There’s nothÂing new about it. Major periÂods of techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal change have always engenÂdered disÂloÂcaÂtion and debate. Some resist the changes wrought by new techÂnolÂoÂgy, and othÂers embrace them. 1968 brings us back to one such moment, when the AmerÂiÂcan novÂelÂist NorÂman MailÂer and comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion theÂoÂrist MarÂshall McLuhan appeared on the CBC proÂgram, The SumÂmer Way, to debate the relÂaÂtive merÂits of our Electronic/Information Age. Are we alienÂatÂing ourÂselves as we push the elecÂtronÂic enveÂlope? Or have we entered a valÂue neuÂtral state (if not someÂthing betÂter)? The two big thinkers hash out the quesÂtion for 28 minÂutes. You can watch the conÂverÂsaÂtion in its entireÂty (28 minÂutes) on YouTube.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
NorÂman MailÂer & MarÂshall McLuhan Debate the ElecÂtronÂic Age
The VisionÂary Thought of MarÂshall McLuhan, IntroÂduced and DemysÂtiÂfied by Tom Wolfe
MarÂshall McLuhan’s 1969 Deck of Cards, Designed For Out-of-the-Box ThinkÂing
McLuhan accuÂrateÂly preÂdicts Jihadism and the TalÂiban with “vioÂlence as a search for idenÂtiÂty”, but poor MailÂer, the obsesÂsive VicÂtoÂriÂan mateÂriÂalÂist, labours, his own idenÂtiÂty rapidÂly erodÂing by the minute as though on acid, and a conÂtact high from the point of McLuhan’s earÂly refÂerÂence to “psyÂcheÂdelÂic”. IntimÂiÂdatÂed by McLuhan, he appears to have litÂtle appreÂciÂaÂtion of metaphor (for a writer) and unable to make such leaps to phiÂlosÂoÂphize. An ersatz HemÂmingÂway in juxaÂpoÂsiÂtion. But then, even HemÂmingÂway was no Hemmingway…propelled by priÂmal fear.