and rightous behav­ior so that it is con­fused and unrecognizable.Wiki rebels believe the end jus­ti­fies the means but then same goes for State Gov­ern­ment Pol­i­cy Architects.The truth is, pow­er is a wicked mistress.If truth becomes an outlaw,then sup­port your local out­law (SYLO)

  • Catherine says:

    Don’t you think that we had enough of Wikileaks..why don’t peo­ple talk about secu­ri­ty instead if at all they are sup­port­ing this cause…wikileaks is now becom­ing a threat for our nation…and when I talk of this it reminds me about one of the blogs which talks about nation­al security…this Microsoft secu­ri­ty expert is in favour of rules and poli­cies relat­ing to fur­ther read this please fol­low the link..

  • Jon says:

    @Catherine.… Did you watch this doc­u­men­tary at all? A threat to our nation? I believe he cares lit­tle for what you would con­sid­er a nation. He cares about democ­ra­cy and trans­paren­cy. Nations care lit­tle for this. Beyond that his actions are NOT the threat to our “nation” what is a threat to our “nation” is our actions that con­tin­ue to bring suf­fer­ing to mil­lions. On top of that, cov­er­ing it up and lying about it pub­licly makes the sit­u­a­tion even worse since the pub­lic at home have no idea why some­one might join the Tal­iban or a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion. Hon­esty and trans­paren­cy are need­ed in this coun­try at every lev­el, espe­cial­ly if we want to make sound deci­sions for our­selves and the world around us.

  • Jennifer Hughes says:

    @Catherine: The link giv­en above is quite per­ti­nent to the whole wik­ileaks issue and nation­al secu­ri­ty. It is actu­al­ly very threat­en­ing to see how the peo­ple from your enter­prise itself leak your con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion. Well we can only raise our voice against the whole inci­dent which is hap­pen­ing.

  • Anon says:

    How more wrong could you be? Gov­ern­ment account­abil­i­ty is now a “threat to our nation”? We need open­ness and trans­paren­cy more than ever, and the fact you are say­ing this just shows me how much the insti­tu­tions and estab­lish­ment wants you to believe this.

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